Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Consent Agenda Items
II.A. Minutes
II.A.1. Minutes of September 14, 2015
II.B. Deputy Superintendent of Schools
II.B.1. Out-of-State travel request for Rogelio Gonzalez, CTE Teacher at PSJA North EC High School and Moyses Garcia, CTE Teacher at PSJA Southwest EC High School to attend the Paraben Mobile Forensics Fast Track Training in Asburn, Virginia on September 22-26, 2015
II.C. Finance
II.C.1. Functional Budget Amendments
II.C.2. Bids, contracts and/or proposals to be awarded
II.C.2.a. Rescind and Re-Award item #2 of the Tires for Maintenance and Transportation vehicles/$9,917.20
II.C.2.b. Authorization to proceed with the renewal purchase of Atomic Learning Professional Development Program - includes online staff development in areas of technology skills & technology integration into the core curriculum areas for Teachers, Students and Administrators in all subject areas and State Mandated Programs/$65,027.81
II.C.2.c. Award bids for ceiling tile for district wide use/$42,178.35
II.C.2.d. Award bids for Copier Paper for the 2015-16 school year/$366,880.00
II.C.2.e. Consultant Services
II.C.2.e.(1) William MacDonald/for Writing/Personal Narrative to improve STAAR scores/$1,500.00 per day
II.C.3. Authorization to approve the Interlocal Participation Agreement for the GoodBuy Purchasing Cooperative and Shared Service Arrangement for Participation in the GoodBuy Purchasing Cooperative (Region 20 Co-Op) Board Resolution
II.D. Curriculum & Instruction
II.D.1. Request for out-of-State travel to Washington D. C. and New York City for 20 students and five sponsors (Sylvia Lizcano, Noe Galvan, Selma Castillo, Jose Lopez and Cheryl Guajardo) from Yzaguirre Middle School to provide students with the opportunity to gain a new historical perspective by allowing them to explore sites that will make history relevant and exciting
II.D.2. Purchase Spanish II Pre-AP Language Art Textbooks through Instructional Materials Allotment for the 2015-16 school year/$38,517.55
II.D.3. Out-of-State travel request for Miriam Vera and Aliza Guerra Sponsors and 27 Students (Dazzlers) at PSJA Memorial Early College High School to attend dance classes at The Edge and Millennium Dance Complex in North Hollywood, California and perform at Disneyland on March 10-14, 2016
II.E. Construction
II.E.1. Written Progress Reports on new construction projects, construction change directives and change orders
II.E.1.a. ROFA Architects
II.E.1.a.(1) New Palmer Elementary School
II.E.1.a.(2) Demolition of the old Farias Elementary School
II.E.1.a.(3) Weight Rooms at PSJA Early College High School and PSJA Memorial Early College High School
II.E.1.a.(4) Re-Roofing of College, Career and Technology Academy & Napper Elementary School
II.E.1.a.(5) PSJA Stadium Phase II
II.E.1.a.(6) Demolition of the old Garza-Pena/Trevino Elementary School
II.E.1.b. Gignac Architects
II.E.1.b.(1) New Alamo Middle School
II.E.1.b.(2) New Austin Middle School
II.E.1.b.(3) Yzaguirre Middle School
II.E.1.c. Milnet Architects
II.E.1.c.(1) New Ramirez Elementary School
II.F. Human Resources
II.F.1. Employment of Instructional and non-Teaching Professional Personnel
II.G. Reports
II.G.1. Report on fees paid to purchasing cooperatives for the 2015-16 school year
II.G.2. Tax Collector's Report for the month of August 2015
II.G.3. Use of District Facilities
III.A.1. 2015 Proposed Tax Rate
IV. Finance
IV.A. 2015 Proposed Tax Rate
IV.B. Report on Donations to the District
IV.B.1. PSJA Early College High School
IV.B.1.a. Memorial Funeral Home/$300.00/to be used for Folklorico Dance Program
IV.B.1.b. Juanita McLellan-Greuner/$500.00/to be used for Folklorico Dance Program
IV.B.1.c. Elias Blanco/$500.00/to be used for Lady Bears Cross Country Program
IV.C. Resolution nominating a candidate or candidate(s) for the Board of Directors of the Hidalgo County Appraisal District for 2016-17
IV.D. Annual Tax Collection Report for September 1, 2014 through August 31, 2015
V. Human Resources
V.A. 2015-16 Minimum Employment Placement/Salary Policy Manual
V.B. Level III Grievance Hearing for Maria J. Jilpas
VI. Superintendent of Schools
VI.A. Discussion and possible action authorizing the Superintendent to review, finalize and record Notice of Federal Interest on District Building
VI.B. Purchase and/or sale of real estate and/or easements
VII. Executive Session
VII.A. Consultation with Attorney - Gov't Code 551.071 through 551.084
VII.A.1. Level III Grievance Hearing for Maria J. Jilpas
VII.A.2. Discussion regarding legal requirements of Federal Grant to record a Notice of Federal Interest on District Building
VII.A.3. Purchase and/or sale of real estate and/or easements
VIII. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 28, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
II. Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
II.A. Minutes
Subject: |
II.A.1. Minutes of September 14, 2015
Subject: |
II.B. Deputy Superintendent of Schools
Subject: |
