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Meeting Agenda
A. CALL TO ORDER   (Ms. Lupe)
B. ROLL CALL    (Ms. Mitchell)
C. ADOPT AGENDA   (Ms. Lupe, Action)
D. Construction Update. (Mr. Sempert, Information)
E. District Facilities Update. (Mr. Goldtooth, Information)
F. Review DRAFT July 10, 2024 Board Meeting Agenda and DRAFT Personnel Report.  (Mrs. Lacapa, Information)

The Governing Board will not take any actions at this meeting other than to adopt the agenda and adjourn the meeting.
G. ADJOURNMENT  (Ms. Lupe, Action)
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: July 3, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Work-Study Special Board Meeting
A. CALL TO ORDER   (Ms. Lupe)
B. ROLL CALL    (Ms. Mitchell)
C. ADOPT AGENDA   (Ms. Lupe, Action)
D. Construction Update. (Mr. Sempert, Information)
E. District Facilities Update. (Mr. Goldtooth, Information)
F. Review DRAFT July 10, 2024 Board Meeting Agenda and DRAFT Personnel Report.  (Mrs. Lacapa, Information)

The Governing Board will not take any actions at this meeting other than to adopt the agenda and adjourn the meeting.
G. ADJOURNMENT  (Ms. Lupe, Action)

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