Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. First Order of Business
3. Closed Meeting
4. Reconvene from Closed Meeting
5. Invocation
6. Pledges of Allegiance
7. Open Forum
8. Reports
8.A. Residential Facility (RF) Monitoring and Corrective Action Plan Report
9. Consent Agenda - Discuss and consider approval of:
9.A. Financial Reports
9.A.1. Proposed Budget Amendments, May/June 2008
9.B. Minutes
9.B.1. Work/Study Meeting, May 13, 2008
9.B.2. Regular Meeting, May 19, 2008
9.C. Resolution of Annual Review of Investment Policy
9.D. Resolution Authorizing Participation in the Texas Purchasing Consortium
9.E. Resolution Naming Authorized Representatives - American National Bank, N.A.
9.F. Special Warranty Deed - 1201 Lindsey Street
9.G. Continuation of Agreement with Harner and Associates for Demographic Consulting Services
9.H. PDAS Calendar for the 2008-2009 School Year
9.I. PDAS List of Appraisers for the 2008-2009 School Year
9.J. Bids
9.J.1. #B2008-428 Library Books, Supplies & Service
9.J.2. #B2008-430 Grounds Equipment & Supplies
10. Discussion/Action
10.A. Consider approval of a Resolution Explaining Intent to Exceed or Fall Short of Proposed Expenditure Targets Established by the Commissioner of Education
10.B. Consider approval of 2008-09 Budget Adoption
10.C. Consider approval of Student Welfare Freedom From Harassment - FFH (EXHIBIT)
10.D. Consider approval of the 2008-2009 Student Code of Conduct
10.E. Consider approval of the Strategic Planning Contract
10.F. Consider approval of a contract for installation of security cameras at the high schools
10.G. Consider approval of the acquisition of approximately 96.76 acres located on the north and south side of County Road 204 at County Road 203, in Collin County, Texas
10.H. Consider approval of Personnel Recommendations
10.H.1. Resignations
10.H.2. Retirements
10.H.3. Employments
11. Monthly Reports
11.A. Bond Report
11.B. Energy Report
11.C. Construction/Progress Report
11.D. Transportation Report
11.E. Donations Less Than $5,000
12. Future Business/Meetings
12.A. Work Study Meeting, August 19, 2008
12.B. Regular Meeting, August 25, 2008
13. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 23, 2008 at 7:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
Call to Order
Subject: |
First Order of Business
Announcement by the president whether a quorum is present, that the meeting had been duly called and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and manner required by law.
Subject: |
Closed Meeting
Subject: |
Reconvene from Closed Meeting
Subject: |
Subject: |
Pledges of Allegiance
Subject: |
Open Forum
Subject: |
Subject: |
Residential Facility (RF) Monitoring and Corrective Action Plan Report
Subject: |
Consent Agenda - Discuss and consider approval of:
Subject: |
Financial Reports
Subject: |
Proposed Budget Amendments, May/June 2008
Subject: |
Subject: |
Work/Study Meeting, May 13, 2008
Subject: |
Regular Meeting, May 19, 2008
Subject: |
Resolution of Annual Review of Investment Policy
Subject: |
Resolution Authorizing Participation in the Texas Purchasing Consortium
Subject: |
Resolution Naming Authorized Representatives - American National Bank, N.A.
Subject: |
Special Warranty Deed - 1201 Lindsey Street
Subject: |
Continuation of Agreement with Harner and Associates for Demographic Consulting Services
Subject: |
PDAS Calendar for the 2008-2009 School Year
Subject: |
PDAS List of Appraisers for the 2008-2009 School Year
Subject: |
Subject: |
#B2008-428 Library Books, Supplies & Service
Subject: |
#B2008-430 Grounds Equipment & Supplies
Subject: |
Subject: |
Consider approval of a Resolution Explaining Intent to Exceed or Fall Short of Proposed Expenditure Targets Established by the Commissioner of Education
Subject: |
Consider approval of 2008-09 Budget Adoption
Subject: |
Consider approval of Student Welfare Freedom From Harassment - FFH (EXHIBIT)
Subject: |
Consider approval of the 2008-2009 Student Code of Conduct
Subject: |
Consider approval of the Strategic Planning Contract
Subject: |
Consider approval of a contract for installation of security cameras at the high schools
Subject: |
Consider approval of the acquisition of approximately 96.76 acres located on the north and south side of County Road 204 at County Road 203, in Collin County, Texas
Subject: |
Consider approval of Personnel Recommendations
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Monthly Reports
Subject: |
Bond Report
Subject: |
Energy Report
Subject: |
Construction/Progress Report
Subject: |
Transportation Report
Subject: |
Donations Less Than $5,000
Subject: |
Future Business/Meetings
Subject: |
Work Study Meeting, August 19, 2008
Subject: |
Regular Meeting, August 25, 2008
Subject: |