Meeting Agenda
A. CALL TO ORDER (Board President)
B. ROLL CALL (Ms. Mitchell)
C. ADOPT AGENDA (Board President, Action)
D. CALL TO THE PUBLIC (Board President, Information)
Whiteriver Unified School District welcomes public comment. As outlined in A.R.S. § 38-431.02, no action will be taken on items raised in Public Comments unless such items are found on the agenda below. Items raised in public comments may be directed to staff for review or may be placed on a future meeting agenda. |
E.1. Retirement Award
E.2. Governing Board Awards
E.3. Priority 2 Student Wellbeing. Indian Health Service (I.H.S.) Community Wellness Update. Review of community health and wellness data and recommendations from the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) regarding return to in-person instruction. (Ms. Pocock, Information)
E.4. Priority 3 Inclusive Communication. Data Presentation. Mrs. Warwick will be presenting Middle of the year benchmark data for K-12. This will be compared to Pretest data from August and next steps for the grade levels will be discussed. (Ms. Warwick, Information)
F.1. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings: (Board President, Action)
F.1.a. November 10, 2021 Regular Board Meeting.
F.1.b. December 01, 2021 Work-Study Special and Executive Board Meetings
F.1.c. December 04, 2021 Special Board Meeting
F.1.d. December 08, 2021 Regular Board Meeting
F.2. Approve Expense and Payroll Vouchers: (Board President, Action)
F.3. Approve Personnel Reports: (Board President, Action)
F.3.a. Hiring Certified/Support Staff; Leaves of Absence; Resignations; Additional Staffing; Reclassifications; Terminations.
F.4. Approval of Donations and Grants: (Board President, Information)
F.4.a. None
F.5. Approval of Travel: (Board President, Action)
F.5.a. District Office
F.5.b. Seven Mile Elementary School
F.5.c. Alchesay High School Boys and Girls Basketball teams travel to Tse Bonito, New Mexico on January 10, 2022 to participate in games. **retroactive**
F.5.d. Alchesay High School Wrestling travel to Farmington, New Mexico on January 14-15, 2022 to participate in a Wrestling Tournament.
F.5.e. Alchesay High School Wrestling travel to Tse Bonito, New Mexico on February 02, 2022 to participate in the 3A North Wrestling Tournament.
F.5.f. Alchesay High School baseball and softball teams travel to Tse Bonito, New Mexico on March 12, 2022 to participate in games.
F.5.g. Alchesay High School Baseball team travel to Laughlin, Nevada and Mohave Valley, Arizona on March 17-19, 2022 to participate in the Route Sixty-six Classic.
G.1. None
H.1. Discussion and possible action to accept the December 2021 Monthly Financial Report for the Whiteriver Unified School District. (Ms. Sedillo, Action)
H.2. Discussion and possible action to approve the replacement and disposal of aged HVAC units at the District Office I and II, Alchesay High School and IT server rooms located at school sites. (Ms. Sedillo, Action)
H.3. Discussion and possible action to approve CORE Construction to proceed with installing play field fencing. (Mr. Sempert, Action)
H.4. Discussion and possible action to approve the adoption of Aim for Algebra for the Math Intervention Program for Pre-Algebra for the High School. (Ms. Warwick, Action)
H.5. Discussion and possible action to approve revised WUSD Return to Learn Plan. (Ms. Plath, Action)
H.6. Discussion and possible action to suspend Board Policy BGB Policy Adoption related to a first and second reading of recommended adoption of Policies GCQF- Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of Professional Staff Member, Regulation GDCG-RA - Support Staff Voluntary Transfer of Accrued Sick Leave, Regulation IHBJ-R - Indian Education (Native American/Indian Education), Regulation IIB-R - Class Size (Special Education), IJNDB - Use of Technology Resources in Instruction, IKAB - Report Cards/Progress Reports. (Ms. Plath, Action)
H.7. Discussion and possible action to approve Governing Board Policy GCQF - Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of Professional Staff Member. (Ms. Plath, Action)
H.8. Discussion and possible action to approve Governing Board Policy GDCG-RA Regulation- Support Staff Voluntary Transfer of Accrued Sick Leave. (Ms. Plath, Action)
H.9. Discussion and possible action to approve Governing Board Policy Regulation IHBJ-R - Indian Education (Native American/Indian Education). (Ms. Plath, Action)
H.10. Discussion and possible action to approve Governing Board Policy Regulation IIB-R - Class Size (Special Education). (Ms. Plath, Action)
H.11. Discussion and possible action to approve Governing Board Policy IJNDB - Use of Technology Resources in Instruction. (Ms. Plath, Action)
H.12. Discussion and possible action to approve Governing Board Policy IKAB - Report Cards/Progress Reports. (Ms. Plath, Action)
I. FUTURE MEETINGS/LOCATION (Board President, Information)
February 09, 2022 March 09, 2022 April 13, 2022 Location: Whiteriver Unified School District 959 S. Chief Avenue, Whiteriver, AZ |
J. ADJOURNMENT (Board President, Action)
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 12, 2022 at 6:15 PM - Regular Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
A. CALL TO ORDER (Board President)
Subject: |
B. ROLL CALL (Ms. Mitchell)
Subject: |
C. ADOPT AGENDA (Board President, Action)
Subject: |
D. CALL TO THE PUBLIC (Board President, Information)
Whiteriver Unified School District welcomes public comment. As outlined in A.R.S. § 38-431.02, no action will be taken on items raised in Public Comments unless such items are found on the agenda below. Items raised in public comments may be directed to staff for review or may be placed on a future meeting agenda. |
Subject: |
Subject: |
E.1. Retirement Award
Subject: |
E.2. Governing Board Awards
Subject: |
E.3. Priority 2 Student Wellbeing. Indian Health Service (I.H.S.) Community Wellness Update. Review of community health and wellness data and recommendations from the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) regarding return to in-person instruction. (Ms. Pocock, Information)
Subject: |
E.4. Priority 3 Inclusive Communication. Data Presentation. Mrs. Warwick will be presenting Middle of the year benchmark data for K-12. This will be compared to Pretest data from August and next steps for the grade levels will be discussed. (Ms. Warwick, Information)
Subject: |
Subject: |
F.1. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings: (Board President, Action)
Subject: |
F.1.a. November 10, 2021 Regular Board Meeting.
Subject: |
F.1.b. December 01, 2021 Work-Study Special and Executive Board Meetings
Subject: |
F.1.c. December 04, 2021 Special Board Meeting
Subject: |
F.1.d. December 08, 2021 Regular Board Meeting
Subject: |
F.2. Approve Expense and Payroll Vouchers: (Board President, Action)
Subject: |
F.3. Approve Personnel Reports: (Board President, Action)
Subject: |
F.3.a. Hiring Certified/Support Staff; Leaves of Absence; Resignations; Additional Staffing; Reclassifications; Terminations.
Subject: |
F.4. Approval of Donations and Grants: (Board President, Information)
Subject: |
F.4.a. None
Subject: |
F.5. Approval of Travel: (Board President, Action)
Subject: |
F.5.a. District Office
Subject: |
F.5.b. Seven Mile Elementary School
Subject: |
F.5.c. Alchesay High School Boys and Girls Basketball teams travel to Tse Bonito, New Mexico on January 10, 2022 to participate in games. **retroactive**
Subject: |
F.5.d. Alchesay High School Wrestling travel to Farmington, New Mexico on January 14-15, 2022 to participate in a Wrestling Tournament.
Subject: |
F.5.e. Alchesay High School Wrestling travel to Tse Bonito, New Mexico on February 02, 2022 to participate in the 3A North Wrestling Tournament.
Subject: |
F.5.f. Alchesay High School baseball and softball teams travel to Tse Bonito, New Mexico on March 12, 2022 to participate in games.
Subject: |
F.5.g. Alchesay High School Baseball team travel to Laughlin, Nevada and Mohave Valley, Arizona on March 17-19, 2022 to participate in the Route Sixty-six Classic.
Subject: |
Subject: |
G.1. None
Subject: |
Subject: |
H.1. Discussion and possible action to accept the December 2021 Monthly Financial Report for the Whiteriver Unified School District. (Ms. Sedillo, Action)
Subject: |
H.2. Discussion and possible action to approve the replacement and disposal of aged HVAC units at the District Office I and II, Alchesay High School and IT server rooms located at school sites. (Ms. Sedillo, Action)
Subject: |
H.3. Discussion and possible action to approve CORE Construction to proceed with installing play field fencing. (Mr. Sempert, Action)
Subject: |
H.4. Discussion and possible action to approve the adoption of Aim for Algebra for the Math Intervention Program for Pre-Algebra for the High School. (Ms. Warwick, Action)
Subject: |
H.5. Discussion and possible action to approve revised WUSD Return to Learn Plan. (Ms. Plath, Action)
Subject: |
H.6. Discussion and possible action to suspend Board Policy BGB Policy Adoption related to a first and second reading of recommended adoption of Policies GCQF- Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of Professional Staff Member, Regulation GDCG-RA - Support Staff Voluntary Transfer of Accrued Sick Leave, Regulation IHBJ-R - Indian Education (Native American/Indian Education), Regulation IIB-R - Class Size (Special Education), IJNDB - Use of Technology Resources in Instruction, IKAB - Report Cards/Progress Reports. (Ms. Plath, Action)
Subject: |
H.7. Discussion and possible action to approve Governing Board Policy GCQF - Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of Professional Staff Member. (Ms. Plath, Action)
Subject: |
H.8. Discussion and possible action to approve Governing Board Policy GDCG-RA Regulation- Support Staff Voluntary Transfer of Accrued Sick Leave. (Ms. Plath, Action)
Subject: |
H.9. Discussion and possible action to approve Governing Board Policy Regulation IHBJ-R - Indian Education (Native American/Indian Education). (Ms. Plath, Action)
Subject: |
H.10. Discussion and possible action to approve Governing Board Policy Regulation IIB-R - Class Size (Special Education). (Ms. Plath, Action)
Subject: |
H.11. Discussion and possible action to approve Governing Board Policy IJNDB - Use of Technology Resources in Instruction. (Ms. Plath, Action)
Subject: |
H.12. Discussion and possible action to approve Governing Board Policy IKAB - Report Cards/Progress Reports. (Ms. Plath, Action)
Subject: |
I. FUTURE MEETINGS/LOCATION (Board President, Information)
February 09, 2022 March 09, 2022 April 13, 2022 Location: Whiteriver Unified School District 959 S. Chief Avenue, Whiteriver, AZ |
Subject: |
J. ADJOURNMENT (Board President, Action)