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Meeting Agenda
I.1. Call to Order
If you have questions or comments related to items not on the agenda, you may address the Board during Part II of the agenda. For public comment related to items which are listed on the agenda for discussion and possible legal action, you may provide input during the time the Board discusses the item.  In either case, please complete a "Request to Speak" Form and submit it to the Board Secretary. Your name will be called when it's your turn to speak.
I.2. Roll Call
I.3. Pledge of Allegiance
I.4. Moment of Silence
I.5. Adoption of Agenda
II. Public Comments 
At the conclusion of the call to the public, Board members may respond to any criticism made by an individual who addressed the Board.  Board members may also direct staff to review the concern or request the item be discussed at a future meeting.  Board members may not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during this open call to the public. If you have submitted a Request to Speak form, the Board President will call upon you and ask that you please identify yourself by clearly stating for the record your name and address. Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to three (3) minutes. Groups wishing to speak should select a spokesperson to represent the view of the group. (Board President may refrain from reciting this section if no RTS forms have been submitted).
III. Board Meeting Minutes Not Previously Approved
III.1. Meetings
  • June 13, 2024 - Regular Meeting 
  • June 25, 2024 - Work Session
IV. Presentation and Reports
(Notice must be specific as to the type of report that will be given, subject matter and who will be making the report. The Board may engage in discussion but will take no action during the meeting.)
IV.1. Superintendent's Report
IV.2. Board Member Report(s)
IV.3. Administration Report
Interim Principal Dave Beery and Dean of Students Katherine Forbes will highlight changes in the approved SY2024-2025 Student Handbook.
V. Public Hearing
Public Hearing and discussion regarding the FY25 MUHSD Expenditure Budget.  As authorized by A.R.S 15-905, on request of any person, the Governing Board shall explain the budget.
(Specific information on routine vouchers and personnel will be available at the District Office 24 hours prior to Board Meetings. Please see the Governing Board Secretary during regular office hours. All items listed hereunder are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be discussed separately.)
VI.1. Approval of Routine Vouchers
VI.1.1. Expense
#1046 - $  73,479.34
#1047 - $    5,013.62
#1048 - $  96,385.99
#1049 - $   65,151.98
VI.1.2. Payroll
#30 - $315,588.17
#31 - $133,089.42
VI.1.3. Bookstore Activity
  • Student Activities Account Summary
VI.2. Personnel - HR Report
  • HR Report
  • 2024-2025 Extra Duty Report
  • Stipends
  • MUHSD Personnel Handbook SY 2024-2025 
VI.3. Donation
  • 1981 Mercedes-Benz 380SL
VI.4. Policy Second Readings
  • ASBA Policy Advisory 787 as it pertains to a second reading of modifications to District Policy IJNDB - Use of Technology Resources in Instruction
  • ASBA Policy Advisory 716 as it pertains to the second reading of new District Policy JLDAB - Referrals to Other Agencies
  • Second reading of modifications to Policy IIE - Student Schedules and Course Loads 
VI.5. Textbook Supplemental
  • English Textbook email
  • Assistant Principal Shannon Anderson Recommendation
VI.6. Agreement
  • FY25 School Resource Officer Agreement with City of Cottonwood
VI.7. Personnel Handbook
  • MUHSD Personnel Handbook SY 2024-2025
(Specific items of District business as listed for consideration - may include various categorical areas as the business of the District necessitates Board discussion, deliberation, and action)
VII.1. Fiscal Year 2025 Adopted Budget- Consideration and possible approval of the adopted FY25 budget for the Mingus Union High School District No. 4. (Staff Resource: Lynn Leonard)
VII.2. Beyond Textbooks IGA
Consideration of the District's IGA renewal with Vail Unified School District for the Beyond Textbooks Program.  (Staff Resource: Dave Beery and Shannon Anderson)
VII.3. Student Activities Fundraisers
Discussion and possible approval of categories of student fundraising activities and supervisory staff roles.(Staff Resources: Lynn Leonard)
VII.4. Exceed M & O Subsections
Discussion and possible approval of the Maintenance and Operation Agreement with Yavapai County Education Service Agency. (Staff Resource: Lynn Leonard)
VII.5. EdForward (BENJI) - MOU
Memorandum of Understanding between Education Forward Arizona and Mingus Union HS District NO. 4 to increase FAFSA awareness and completion rates and to inform key stakeholders regarding financial aid and postsecondary steps.  Additionally, to provide professional development for teachers, counselors, administrators, peer mentors, and community stakeholders
VIII. Executive Session
Please remain seated until such time as the Board votes to convene an executive session.  The Board will either move to a different location to hold the session or will ask those in attendance to leave the room and take with them all materials and belongings and ensure that no recording devices are left in the room.  No action will be taken in the Executive Session if convened.
VIII.1. The Governing Board may vote to convene an executive session pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03(A)(1) to consider Superintendent Evaluation Tool.  If convened, only members of the Board and those individuals whose presences is reasonably necessary for the Board to carry out its executive session responsibilities may attend the executive session.  All business conducted in executive session is confidential. 
