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Meeting Agenda
I. Listed below are the financial and operational items to be reviewed by Business Committee Members William B. Johnson, Chairperson, Ricardo Molina and Juan Antonio Molina, Jr. with recommendations for action to be made at the next Regular Board Meeting:
I.A. Action Items to be Reviewed at the Regular Board Meeting on April 18, 2007 with recommendations to be made by Business Committee.
I.A.1. Approval of Monthly Disbursements
I.A.2. Approval of Budget Amendments
I.A.3. Approval of Tax Refunds
I.A.4. Approval of Resolution providing a 15% Collection Fee on Delinquent Taxes unpaid as of July 1, 2007 as provided by Section 33.07 of the Texas Property Tax Code
I.A.5. Approval to Add Broker to Existing Brokers List
I.A.6. Second Reading of Local Policies in Update 79
I.A.7. Approval of GMP (Guaranteed Maximum Price) Proposal from Leyendecker Construction, Inc. in the amount of $697,653.00 for building Renovations at Trautmann Middle School 6th Grade Campus (Currently Temporary Nye Elementary School).
I.A.8. Approval of GMP (Guaranteed Maximum Price) Proposal from Leyendecker Construction, Inc. in the amount of $281,600.00 for Sewer System Improvements at Kennedy-Zapata Elementary School and Salvador Garcia Middle School.
I.A.9. Approval of Final Change Order (CREDIT) in the amount of $11,468.38 from Laredo Alarm Systems, Inc. for Fire Alarm & PA System Replacement Projects at Various UISD Campuses.
I.A.10. Approval of Final Change Order (CREDIT) in the amount of $91,248.00 from Leyendecker Construction, Inc. for District-wide HVAC Upgrade Project.
I.B. Informational Items to be presented to the Business Committee.
I.B.1. Finance Division Monthly Financial Report
I.B.2. New Teacher Hires, Administrative New Hires/Promotion & Resignations of Professional Employees
I.B.3. Presentation on the Electronic Visitors Management System
I.B.4. Presentation on Projected Portable Classroom and Restroom Buildings Needs for 2007-2008
II. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: April 10, 2007 at 6:30 PM - Business Committee
I. Listed below are the financial and operational items to be reviewed by Business Committee Members William B. Johnson, Chairperson, Ricardo Molina and Juan Antonio Molina, Jr. with recommendations for action to be made at the next Regular Board Meeting:
I.A. Action Items to be Reviewed at the Regular Board Meeting on April 18, 2007 with recommendations to be made by Business Committee.
I.A.1. Approval of Monthly Disbursements
I.A.2. Approval of Budget Amendments
I.A.3. Approval of Tax Refunds
I.A.4. Approval of Resolution providing a 15% Collection Fee on Delinquent Taxes unpaid as of July 1, 2007 as provided by Section 33.07 of the Texas Property Tax Code
I.A.5. Approval to Add Broker to Existing Brokers List
I.A.6. Second Reading of Local Policies in Update 79
I.A.7. Approval of GMP (Guaranteed Maximum Price) Proposal from Leyendecker Construction, Inc. in the amount of $697,653.00 for building Renovations at Trautmann Middle School 6th Grade Campus (Currently Temporary Nye Elementary School).
I.A.8. Approval of GMP (Guaranteed Maximum Price) Proposal from Leyendecker Construction, Inc. in the amount of $281,600.00 for Sewer System Improvements at Kennedy-Zapata Elementary School and Salvador Garcia Middle School.
I.A.9. Approval of Final Change Order (CREDIT) in the amount of $11,468.38 from Laredo Alarm Systems, Inc. for Fire Alarm & PA System Replacement Projects at Various UISD Campuses.
I.A.10. Approval of Final Change Order (CREDIT) in the amount of $91,248.00 from Leyendecker Construction, Inc. for District-wide HVAC Upgrade Project.
I.B. Informational Items to be presented to the Business Committee.
I.B.1. Finance Division Monthly Financial Report
I.B.2. New Teacher Hires, Administrative New Hires/Promotion & Resignations of Professional Employees
I.B.3. Presentation on the Electronic Visitors Management System
I.B.4. Presentation on Projected Portable Classroom and Restroom Buildings Needs for 2007-2008
II. Adjournment

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