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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Moment of Silence
3. Public Comments:

Reasonable restraints on the number, length, and frequency of presentations are permissible. The board may limit the number of persons it will hear on a particular subject and the frequency with which they may appear, so long as the regulation does not abridge constitutionally guaranteed rights of freedom of speech and to petition, nor unfairly discriminate among views seeking expression. Atty. Gen. Op. H-188 (1973)
4. Superintendent's Report
4.A. Reorganization of the Board
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Minutes of December 19, 2014.
6. Information:
6.A. Report on the Qualified School Construction Bonds
6.B. Report on the Enrollment and Attendance as of January 5, 2015
6.C. Report on the 2013-2014 Texas Academic Performance Report
7. Action Items: Governance
7.A. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the resolution to amend the charter lottery date to June 1st or the first Monday of June.
7.B. Discuss and take appropriate action to submit a non expansion amendment to TEA to change the lottery date.
7.C. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the Debt Policy.
7.D. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the Succession Policy.
7.E. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve a site expansion amendment to TEA to add 7142 Cherry Park, Houston, Texas 77095 and name the campus Horizon Montessori- Houston.
7.F. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve an additional site at 7142 Cherry Park, Houston, Texas 77095
8. Finance:
8.A. Approval of the comprehensive financial audit for fiscal year ending August 31, 2014.
8.B. Approval of the additional closing costs related to the 2014 Qualified School Construction Bonds.
8.C. Approval of the longevity pay recipients for May 2015.
8.D. Approve Joy D. Cain to offer educational services to South Texas Educational Technologies, Inc.
9. Construction:
9.A. Approval of the design of the administration buildings and to request bids/proposals for the project.
9.B. Approval of the design of the auditorium building and to request bids/proposals for the project.
9.C. Approval of the design and construction of a warehouse building at the 5 acres in Mercedes. Approximate budget: $50,000.00.
10. Financing:
11. Consider and approve the request for additional financing from Regions Bank, if needed to complete the auditorium project.
12. Executive Session- Closed Session
12.A. Houston Properties
13. Action, If Necessary, on Items Discussed in Closed Meeting
14. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: January 14, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Moment of Silence
3. Public Comments:

Reasonable restraints on the number, length, and frequency of presentations are permissible. The board may limit the number of persons it will hear on a particular subject and the frequency with which they may appear, so long as the regulation does not abridge constitutionally guaranteed rights of freedom of speech and to petition, nor unfairly discriminate among views seeking expression. Atty. Gen. Op. H-188 (1973)
4. Superintendent's Report
4.A. Reorganization of the Board
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Minutes of December 19, 2014.
6. Information:
6.A. Report on the Qualified School Construction Bonds
6.B. Report on the Enrollment and Attendance as of January 5, 2015
6.C. Report on the 2013-2014 Texas Academic Performance Report
7. Action Items: Governance
7.A. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the resolution to amend the charter lottery date to June 1st or the first Monday of June.
7.B. Discuss and take appropriate action to submit a non expansion amendment to TEA to change the lottery date.
7.C. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the Debt Policy.
7.D. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the Succession Policy.
7.E. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve a site expansion amendment to TEA to add 7142 Cherry Park, Houston, Texas 77095 and name the campus Horizon Montessori- Houston.
7.F. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve an additional site at 7142 Cherry Park, Houston, Texas 77095
8. Finance:
8.A. Approval of the comprehensive financial audit for fiscal year ending August 31, 2014.
8.B. Approval of the additional closing costs related to the 2014 Qualified School Construction Bonds.
8.C. Approval of the longevity pay recipients for May 2015.
8.D. Approve Joy D. Cain to offer educational services to South Texas Educational Technologies, Inc.
9. Construction:
9.A. Approval of the design of the administration buildings and to request bids/proposals for the project.
9.B. Approval of the design of the auditorium building and to request bids/proposals for the project.
9.C. Approval of the design and construction of a warehouse building at the 5 acres in Mercedes. Approximate budget: $50,000.00.
10. Financing:
11. Consider and approve the request for additional financing from Regions Bank, if needed to complete the auditorium project.
12. Executive Session- Closed Session
12.A. Houston Properties
13. Action, If Necessary, on Items Discussed in Closed Meeting
14. Adjournment

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