IX. Public Meeting Notice 
(Vote on Superintendent Evaluation Tool)
X. Requests for Future Agenda Items
(The Board will not propose, discuss, comment, or take legal action during the meeting)
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: July 11, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
I.1. Call to Order
If you have questions or comments related to items not on the agenda, you may address the Board during Part II of the agenda. For public comment related to items which are listed on the agenda for discussion and possible legal action, you may provide input during the time the Board discusses the item.  In either case, please complete a "Request to Speak" Form and submit it to the Board Secretary. Your name will be called when it's your turn to speak.
I.2. Roll Call
I.3. Pledge of Allegiance
I.4. Moment of Silence
I.5. Adoption of Agenda
II. Public Comments 
At the conclusion of the call to the public, Board members may respond to any criticism made by an individual who addressed the Board.  Board members may also direct staff to review the concern or request the item be discussed at a future meeting.  Board members may not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during this open call to the public. If you have submitted a Request to Speak form, the Board President will call upon you and ask that you please identify yourself by clearly stating for the record your name and address. Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to three (3) minutes. Groups wishing to speak should select a spokesperson to represent the view of the group. (Board President may refrain from reciting this section if no RTS forms have been submitted).
III. Board Meeting Minutes Not Previously Approved
III.1. Meetings
  • June 13, 2024 - Regular Meeting 
  • June 25, 2024 - Work Session
IV. Presentation and Reports
(Notice must be specific as to the type of report that will be given, subject matter and who will be making the report. The Board may engage in discussion but will take no action during the meeting.)
IV.1. Superintendent's Report
IV.2. Board Member Report(s)
IV.3. Administration Report
Interim Principal Dave Beery and Dean of Students Katherine Forbes will highlight changes in the approved SY2024-2025 Student Handbook.
V. Public Hearing
Public Hearing and discussion regarding the FY25 MUHSD Expenditure Budget.  As authorized by A.R.S 15-905, on request of any person, the Governing Board shall explain the budget.
(Specific information on routine vouchers and personnel will be available at the District Office 24 hours prior to Board Meetings. Please see the Governing Board Secretary during regular office hours. All items listed hereunder are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be discussed separately.)
VI.1. Approval of Routine Vouchers
VI.1.1. Expense
#1046 - $  73,479.34
#1047 - $    5,013.62
#1048 - $  96,385.99
#1049 - $   65,151.98
VI.1.2. Payroll
#30 - $315,588.17
#31 - $133,089.42
VI.1.3. Bookstore Activity
  • Student Activities Account Summary
Ratification of payments 
VI.2. Personnel - HR Report
  • HR Report
  • 2024-2025 Extra Duty Report
  • Stipends
  • MUHSD Personnel Handbook SY 2024-2025 
VI.3. Donation
  • 1981 Mercedes-Benz 380SL
VI.4. Policy Second Readings
  • ASBA Policy Advisory 787 as it pertains to a second reading of modifications to District Policy IJNDB - Use of Technology Resources in Instruction
  • ASBA Policy Advisory 716 as it pertains to the second reading of new District Policy JLDAB - Referrals to Other Agencies
  • Second reading of modifications to Policy IIE - Student Schedules and Course Loads 
VI.5. Textbook Supplemental
  • English Textbook email
  • Assistant Principal Shannon Anderson Recommendation
VI.6. Agreement
  • FY25 School Resource Officer Agreement with City of Cottonwood
VI.7. Personnel Handbook
  • MUHSD Personnel Handbook SY 2024-2025
(Specific items of District business as listed for consideration - may include various categorical areas as the business of the District necessitates Board discussion, deliberation, and action)
VII.1. Fiscal Year 2025 Adopted Budget- Consideration and possible approval of the adopted FY25 budget for the Mingus Union High School District No. 4. (Staff Resource: Lynn Leonard)
VII.2. Beyond Textbooks IGA
Consideration of the District's IGA renewal with Vail Unified School District for the Beyond Textbooks Program.  (Staff Resource: Dave Beery and Shannon Anderson)
VII.3. Student Activities Fundraisers
Discussion and possible approval of categories of student fundraising activities and supervisory staff roles.(Staff Resources: Lynn Leonard)
VII.4. Exceed M & O Subsections
Discussion and possible approval of the Maintenance and Operation Agreement with Yavapai County Education Service Agency. (Staff Resource: Lynn Leonard)
VII.5. EdForward (BENJI) - MOU
Memorandum of Understanding between Education Forward Arizona and Mingus Union HS District NO. 4 to increase FAFSA awareness and completion rates and to inform key stakeholders regarding financial aid and postsecondary steps.  Additionally, to provide professional development for teachers, counselors, administrators, peer mentors, and community stakeholders
VIII. Executive Session
Please remain seated until such time as the Board votes to convene an executive session.  The Board will either move to a different location to hold the session or will ask those in attendance to leave the room and take with them all materials and belongings and ensure that no recording devices are left in the room.  No action will be taken in the Executive Session if convened.
VIII.1. The Governing Board may vote to convene an executive session pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03(A)(1) to consider Superintendent Evaluation Tool.  If convened, only members of the Board and those individuals whose presences is reasonably necessary for the Board to carry out its executive session responsibilities may attend the executive session.  All business conducted in executive session is confidential. 
IX. Public Meeting Notice 
(Vote on Superintendent Evaluation Tool)
X. Requests for Future Agenda Items
(The Board will not propose, discuss, comment, or take legal action during the meeting)

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