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Meeting Agenda
I. Listed below are the financial and operational items to be reviewed by Business Committee Members William B. Johnson, Chairperson, Ricardo Molina and Juan Antonio Molina, Jr. with recommendations for action to be made at the next Regular Board Meeting:
I.A. Action Items to be Reviewed at the Regular Board Meeting on July 25, 2007 with recommendations to be made by Business Committee.
I.A.1. Approval of Monthly Disbursements
I.A.2. Approval of Property Tax Refunds for the Month of June 2007
I.A.3. Submit Certified 2006 Excess Debt Collections and Estimated 2007 Debt Collections
I.A.4. Approval of Awarding Bids, Proposals and Qualifications
I.A.5. Renewal of District Property and Casualty Insurance
I.A.6. Renewal of the District Workers' Compensation Insurance Program
I.A.7. Award of District Student Extra-Curricular Insurance Contract
I.A.8. First Reading of Revised Policy DEA (LOCAL) - Compensation and Benefits: Salaries, Wages, and Stipends
I.A.9. Second Reading of Revised Policy DC (LOCAL): Employment Practices
I.A.10. Board Travel for the Month of July 2007
I.A.11. First and Final Reading re: changes to Board Policy BBB (local) with respect to Board members terms of office, in accordance with Sections 11.081 and 11.059 of the Texas Education Code and in compliance with Texas AG Opinion GA--535.
I.A.12. Adoption of Resolution to Change Board Members Terms of Office, in accordance with Sections 11.081 and 11.059 of the Texas Education Code and in compliance with Texas AG Opinion GA-0535.
I.B. Informational Items to be presented to the Business Committee.
I.B.1. Finance Division Monthly Financial Report
I.B.2. New Teacher Hires, Administrative New Hires/Promotion & Resignations of Professional Employees
I.B.3. 2006 Taxes Turned over to the Delinquent Tax Attorney for Collection
II. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: July 17, 2007 at 7:00 PM - Business Committee
I. Listed below are the financial and operational items to be reviewed by Business Committee Members William B. Johnson, Chairperson, Ricardo Molina and Juan Antonio Molina, Jr. with recommendations for action to be made at the next Regular Board Meeting:
I.A. Action Items to be Reviewed at the Regular Board Meeting on July 25, 2007 with recommendations to be made by Business Committee.
I.A.1. Approval of Monthly Disbursements
I.A.2. Approval of Property Tax Refunds for the Month of June 2007
I.A.3. Submit Certified 2006 Excess Debt Collections and Estimated 2007 Debt Collections
I.A.4. Approval of Awarding Bids, Proposals and Qualifications
I.A.5. Renewal of District Property and Casualty Insurance
I.A.6. Renewal of the District Workers' Compensation Insurance Program
I.A.7. Award of District Student Extra-Curricular Insurance Contract
I.A.8. First Reading of Revised Policy DEA (LOCAL) - Compensation and Benefits: Salaries, Wages, and Stipends
I.A.9. Second Reading of Revised Policy DC (LOCAL): Employment Practices
I.A.10. Board Travel for the Month of July 2007
I.A.11. First and Final Reading re: changes to Board Policy BBB (local) with respect to Board members terms of office, in accordance with Sections 11.081 and 11.059 of the Texas Education Code and in compliance with Texas AG Opinion GA--535.
I.A.12. Adoption of Resolution to Change Board Members Terms of Office, in accordance with Sections 11.081 and 11.059 of the Texas Education Code and in compliance with Texas AG Opinion GA-0535.
I.B. Informational Items to be presented to the Business Committee.
I.B.1. Finance Division Monthly Financial Report
I.B.2. New Teacher Hires, Administrative New Hires/Promotion & Resignations of Professional Employees
I.B.3. 2006 Taxes Turned over to the Delinquent Tax Attorney for Collection
II. Adjournment

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