Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Recognition
II.A. Athletics - Power Lifting Program
II.A.1. PSJA High School Lady Bears
II.A.2. PSJA North High School Lady Raiders
II.A.3. PSJA North High School Raiders
II.A.4. PSJA Memorial High School Lady Wolverine
III. Consent Agenda Items
III.A. Minutes
III.A.1. Minutes of February 24, 2014
III.A.2. Minutes of March 5, 2014
III.A.3. Minutes of March 24, 2014
III.B. Deputy Superintendent of Schools
III.B.1. Resolution endorsing and supporting the High School level course in the study of Mexican-American History and Culture
III.B.2. Out-of-State travel for Curriculum and Instruction Team to travel to Worcester, MA to attend Early College Academic Residency, April 27-29, 2014
III.C. Finance
III.C.1. Functional Budget Amendments
III.C.2. Bids, contracts and/or proposals to be awarded
III.C.2.a. Award bids for filters for Transportation Warehouse/$15,062.66
III.C.2.b. Award Catalog Bids:
III.C.2.b.(1) Achievement, Aptitude, Assessment Testing, Equipment, Services and Supplies
III.C.2.b.(2) Arts & Crafts, Equipment, Services & Supplies
III.C.2.b.(3) Athletic Training, Equipment Services & Supplies
III.C.2.b.(4) Calculators, Graphic, Calculators, Batteries, Battery Chargers, Equipment, Services & Supplies
III.C.2.b.(5) Commercial Kitchen & Cafeteria Equipment, Services & Supplies
III.C.2.c. Award bids for furniture for the new elementary school on Thomas Road
III.C.2.d. Award Request for Proposals for Standardized Dress Code Polo's for students at all campuses/$571,618.00
III.C.2.e. Rescind & re-award items #17a and 23d on Technology Resources
III.C.2.f. Approve purchase of Graphing Calculators for all TTIPS Grant Middle Schools/$99,010.70
III.C.2.g. Consultant Services
III.C.2.g.(1) SureScore/ACT College Entrance Exam/$40,300.00
III.C.2.h. Award bids for musical instruments and equipment/$191,348.62
III.C.2.i. Approve letter of agency, Gulf Coast Utility Services & Vendor List for Utility Bill Audit & Recovery with PSJA ISD for Reconciliation of Utilities Compliance, Rates & Billings
III.C.2.j. Request for authorization to approve the Interlocal Agreement for Transaudit Services Between PSJA ISD and Region 4 Education Service Center
III.C.2.k. Dust Mop Purchases/Cleaning Services-$80,325.44
III.D. Curriculum & Instruction
III.D.1. Waiver for Staff Development Days for 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school years
III.D.2. Waiver for low attendance for the 2013-2014 Application
III.E. Construction
III.E.1. Written Progress Reports on new construction projects, construction change directives and change orders
III.E.1.a. ERO International LLP
III.E.1.a.(1) PSJA North High School Renovations Phase II
III.E.1.a.(2) New elementary school on Thomas Road
III.E.1.b. EGV Architects, Inc.
III.E.1.b.(1) New LBJ Middle School
III.E.1.b.(2) New Garza-Pena Elementary School
III.E.1.c. ROFA Architects
III.E.1.c.(1) District wide Golf Instructional Facilities
III.E.1.c.(2) New Palmer Elementary School
III.E.1.c.(3) Old Ford Elementary School - Partial Demolition
III.E.1.d. Gignac Architects
III.E.1.d.(1) New Longoria Elementary School
III.E.1.d.(2) New Alamo Middle School
III.E.1.d.(3) New Austin Middle School
III.E.1.d.(4) New San Juan Middle School
III.E.1.e. Milnet Architects
III.E.1.e.(1) New Ramirez Elementary School
III.E.1.f. Trinity Engineering
III.E.1.f.(1) Liberty Middle School - Chiller Replacement
III.F. Human Resources
III.F.1. Employment of Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
III.F.2. Out-of-State travel request for Rebeca N. Garza and Leonor Tyler to attend the 2014 i3 Project Directors Meeting in Washington, D. C., June 11-13, 2014
III.F.3. Re-Election of Administrative Personnel on two-year contracts
III.G. Miscellaneous
III.G.1. Donations
III.G.1.a. Pharr Sunrise Kiwanis/$3,333.00/Long Elementary Chess Club Tournament
III.G.1.b. Pharr Sunrise Kiwanis/$3,333.00/Chavez Elementary Chess Club Tournament
III.G.1.c. Monica Uribe/$1,000.00/PSJA Memorial High School basketball program & camp
III.G.1.d. Gignac & Associates, LLP/$150.00/Public Relations for Teacher of the Year Award Breakfast
III.G.1.e. Jaguar Land Rover of San Juan/$1,000.00/Liberty MS for cheerleader program
III.G.1.f. Superior Health Plan/$500.00/Migrant Resource Center for staff end of year luncheon
III.G.1.g. Clark Chevrolet/$300.00/Migrant Resource Center for student Math Camp
III.G.1.h. Rio Grande Valley Music Festival/$1,000.00/Guerra Elementary Music-Fine Arts Cultural Dance Instruction
III.H. Reports
III.H.1. Use of District Facilities
III.H.2. Disbursements for the month of March 2014
III.H.3. Sale of Portables
IV. Construction
IV.A. Update on status of Safe Route to School Program
IV.B. Notice of intent to award Architectural Services for the expansion of the Central Kitchen
V. Finance
V.A. Amendment to Inter-Local Cooperation Agreement for Tax Assessment and Collection
VI. Support Services
VI.A. Sale and/or purchase of real estate/easements
VI.B. Authorize school district attorney to sue performance bond surety on central office construction contract
VI.C. Authorize school district attorney to pursue liquidated damages in connection with the purchase of the Thomas Road property
VI.D. Litigation Status Report
VII. Executive Session
VII.A. Consultation with Attorney Gov't Code 551.071 through 551.084
VII.A.1. Authorize attorney to sue performance bond surety on central office construction contract
VII.A.2. Authorize attorney to pursue liquidated damages in connection with the purchase of the Thomas Road Property
VII.A.3. Sale and/or purchase of real estate/easements
VII.A.4. Litigation Status Report
VIII. Public Comments/Audience Participation
IX. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | April 14, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
II. Recognition
Subject: |
II.A. Athletics - Power Lifting Program
Subject: |
II.A.1. PSJA High School Lady Bears
Subject: |
II.A.2. PSJA North High School Lady Raiders
Subject: |
II.A.3. PSJA North High School Raiders
Subject: |
II.A.4. PSJA Memorial High School Lady Wolverine
Subject: |
III. Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
III.A. Minutes
Subject: |
III.A.1. Minutes of February 24, 2014
Subject: |
III.A.2. Minutes of March 5, 2014
Subject: |
III.A.3. Minutes of March 24, 2014
Subject: |
III.B. Deputy Superintendent of Schools
Subject: |
III.B.1. Resolution endorsing and supporting the High School level course in the study of Mexican-American History and Culture
Subject: |
III.B.2. Out-of-State travel for Curriculum and Instruction Team to travel to Worcester, MA to attend Early College Academic Residency, April 27-29, 2014
Subject: |
III.C. Finance
Subject: |
III.C.1. Functional Budget Amendments
Subject: |
III.C.2. Bids, contracts and/or proposals to be awarded
Subject: |
III.C.2.a. Award bids for filters for Transportation Warehouse/$15,062.66
Subject: |
III.C.2.b. Award Catalog Bids:
Subject: |
III.C.2.b.(1) Achievement, Aptitude, Assessment Testing, Equipment, Services and Supplies
Subject: |
III.C.2.b.(2) Arts & Crafts, Equipment, Services & Supplies
Subject: |
III.C.2.b.(3) Athletic Training, Equipment Services & Supplies
Subject: |
III.C.2.b.(4) Calculators, Graphic, Calculators, Batteries, Battery Chargers, Equipment, Services & Supplies
Subject: |
III.C.2.b.(5) Commercial Kitchen & Cafeteria Equipment, Services & Supplies
Subject: |
III.C.2.c. Award bids for furniture for the new elementary school on Thomas Road
Subject: |
III.C.2.d. Award Request for Proposals for Standardized Dress Code Polo's for students at all campuses/$571,618.00
Subject: |
III.C.2.e. Rescind & re-award items #17a and 23d on Technology Resources
Subject: |
III.C.2.f. Approve purchase of Graphing Calculators for all TTIPS Grant Middle Schools/$99,010.70
Subject: |
III.C.2.g. Consultant Services
Subject: |
III.C.2.g.(1) SureScore/ACT College Entrance Exam/$40,300.00
Subject: |
III.C.2.h. Award bids for musical instruments and equipment/$191,348.62
Subject: |
III.C.2.i. Approve letter of agency, Gulf Coast Utility Services & Vendor List for Utility Bill Audit & Recovery with PSJA ISD for Reconciliation of Utilities Compliance, Rates & Billings
Subject: |
III.C.2.j. Request for authorization to approve the Interlocal Agreement for Transaudit Services Between PSJA ISD and Region 4 Education Service Center
Subject: |
III.C.2.k. Dust Mop Purchases/Cleaning Services-$80,325.44
Subject: |
III.D. Curriculum & Instruction
Subject: |
III.D.1. Waiver for Staff Development Days for 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school years
Subject: |
III.D.2. Waiver for low attendance for the 2013-2014 Application
Subject: |
III.E. Construction
Subject: |
III.E.1. Written Progress Reports on new construction projects, construction change directives and change orders
Subject: |
III.E.1.a. ERO International LLP
Subject: |
III.E.1.a.(1) PSJA North High School Renovations Phase II
Subject: |
III.E.1.a.(2) New elementary school on Thomas Road
Subject: |
III.E.1.b. EGV Architects, Inc.
