Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Recognition
II.A. Valedictorians and Salutatorians
II.A.1. PSJA Early College High School
II.A.2. PSJA Memorial Early College High School
II.A.3. PSJA North Early College High School
II.A.4. PSJA Southwest Early College High School
II.A.5. PSJA Thomas Jefferson T-STEM Early College High School
II.B. PSJA Southwest Early College High School - Track & Field
II.C. Three PSJA Teams compete at the National Chess Championship
II.D. Three PSJA Schools identified as Title I Reward Schools
II.E. Kelly-Pharr Elementary Robotics Team compete at State
II.F. PSJA Students receive prestigious scholarship awards
III. Consent Agenda Items
III.A. Minutes
III.A.1. April 27, 2015
III.A.2. May 11, 2015
III.B. Deputy Superintendent of Schools
III.B.1. Out-of-State travel request for Karen Hurst, CTE Teacher and 2 students at PSJA Thomas Jefferson T-STEM EC HS to attend the Health Occupations Students of American (HOSA) National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, CA June 23-28, 2015
III.B.2. Out-of-State travel request for Olivia Benford, Parental Engagement Director to attend the 2015 National Family and Community Engagement Conference June 21-24, 2015 in Chicago, Illinois
III.C. Finance
III.C.1. Functional Budget Amendments
III.C.2. Bids, contracts and/or proposals to be awarded
III.C.2.a. Authorization to proceed with the contract termination between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and Daktronics, Inc.
III.C.2.b. Authorization to proceed with the purchase of Mathematics, Social Studies, K-8 Technology Applications and Writing Curriculum for all students/$456,944.09
III.C.2.c. Award Request for Qualifications Statements for District Annual Financial Audit A& CED Compliance Report/Independent Auditor Services
III.C.2.d. Consultant Services
III.C.2.d.(1) Kagan Professional Development for teachers in 6-12 Grades (year to date $13,000.00) serving English Language Learner Students/$8,955.00
III.C.2.e. Award bids for parking lot at Carnahan Elementary School
III.C.3. Use of Facilities for 2015 City of San Juan Run-Off Election
III.C.4. Interlocal Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and the County of Hidalgo for tax assessment and collection/$154,356.00
III.D. Construction
III.D.1. Written Progress Reports on new construction projects, construction change directives and change orders
III.D.1.a. EGV Architects, Inc
III.D.1.a.(1) New LBJ Middle School
III.D.1.b. ROFA Architects
III.D.1.b.(1) New Palmer Elementary School
III.D.1.b.(2) Demolition of the old Farias Elementary School
III.D.1.b.(3) Weight Rooms at PSJA Early College High School and PSJA Memorial Early College High School
III.D.1.b.(4) Re-Roofing of College, Career and Technology Academy & Napper Elementary School
III.D.1.b.(5) PSJA Stadium Phase II (South Parking Lot; field houses; administration parking)
III.D.1.b.(6) Demolition of the old Garza-Pena/Trevino Elementary School
III.D.1.c. Gignac Architects
III.D.1.c.(1) New Alamo Middle School
III.D.1.c.(2) New Austin Middle School
III.D.1.c.(3) Yzaguirre Middle School
III.D.1.d. Milnet Architects
III.D.1.d.(1) New Ramirez Elementary School
III.D.2. Authorization to proceed with advertisement for bids for kitchen/serving line renovation project at PSJA Memorial Early College High School
III.D.3. Authorization to proceed with advertisement for bids for Band practice field at PSJA Early College High School and parking lot at the old Central Office
III.D.4. Substantial Completion of the HVAC Controls at LBJ Middle School
III.D.5. Notice of intent to award engineer services for PSJA Southwest Early College High School softball field re-grading and sod to synthetic turf replacement
III.E. Human Resources
III.E.1. Employment of Instructional and non-Teaching Professional Personnel
III.E.2. Re-Election of Professional Personnel on One Year Contracts
III.E.3. Amend the 2014-15 District's Salary Policy Manual
III.F. Reports
III.F.1. Use of District's Facilities
III.F.2. Tax Collector's Report for the month of April 2015
III.G. Superintendent of Schools
III.G.1. Out-of-State travel request for Arianna Vazquez-Hernandez and Santiago Zavala III to attend the National School Public Relations Association's Annual Seminar July 12-15, 2015 in Nashville, Tennessee.
IV. Report
IV.A. 2014-15 School Year Early College Graduates
V. Support Services
V.A. Purchase and/or sale of real estate and/or easements
VI. Executive Session
VI.A. Consultation with Attorney - Gov't Code 551.071 through 551.084
VI.A.1. Purchase and/or sale of real estate and/or easements
VII. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | May 25, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
II. Recognition
Subject: |
II.A. Valedictorians and Salutatorians
Subject: |
II.A.1. PSJA Early College High School
Subject: |
II.A.2. PSJA Memorial Early College High School
Subject: |
II.A.3. PSJA North Early College High School
Subject: |
II.A.4. PSJA Southwest Early College High School
Subject: |
II.A.5. PSJA Thomas Jefferson T-STEM Early College High School
Subject: |
II.B. PSJA Southwest Early College High School - Track & Field
Subject: |
II.C. Three PSJA Teams compete at the National Chess Championship
Subject: |
II.D. Three PSJA Schools identified as Title I Reward Schools
Subject: |
II.E. Kelly-Pharr Elementary Robotics Team compete at State
Subject: |
II.F. PSJA Students receive prestigious scholarship awards
Subject: |
III. Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
III.A. Minutes
Subject: |
III.A.1. April 27, 2015
Subject: |
III.A.2. May 11, 2015
Subject: |
III.B. Deputy Superintendent of Schools
Subject: |
III.B.1. Out-of-State travel request for Karen Hurst, CTE Teacher and 2 students at PSJA Thomas Jefferson T-STEM EC HS to attend the Health Occupations Students of American (HOSA) National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, CA June 23-28, 2015
Subject: |
III.B.2. Out-of-State travel request for Olivia Benford, Parental Engagement Director to attend the 2015 National Family and Community Engagement Conference June 21-24, 2015 in Chicago, Illinois
Subject: |
III.C. Finance
Subject: |
III.C.1. Functional Budget Amendments
Subject: |
III.C.2. Bids, contracts and/or proposals to be awarded
Subject: |
III.C.2.a. Authorization to proceed with the contract termination between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and Daktronics, Inc.
Subject: |
III.C.2.b. Authorization to proceed with the purchase of Mathematics, Social Studies, K-8 Technology Applications and Writing Curriculum for all students/$456,944.09
Subject: |
III.C.2.c. Award Request for Qualifications Statements for District Annual Financial Audit A& CED Compliance Report/Independent Auditor Services
Subject: |
III.C.2.d. Consultant Services
Subject: |
III.C.2.d.(1) Kagan Professional Development for teachers in 6-12 Grades (year to date $13,000.00) serving English Language Learner Students/$8,955.00
Subject: |
III.C.2.e. Award bids for parking lot at Carnahan Elementary School
Subject: |
III.C.3. Use of Facilities for 2015 City of San Juan Run-Off Election
Subject: |
III.C.4. Interlocal Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and the County of Hidalgo for tax assessment and collection/$154,356.00
Subject: |
III.D. Construction
Subject: |
III.D.1. Written Progress Reports on new construction projects, construction change directives and change orders
Subject: |
III.D.1.a. EGV Architects, Inc
Subject: |
III.D.1.a.(1) New LBJ Middle School
Subject: |
III.D.1.b. ROFA Architects
Subject: |
III.D.1.b.(1) New Palmer Elementary School
Subject: |
III.D.1.b.(2) Demolition of the old Farias Elementary School
Subject: |
III.D.1.b.(3) Weight Rooms at PSJA Early College High School and PSJA Memorial Early College High School
Subject: |
III.D.1.b.(4) Re-Roofing of College, Career and Technology Academy & Napper Elementary School
Subject: |
III.D.1.b.(5) PSJA Stadium Phase II (South Parking Lot; field houses; administration parking)
Subject: |
III.D.1.b.(6) Demolition of the old Garza-Pena/Trevino Elementary School
Subject: |
III.D.1.c. Gignac Architects
Subject: |
III.D.1.c.(1) New Alamo Middle School
Subject: |
III.D.1.c.(2) New Austin Middle School
Subject: |
III.D.1.c.(3) Yzaguirre Middle School
Subject: |
III.D.1.d. Milnet Architects
Subject: |
III.D.1.d.(1) New Ramirez Elementary School
Subject: |
III.D.2. Authorization to proceed with advertisement for bids for kitchen/serving line renovation project at PSJA Memorial Early College High School
Subject: |
III.D.3. Authorization to proceed with advertisement for bids for Band practice field at PSJA Early College High School and parking lot at the old Central Office
Subject: |
III.D.4. Substantial Completion of the HVAC Controls at LBJ Middle School
Subject: |
III.D.5. Notice of intent to award engineer services for PSJA Southwest Early College High School softball field re-grading and sod to synthetic turf replacement
Subject: |
III.E. Human Resources
Subject: |
III.E.1. Employment of Instructional and non-Teaching Professional Personnel
Subject: |
III.E.2. Re-Election of Professional Personnel on One Year Contracts
Subject: |
III.E.3. Amend the 2014-15 District's Salary Policy Manual
Subject: |
III.F. Reports
Subject: |
III.F.1. Use of District's Facilities
Subject: |
III.F.2. Tax Collector's Report for the month of April 2015
Subject: |
III.G. Superintendent of Schools
Subject: |
III.G.1. Out-of-State travel request for Arianna Vazquez-Hernandez and Santiago Zavala III to attend the National School Public Relations Association's Annual Seminar July 12-15, 2015 in Nashville, Tennessee.
Subject: |
Subject: |
IV. Report
Subject: |
IV.A. 2014-15 School Year Early College Graduates
Subject: |
V. Support Services
Subject: |
V.A. Purchase and/or sale of real estate and/or easements
Subject: |
VI. Executive Session
Subject: |
VI.A. Consultation with Attorney - Gov't Code 551.071 through 551.084
Subject: |
VI.A.1. Purchase and/or sale of real estate and/or easements
Subject: |
VII. Adjourn