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Meeting Agenda
1.A. Governing Board Retreat - Discussion and Study of General Issues Affecting the District through Fiscal Year 2017-2018 to include:

        1.  Board and Superintendent Goals and Expectations
        2.  Core Values and Beliefs

        3.  Student Achievement and Engagement Strategies

        4.  Construction and Facilities including:
             a.  Status of Bond-Funded Properties Improvements
             b.  Proposed Property Improvements
             c.  Property Development

        5.  Human Resources including:
             a.  Evaluation System Development
             b.  Anticipated Staffing Needs, Recruitment and Retention
             c.  Technology Implementation and Issues
             d.  Facilities
             e.  Compensation History, Structures and Issues
             f.  Employment Contracts
        6.  Policy, Procedure and Practice including:
             a.  Communication Protocols
             b.  Grading and Assessment
             c.  Curriculum, Pedagogy and Programs
             d.  Community Engagement and Communication Efforts
             e.  Graduation Credits for High School - Determination Issues
             f.  School Schedules and Calendars
             g.  Student Rights
             h.  Community Engagement and Partnerships
        7.  Budget Development Issues including:
             a.  Affordable Care Act
             b.  Meet and Confer Process
             c.  The State Budget 
             d.  Budget History and Elements; Revenues and Costs
             e.  Federal Funding 
             f.   Bonds and Override in General
             g.  Enrollment - Attraction and Retention of Students
             h.  Facility Use by Third Parties
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: December 7, 2015 at 4:00 PM - SPECIAL PUBLIC MEETING
1.A. Governing Board Retreat - Discussion and Study of General Issues Affecting the District through Fiscal Year 2017-2018 to include:

        1.  Board and Superintendent Goals and Expectations
        2.  Core Values and Beliefs

        3.  Student Achievement and Engagement Strategies

        4.  Construction and Facilities including:
             a.  Status of Bond-Funded Properties Improvements
             b.  Proposed Property Improvements
             c.  Property Development

        5.  Human Resources including:
             a.  Evaluation System Development
             b.  Anticipated Staffing Needs, Recruitment and Retention
             c.  Technology Implementation and Issues
             d.  Facilities
             e.  Compensation History, Structures and Issues
             f.  Employment Contracts
        6.  Policy, Procedure and Practice including:
             a.  Communication Protocols
             b.  Grading and Assessment
             c.  Curriculum, Pedagogy and Programs
             d.  Community Engagement and Communication Efforts
             e.  Graduation Credits for High School - Determination Issues
             f.  School Schedules and Calendars
             g.  Student Rights
             h.  Community Engagement and Partnerships
        7.  Budget Development Issues including:
             a.  Affordable Care Act
             b.  Meet and Confer Process
             c.  The State Budget 
             d.  Budget History and Elements; Revenues and Costs
             e.  Federal Funding 
             f.   Bonds and Override in General
             g.  Enrollment - Attraction and Retention of Students
             h.  Facility Use by Third Parties

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