Meeting Agenda
MEETING CALL TO ORDER - The Board of Directors Meeting of the Port Authority of San Antonio will be held by video conference to consider and act upon any lawful subject which may come before said meeting, including, among other, the items listed on the agenda.
This Board meeting may be held using a video conference system called Zoom per Section 379B which allows for the Port to hold "VIRTUAL" meetings. |
CITIZENS TO BE HEARD - Margaret Wilson-Anaglia
1. Approve minutes of the Board of Directors A-Session meeting on August 28, 2024
1. Resolution #09252024-2418 of the Port Authority of San Antonio approving a contract for Medical Insurance benefits with Blue Cross/Blue Shield for the plan year commencing November 1, 2024 - Pat Cruzen
2. Resolution #09252024-2419 of the Port Authority of San Antonio approving the Investment Policy for Fiscal Year 2025 - Pat Cruzen
3. Resolution #09252024-2420 of the Port Authority of San Antonio authorizing the President & CEO to enter into an agreement with Darktrace for Cybersecurity software for an amount not to exceed $329,332 - Alex Hernandez
4. Resolution #09252024-2421 of the Port Authority approving the execution of a Property, Workers' Compensation, Liability Insurance program for the period of October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025 - Curtis Casey
5. Resolution #09252024-2422 of the Port Authority of San Antonio authorizing the negotiation and execution of all documents necessary to refinance the two existing Roberson building loans with a new loan from Frost Bank - Curtis Casey
6. Resolution #09252024-2423 of the Port Authority of San Antonio approving the Board of Directors regular meeting calendar for Fiscal Year 2025 - Caroline Diaz
7. Supply SA briefing - Abigail Ottmers
1. Strategic Planning/Strategic Development discussion - Jim Perschbach
1. Contracts over $100,000 - no contracts
2. August Executive Management Summary
EXECUTIVE SESSION The regular session of the Board of Directors meeting is hereby recessed to hold an Executive Session for the purpose(s):
1. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.072 (deliberations about real property), 551.087 (economic development negotiations), 551.071 (consultation with attorney), and 551.074 (personnel matters), (1) Development projects and (2) President & CEO contract, performance evaluations and incentive compensation
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 25, 2024 at 1:00 PM - Board of Directors Meeting | |
Subject: |
MEETING CALL TO ORDER - The Board of Directors Meeting of the Port Authority of San Antonio will be held by video conference to consider and act upon any lawful subject which may come before said meeting, including, among other, the items listed on the agenda.
This Board meeting may be held using a video conference system called Zoom per Section 379B which allows for the Port to hold "VIRTUAL" meetings. |
Subject: |
CITIZENS TO BE HEARD - Margaret Wilson-Anaglia
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1. Approve minutes of the Board of Directors A-Session meeting on August 28, 2024
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1. Resolution #09252024-2418 of the Port Authority of San Antonio approving a contract for Medical Insurance benefits with Blue Cross/Blue Shield for the plan year commencing November 1, 2024 - Pat Cruzen
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2. Resolution #09252024-2419 of the Port Authority of San Antonio approving the Investment Policy for Fiscal Year 2025 - Pat Cruzen
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3. Resolution #09252024-2420 of the Port Authority of San Antonio authorizing the President & CEO to enter into an agreement with Darktrace for Cybersecurity software for an amount not to exceed $329,332 - Alex Hernandez
Subject: |
4. Resolution #09252024-2421 of the Port Authority approving the execution of a Property, Workers' Compensation, Liability Insurance program for the period of October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025 - Curtis Casey
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5. Resolution #09252024-2422 of the Port Authority of San Antonio authorizing the negotiation and execution of all documents necessary to refinance the two existing Roberson building loans with a new loan from Frost Bank - Curtis Casey
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6. Resolution #09252024-2423 of the Port Authority of San Antonio approving the Board of Directors regular meeting calendar for Fiscal Year 2025 - Caroline Diaz
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7. Supply SA briefing - Abigail Ottmers
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1. Strategic Planning/Strategic Development discussion - Jim Perschbach
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1. Contracts over $100,000 - no contracts
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2. August Executive Management Summary
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EXECUTIVE SESSION The regular session of the Board of Directors meeting is hereby recessed to hold an Executive Session for the purpose(s):
Subject: |
1. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.072 (deliberations about real property), 551.087 (economic development negotiations), 551.071 (consultation with attorney), and 551.074 (personnel matters), (1) Development projects and (2) President & CEO contract, performance evaluations and incentive compensation
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