II.B.1. Out-of-State travel request for Rogelio Gonzalez, CTE Teacher at PSJA North EC High School and Moyses Garcia, CTE Teacher at PSJA Southwest EC High School to attend the Paraben Mobile Forensics Fast Track Training in Asburn, Virginia on September 22-26, 2015
Subject: |
II.C. Finance
Subject: |
II.C.1. Functional Budget Amendments
Subject: |
II.C.2. Bids, contracts and/or proposals to be awarded
Subject: |
II.C.2.a. Rescind and Re-Award item #2 of the Tires for Maintenance and Transportation vehicles/$9,917.20
Subject: |
II.C.2.b. Authorization to proceed with the renewal purchase of Atomic Learning Professional Development Program - includes online staff development in areas of technology skills & technology integration into the core curriculum areas for Teachers, Students and Administrators in all subject areas and State Mandated Programs/$65,027.81
Subject: |
II.C.2.c. Award bids for ceiling tile for district wide use/$42,178.35
Subject: |
II.C.2.d. Award bids for Copier Paper for the 2015-16 school year/$366,880.00
Subject: |
II.C.2.e. Consultant Services
Subject: |
II.C.2.e.(1) William MacDonald/for Writing/Personal Narrative to improve STAAR scores/$1,500.00 per day
Subject: |
II.C.3. Authorization to approve the Interlocal Participation Agreement for the GoodBuy Purchasing Cooperative and Shared Service Arrangement for Participation in the GoodBuy Purchasing Cooperative (Region 20 Co-Op) Board Resolution
Subject: |
II.D. Curriculum & Instruction
Subject: |
II.D.1. Request for out-of-State travel to Washington D. C. and New York City for 20 students and five sponsors (Sylvia Lizcano, Noe Galvan, Selma Castillo, Jose Lopez and Cheryl Guajardo) from Yzaguirre Middle School to provide students with the opportunity to gain a new historical perspective by allowing them to explore sites that will make history relevant and exciting
Subject: |
II.D.2. Purchase Spanish II Pre-AP Language Art Textbooks through Instructional Materials Allotment for the 2015-16 school year/$38,517.55
Subject: |
II.D.3. Out-of-State travel request for Miriam Vera and Aliza Guerra Sponsors and 27 Students (Dazzlers) at PSJA Memorial Early College High School to attend dance classes at The Edge and Millennium Dance Complex in North Hollywood, California and perform at Disneyland on March 10-14, 2016
Subject: |
II.E. Construction
Subject: |
II.E.1. Written Progress Reports on new construction projects, construction change directives and change orders
Subject: |
II.E.1.a. ROFA Architects
Subject: |
II.E.1.a.(1) New Palmer Elementary School
Subject: |
II.E.1.a.(2) Demolition of the old Farias Elementary School
Subject: |
II.E.1.a.(3) Weight Rooms at PSJA Early College High School and PSJA Memorial Early College High School
Subject: |
II.E.1.a.(4) Re-Roofing of College, Career and Technology Academy & Napper Elementary School
Subject: |
II.E.1.a.(5) PSJA Stadium Phase II
Subject: |
II.E.1.a.(6) Demolition of the old Garza-Pena/Trevino Elementary School
Subject: |
II.E.1.b. Gignac Architects
Subject: |
II.E.1.b.(1) New Alamo Middle School
Subject: |
II.E.1.b.(2) New Austin Middle School
Subject: |
II.E.1.b.(3) Yzaguirre Middle School
Subject: |
II.E.1.c. Milnet Architects
Subject: |
II.E.1.c.(1) New Ramirez Elementary School
Subject: |
II.F. Human Resources
Subject: |
II.F.1. Employment of Instructional and non-Teaching Professional Personnel
Subject: |
II.G. Reports
Subject: |
II.G.1. Report on fees paid to purchasing cooperatives for the 2015-16 school year
Subject: |
II.G.2. Tax Collector's Report for the month of August 2015
Subject: |
II.G.3. Use of District Facilities
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
III.A.1. 2015 Proposed Tax Rate
Subject: |
IV. Finance
Subject: |
IV.A. 2015 Proposed Tax Rate
Subject: |
IV.B. Report on Donations to the District
Subject: |
IV.B.1. PSJA Early College High School
Subject: |
IV.B.1.a. Memorial Funeral Home/$300.00/to be used for Folklorico Dance Program
Subject: |
IV.B.1.b. Juanita McLellan-Greuner/$500.00/to be used for Folklorico Dance Program
Subject: |
IV.B.1.c. Elias Blanco/$500.00/to be used for Lady Bears Cross Country Program
Subject: |
IV.C. Resolution nominating a candidate or candidate(s) for the Board of Directors of the Hidalgo County Appraisal District for 2016-17
Subject: |
IV.D. Annual Tax Collection Report for September 1, 2014 through August 31, 2015
Subject: |
V. Human Resources
Subject: |
V.A. 2015-16 Minimum Employment Placement/Salary Policy Manual
Subject: |
V.B. Level III Grievance Hearing for Maria J. Jilpas
Subject: |
VI. Superintendent of Schools
Subject: |
VI.A. Discussion and possible action authorizing the Superintendent to review, finalize and record Notice of Federal Interest on District Building
Subject: |
VI.B. Purchase and/or sale of real estate and/or easements
Subject: |
VII. Executive Session
Subject: |
VII.A. Consultation with Attorney - Gov't Code 551.071 through 551.084
Subject: |
VII.A.1. Level III Grievance Hearing for Maria J. Jilpas
Subject: |
VII.A.2. Discussion regarding legal requirements of Federal Grant to record a Notice of Federal Interest on District Building
Subject: |
VII.A.3. Purchase and/or sale of real estate and/or easements
Subject: |
VIII. Adjourn