Meeting Agenda
1) Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum
2) Invocation
3) Pledge of Allegiance
4) Public Comments/Open Forum: BED(LOCAL)
5) Awards and recognitions.
6) Consent Agenda: All items(s) on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine and will be enacted with one motion and a majority vote of the governing body. There will not be a separate discussion of these item(s) unless a member of the governing body or a citizen requests, in which event these items(s) will be removed from the order of business and considered in normal sequence on the regular agenda.
6)a. District Investments Reports/ Financial Reports/Budget Amendments
6)b. Read and approve board minutes:
6)c. TASB Update 121, first read.
6)d. NETCAT SSA contract.
7) Executive Session: Executive Session will be held for the purpose of consideration of matters for which closed or executive sessions are authorized by Title 5, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Section (551.071), (551,072), (551.074), (551.087).
8) Board to reconvene into open session.
9) Administrative Reports
9)a. Elementary Principal / Transportation
9)b. High School Principal
9)c. Police Department Report / Maintenance
9)d. Athletic Director Report
9)e. Technology Report
9)f. Business Manager Report
9)g. Superintendent Report
10) Discussion items.
10)a. Budget workshop with Fred Wilkerson.
10)b. Discuss additional employee benefits to include a stipend for employees who do not participate in TRS ActiveCare and increase in amount district pays toward insurance insurance for those that do.
10)c. Discuss facilities and maintenance.
10)d. Review board training hours.
10)e. Discuss financial options created by Live Oak Financial Services.
11) Action Items: The board will consider, discuss and take appropriate action regarding the following items:
11)a. Discuss and consider Superintendent contract.
11)b. Consider student lunch price increase for the 2023-2024 school year.
11)c. Consider TASB Nomination.
11)d. Discuss and consider Cheer Handbook.
11)e. Discuss and consider Athletic Handbook.
11)f. Consider possible action on resolution finding good cause to develop an alternative standard to provide a security officer in the new Education Code § 37.0814, which takes effect on September 1, 2023.
11)g. Discuss and consider contract with MSB for SHARS.
12) Future agenda items.
13) Adjourn.
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 15, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1) Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum
Jason Hudson called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Subject: |
2) Invocation
David Tremor led the invocation.
Subject: |
3) Pledge of Allegiance
Shelly Slaughter led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Subject: |
4) Public Comments/Open Forum: BED(LOCAL)
There was no public comment.
Subject: |
5) Awards and recognitions.
The board recognized the new faculty and staff for the upcoming year.
The board recessed at 7:12 pm. to meet and greet new employees and reconvened into open session at 7:19 pm. |
Subject: |
6) Consent Agenda: All items(s) on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine and will be enacted with one motion and a majority vote of the governing body. There will not be a separate discussion of these item(s) unless a member of the governing body or a citizen requests, in which event these items(s) will be removed from the order of business and considered in normal sequence on the regular agenda.
Subject: |
6)a. District Investments Reports/ Financial Reports/Budget Amendments
Subject: |
6)b. Read and approve board minutes:
Subject: |
6)c. TASB Update 121, first read.
Subject: |
6)d. NETCAT SSA contract.
Subject: |
7) Executive Session: Executive Session will be held for the purpose of consideration of matters for which closed or executive sessions are authorized by Title 5, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Section (551.071), (551,072), (551.074), (551.087).
The board went into closed executive session at 8:24 pm.
Subject: |
8) Board to reconvene into open session.
The board reconvened into open session at 9:01 pm
Subject: |
9) Administrative Reports
Subject: |
9)a. Elementary Principal / Transportation
Doug Wicks submitted a written report on the elementary school.
Subject: |
9)b. High School Principal
Megan Petty submitted a written high school report.
Subject: |
9)c. Police Department Report / Maintenance
Tony Crouse submitted the police/maintenance report.
Subject: |
9)d. Athletic Director Report
Tom Dracos submitted the written athletic report.
Subject: |
9)e. Technology Report
Jeremy Bain submitted a written technology report.
Subject: |
9)f. Business Manager Report
Brenda Salinas submitted a written business report.
Subject: |
9)g. Superintendent Report
Shelly Slaughter presented the district report.. She reported on board planning, professional development, faculty and staff updates, student updates, committee and community updates, and facilities updates.
Subject: |
10) Discussion items.
Subject: |
10)a. Budget workshop with Fred Wilkerson.
Fred Wilkerson presented a budget workshop for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.
Subject: |
10)b. Discuss additional employee benefits to include a stipend for employees who do not participate in TRS ActiveCare and increase in amount district pays toward insurance insurance for those that do.
A brief discussion was held on additional employee benefits to include a stipend for employees who do not participate in TRS ActiveCare and increase the amount paid towards insurance for those that do.
Subject: |
10)c. Discuss facilities and maintenance.
The board discussed the facilites and maintenance.
Subject: |
10)d. Review board training hours.
The board reviewed their board training hours for 2023.
Subject: |
10)e. Discuss financial options created by Live Oak Financial Services.
The board reviewed financial options created by Live Oak Financial.
Subject: |
11) Action Items: The board will consider, discuss and take appropriate action regarding the following items:
Subject: |
11)a. Discuss and consider Superintendent contract.
Subject: |
11)b. Consider student lunch price increase for the 2023-2024 school year.
Subject: |
11)c. Consider TASB Nomination.
There was no motion. This died on the floor.
Subject: |
11)d. Discuss and consider Cheer Handbook.
Subject: |
11)e. Discuss and consider Athletic Handbook.
Subject: |
11)f. Consider possible action on resolution finding good cause to develop an alternative standard to provide a security officer in the new Education Code § 37.0814, which takes effect on September 1, 2023.
Subject: |
11)g. Discuss and consider contract with MSB for SHARS.
Subject: |
12) Future agenda items.
The future agenda items discussed were a special board meeting on August 3 and changing date of regular meeting to August 24.
Subject: |
13) Adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm.