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Meeting Agenda
I. Let the record show that all the Board Members and the Superintendent are present.
Let the record show the Administrators that are present.
II. This meeting is for the purpose of reorganization of the School board from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.
III. Nomination of Officers:  President, Vice-President, and Secretary.
IV. May I have a nomination for President.  Motion by __________ for __________ to serve as President.  Seconded by __________.   Motion carried. 
V. May I have a nomination for Vice-President.  Motioned by __________ for __________ to serve as Vice-President.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.
VI. May I have a nomination for Secretary.  Motioned by __________ for __________ to serve as Secretary.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.
VII. We need to appoint a Board Member as representative to the Special Education Cooperative.

May I have a nomination.  Motion by __________ for __________ to serve as representative of the Special Education Cooperative.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.
VIII. We need to appoint a Board member as representative of Head Start.

May I have a nomination.  Motioned by __________ for __________ to serve as representative to Head Start.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.
IX. We need to appoint a Board member as Legislative Liaison.

May I have a nomination.  Motioned by __________ for __________ to serve as the Legislative Liaison.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.
X. We need to elect a President and Secretary for the Board of Finance.

May I have a nomination for President of the Board of Finance.

Motioned by __________ for __________ to serve as President for the Board of Finance.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.

May I have a nomination for Secretary of the Board of Finance.

Motioned by __________ for __________ to serve as Secretary for the Board of Finance.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.
XI. Recommend that Chris Akers be reappointed as Treasurer.

Motioned by __________.  Seconded __________.  Motion carried.
XII. Recommend that the Lake Ridge New Tech Schools designates the Times and the Post Tribune newspapers to publish legal notices during the 2022 school year.

Motioned by __________.  Seconded __________.  Motion carried.
XIII. Recommend that our regular school board meeting dates for the 2022 school year will be the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 6:00 P.M.

Motioned by __________.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.
XIV. Recommend the Conflict of Interest and Compact and Code of Ethics be approved.

Motioned by __________.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.
XV. Consider Expulsion Hearigs.  Will or will not the Board hear expulsion hearings?

Do I have a recommendation for:

_____ the board Will hear expulsion hearings
_____ the Board Will Not hear expulsion hearings.

Motioned by __________.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.
XVI. Adjournment

__________ moved.  __________ seconded.  Motion carried.
XVII. Do I have a motion on this recommendation?

Motioned by __________.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: January 13, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Special Meeting
I. Let the record show that all the Board Members and the Superintendent are present.
Let the record show the Administrators that are present.
II. This meeting is for the purpose of reorganization of the School board from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.
III. Nomination of Officers:  President, Vice-President, and Secretary.
IV. May I have a nomination for President.  Motion by __________ for __________ to serve as President.  Seconded by __________.   Motion carried. 
V. May I have a nomination for Vice-President.  Motioned by __________ for __________ to serve as Vice-President.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.
VI. May I have a nomination for Secretary.  Motioned by __________ for __________ to serve as Secretary.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.
VII. We need to appoint a Board Member as representative to the Special Education Cooperative.

May I have a nomination.  Motion by __________ for __________ to serve as representative of the Special Education Cooperative.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.
VIII. We need to appoint a Board member as representative of Head Start.

May I have a nomination.  Motioned by __________ for __________ to serve as representative to Head Start.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.
IX. We need to appoint a Board member as Legislative Liaison.

May I have a nomination.  Motioned by __________ for __________ to serve as the Legislative Liaison.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.
X. We need to elect a President and Secretary for the Board of Finance.

May I have a nomination for President of the Board of Finance.

Motioned by __________ for __________ to serve as President for the Board of Finance.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.

May I have a nomination for Secretary of the Board of Finance.

Motioned by __________ for __________ to serve as Secretary for the Board of Finance.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.
XI. Recommend that Chris Akers be reappointed as Treasurer.

Motioned by __________.  Seconded __________.  Motion carried.
XII. Recommend that the Lake Ridge New Tech Schools designates the Times and the Post Tribune newspapers to publish legal notices during the 2022 school year.

Motioned by __________.  Seconded __________.  Motion carried.
XIII. Recommend that our regular school board meeting dates for the 2022 school year will be the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 6:00 P.M.

Motioned by __________.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.
XIV. Recommend the Conflict of Interest and Compact and Code of Ethics be approved.

Motioned by __________.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.
XV. Consider Expulsion Hearigs.  Will or will not the Board hear expulsion hearings?

Do I have a recommendation for:

_____ the board Will hear expulsion hearings
_____ the Board Will Not hear expulsion hearings.

Motioned by __________.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.
XVI. Adjournment

__________ moved.  __________ seconded.  Motion carried.
XVII. Do I have a motion on this recommendation?

Motioned by __________.  Seconded by __________.  Motion carried.
Review and approve depositories (bank) and balances as of December 31, 2021 (IC 5-13-7-7)

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