Subject: |
III.E.1.b.(1) New LBJ Middle School
Subject: |
III.E.1.b.(2) New Garza-Pena Elementary School
Subject: |
III.E.1.c. ROFA Architects
Subject: |
III.E.1.c.(1) District wide Golf Instructional Facilities
Subject: |
III.E.1.c.(2) New Palmer Elementary School
Subject: |
III.E.1.c.(3) Old Ford Elementary School - Partial Demolition
Subject: |
III.E.1.d. Gignac Architects
Subject: |
III.E.1.d.(1) New Longoria Elementary School
Subject: |
III.E.1.d.(2) New Alamo Middle School
Subject: |
III.E.1.d.(3) New Austin Middle School
Subject: |
III.E.1.d.(4) New San Juan Middle School
Subject: |
III.E.1.e. Milnet Architects
Subject: |
III.E.1.e.(1) New Ramirez Elementary School
Subject: |
III.E.1.f. Trinity Engineering
Subject: |
III.E.1.f.(1) Liberty Middle School - Chiller Replacement
Subject: |
III.F. Human Resources
Subject: |
III.F.1. Employment of Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
Subject: |
III.F.2. Out-of-State travel request for Rebeca N. Garza and Leonor Tyler to attend the 2014 i3 Project Directors Meeting in Washington, D. C., June 11-13, 2014
Subject: |
III.F.3. Re-Election of Administrative Personnel on two-year contracts
Subject: |
III.G. Miscellaneous
Subject: |
III.G.1. Donations
Subject: |
III.G.1.a. Pharr Sunrise Kiwanis/$3,333.00/Long Elementary Chess Club Tournament
Subject: |
III.G.1.b. Pharr Sunrise Kiwanis/$3,333.00/Chavez Elementary Chess Club Tournament
Subject: |
III.G.1.c. Monica Uribe/$1,000.00/PSJA Memorial High School basketball program & camp
Subject: |
III.G.1.d. Gignac & Associates, LLP/$150.00/Public Relations for Teacher of the Year Award Breakfast
Subject: |
III.G.1.e. Jaguar Land Rover of San Juan/$1,000.00/Liberty MS for cheerleader program
Subject: |
III.G.1.f. Superior Health Plan/$500.00/Migrant Resource Center for staff end of year luncheon
Subject: |
III.G.1.g. Clark Chevrolet/$300.00/Migrant Resource Center for student Math Camp
Subject: |
III.G.1.h. Rio Grande Valley Music Festival/$1,000.00/Guerra Elementary Music-Fine Arts Cultural Dance Instruction
Subject: |
III.H. Reports
Subject: |
III.H.1. Use of District Facilities
Subject: |
III.H.2. Disbursements for the month of March 2014
Subject: |
III.H.3. Sale of Portables
Subject: |
Subject: |
IV. Construction
Subject: |
IV.A. Update on status of Safe Route to School Program
Subject: |
IV.B. Notice of intent to award Architectural Services for the expansion of the Central Kitchen
Subject: |
V. Finance
Subject: |
V.A. Amendment to Inter-Local Cooperation Agreement for Tax Assessment and Collection
Subject: |
VI. Support Services
Subject: |
VI.A. Sale and/or purchase of real estate/easements
Subject: |
VI.B. Authorize school district attorney to sue performance bond surety on central office construction contract
Subject: |
VI.C. Authorize school district attorney to pursue liquidated damages in connection with the purchase of the Thomas Road property
Subject: |
VI.D. Litigation Status Report
Subject: |
VII. Executive Session
Subject: |
VII.A. Consultation with Attorney Gov't Code 551.071 through 551.084
Subject: |
VII.A.1. Authorize attorney to sue performance bond surety on central office construction contract
Subject: |
VII.A.2. Authorize attorney to pursue liquidated damages in connection with the purchase of the Thomas Road Property
Subject: |
VII.A.3. Sale and/or purchase of real estate/easements
Subject: |
VII.A.4. Litigation Status Report
Subject: |
VIII. Public Comments/Audience Participation
Subject: |
IX. Adjourn