Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Public Forum
Report on Concerns brought to the Board
Major Topics for Discussion and Action
1. Discuss/approve FBLA national competition event for two students to attend
2. Discuss/approve proposal from Heartland Business Solutions for technology support
3. Discuss/approve Resolution Awarding the Sale of $9,500,000 General Obligation School Building and Improvement Bonds
4. Discuss/approve PMA Investment Plan
5. Discuss/approve Summer School contracts
6. Discuss/approve WIAA 2015-16 Membership Contract
7. Discuss/approve 2015-16 CESA 7 Contract for services
8. Discuss/approve Open Enrollment applications for 2015-16 school year
9. Discuss/approve 2015-16 KHS Student Handbook
10. Discuss/approve purchase of plow truck
Consent Agenda Items
1. Approve Minutes of April 27, 2015
2. Approve payment of the bills in the amount of $359,933.94
3. Approve retirements/resignations
4. Approve new hires
5. Accept donations
Monthly Topics
1. Superintendent Report
1.a. Legislation
1.b. Construction design and planning
1.c. PLC training
2. Director of Business and Human Services Report
2.a. General update
Board Correspondence
Future meeting dates
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | May 18, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
Call to Order
Notices for this meeting have been posted at the public schools, public library, courthouse, Baylake Bank, Union State Bank, Kewaunee County Star News, County Tribute, Herald Times Reporter, WBDK and WDOR Radio, in accordance with WI State Statute 19.84(1)(b).
- Verification of a Quorum - Adjourn to Closed Session per WI State Statutes 19.85(1)(c) to discuss personnel issues |
Subject: |
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approve Agenda as Organized |
Subject: |
Public Forum
Board may not take action on items not on the published agenda. The board meeting is not the place or time for discussion or remarks about specific employees and/or students. Those concerns should be handled through the appropriate chain of communications. Persons who want to make public comments need to submit these prior to the meeting to the School Board. Complete the Open Forum Speaker's Notice form in the School Board Meetings pamphlet, located at the Board Room entrance.
Subject: |
Report on Concerns brought to the Board
Subject: |
Major Topics for Discussion and Action
Subject: |
1. Discuss/approve FBLA national competition event for two students to attend
Subject: |
2. Discuss/approve proposal from Heartland Business Solutions for technology support
Subject: |
3. Discuss/approve Resolution Awarding the Sale of $9,500,000 General Obligation School Building and Improvement Bonds
Subject: |
4. Discuss/approve PMA Investment Plan
Subject: |
5. Discuss/approve Summer School contracts
Subject: |
6. Discuss/approve WIAA 2015-16 Membership Contract
Subject: |
7. Discuss/approve 2015-16 CESA 7 Contract for services
Subject: |
8. Discuss/approve Open Enrollment applications for 2015-16 school year
Subject: |
9. Discuss/approve 2015-16 KHS Student Handbook
Subject: |
10. Discuss/approve purchase of plow truck
Subject: |
Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
1. Approve Minutes of April 27, 2015
Subject: |
2. Approve payment of the bills in the amount of $359,933.94
Subject: |
3. Approve retirements/resignations
Subject: |
4. Approve new hires
Subject: |
5. Accept donations
Subject: |
Monthly Topics
Subject: |
1. Superintendent Report
Subject: |
1.a. Legislation
Subject: |
1.b. Construction design and planning
Subject: |
1.c. PLC training
Subject: |
2. Director of Business and Human Services Report
Subject: |
2.a. General update
Subject: |
Board Correspondence
Subject: |
Future meeting dates
Subject: |