Meeting Agenda
IV.1) Presentation of Appreciation Plaque for the Years of Service to Board Member Alfonso Nevarez.
IV.2) Presentation on Robert Rules of Orders
V.1) Financial Report
V.2) Utility Report
V.3) Tax Collections Report
V.4) Delinquent Collection Activities for April - June 2009.
VI.1) Administer Oath of Office to New Trustee
VI.2) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to consultant contract for three-day Autism Teacher Training on September 15th, 16th and 17th, 2009.
VI.3) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the Sole Source Affidavit for Socci Sport, LLC.
VI.4) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve a purchase through the Department of Information Resources (DIR) Texas State Contract DIR-SDD-891 for desktop workstations, laptops, and accessories and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy (CH).
VI.5) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 090753SACBA for construction of an arena at the Student Activity Center and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy (CH).
VI.6) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to rescind the action taken on July 23, 2009 on Sealed Proposal No. 090750NELFE for the construction of a new elementary school (Lewis Farm Estates).
VI.7) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 090750NELFE for construction of a new elementary school (Lewis Farm Estates) and Sealed Proposal No. 090751NEMP for a new elementary school (Mondragon Property) and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy (CH).
VI.8) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 090751NEMP for construction of a new elementary school (Mondragon Property) and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy (CH).
VI.9) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 090750NELFE for construction of a new elementary school (Lewis Farm Estates) and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy (CH).
VI.10) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve Consultant Contract for staff development for administrators, teachers and other classified staff.
VII.1) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the minutes of the June 9, 2009 (Regular), June 17, 2009 (Workshop), June 30, 2009 (Special), July 8, 2009 (Workshop), and July 14, 2009 (Regular) Board Meetings.
VII.2) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 090855MJHRWSD for the construction of a retaining wall and sidewalk at Memorial Jr. High School and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy (CH).
VII.3) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to declare the attached list of merchandise as surplus property and authorize its disposal.
VII.4) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the 2009-2010 Teacher Appraisers and Appraiser Calendar.
VII.5) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to amend Board Policy: EIC (Local): Academic Achievement Class Ranking
VII.6) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 090754GNT for a Gooseneck Livestock Trailer and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the Authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy (CH).
VII.7) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the proposed agreement between Eagle Pass ISD and the Maverick County Juvenile Probation Department.
VIII.1) Discuss the request to hire personnel to fill vacancies pursuant to TGC 551.074.
VIII.2) Discuss the request to hire a professional employee to serve as Instructional Officer for Kennedy Elementary School subject to possible future reassignment by the Superintendent.
VIII.3) Discuss the request to hire a professional employee to serve as Instructional Officer for Rosita Valley Literacy Academy Elementary School subject to possible future reassignment by the Superintendent.
VIII.4) Discuss the request to hire a professional employee to serve as Principal for Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary School subject to possible future reassignment by the Superintendent.
VIII.5) The Board will discuss the appointment of an individual to serve as Trustee until the next Regular Board Election in place of resigned Trustee Alfonso Nevarez (TGC 551.074 (a)(1).
VIII.6) The Board will consult with it's attorney concerning the legal issues with the District's Auditing Firm. TGC 551.071
IX.1) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to hire personnel to fill vacancies as recommended by Superintendent of Schools.
IX.2) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to hire a Professional Employee to serve as Instructional Officer for Kennedy Hall Elementary School subject to possible future reassignment by the Superintendent.
IX.3) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to hire a Professional Employee to serve as Instructional Officer for Rosita Valley Literacy Academy Elementary School subject to possible future reassignment by the Superintendent.
IX.4) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to hire a professional employee to serve as Principal for Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary School subject to possible reassignment by the Superintendent.
IX.5) The Board will take action to appoint an individual to serve as Trustee until the next Regular Board Election in place of resigned Trustee Alfonso Nevarez.
IX.6) The Board will take action relating to Coleman, Hortan and Company, Certified Public Accountants.
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 11, 2009 at 6:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
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Mr. Rodolfo Lopez, President / Mr. Abel Sanchez, Vice-President / Mr. Ramon Ramirez, Secretary / Mr. Alfonso Nevarez, Trustee / Mr. David Riojas, Trustee / Mr. Lynn Purcell, Trustee / Mr. Jesus Sanchez, Superintendent / Mr. Richard Strieber, Attorney
Subject: |
According to EPISD Board Policy BED (Local) Board Meeting: Public Participation, only those persons (on the list) who request to speak shall be heard. The speaker shall limit remarks to three minutes, unless, this limit is waived by the board. The Board shall allot no more than 40 minutes for the Citizens’ Communication portion of the meeting. Complaints and concerns for which other resolution channels are provided shall be directed through those channels. These complaints include complaints on the following subjects: employee complaints, termination of employment, student complaints, removal to alternative education program, and expulsion. If the Board President determines that a person has not attempted to resolve a matter administratively, the person shall be directed to the appropriate policy for attempted resolution before bringing the matter to the Board. Complaints against specific employees or officers of EPISD shall be heard in Closed Meeting, as authorized by the Texas Government Code Title 5-Section: 551.074 (1) and (2). If your topic concerns complaints against specific employees or officers, please note this on the sign-up sheet. You must make your points on issues in a constructive and courteous fashion pursuant to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Subject: |
IV.1) Presentation of Appreciation Plaque for the Years of Service to Board Member Alfonso Nevarez.
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IV.2) Presentation on Robert Rules of Orders
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V.1) Financial Report
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V.2) Utility Report
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V.3) Tax Collections Report
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V.4) Delinquent Collection Activities for April - June 2009.
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VI.1) Administer Oath of Office to New Trustee
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VI.2) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to consultant contract for three-day Autism Teacher Training on September 15th, 16th and 17th, 2009.
Subject: |
VI.3) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the Sole Source Affidavit for Socci Sport, LLC.
Subject: |
VI.4) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve a purchase through the Department of Information Resources (DIR) Texas State Contract DIR-SDD-891 for desktop workstations, laptops, and accessories and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy (CH).
Subject: |
VI.5) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 090753SACBA for construction of an arena at the Student Activity Center and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy (CH).
Subject: |
VI.6) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to rescind the action taken on July 23, 2009 on Sealed Proposal No. 090750NELFE for the construction of a new elementary school (Lewis Farm Estates).
Subject: |
VI.7) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 090750NELFE for construction of a new elementary school (Lewis Farm Estates) and Sealed Proposal No. 090751NEMP for a new elementary school (Mondragon Property) and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy (CH).
Subject: |
VI.8) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 090751NEMP for construction of a new elementary school (Mondragon Property) and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy (CH).
Subject: |
VI.9) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 090750NELFE for construction of a new elementary school (Lewis Farm Estates) and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy (CH).
Subject: |
VI.10) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve Consultant Contract for staff development for administrators, teachers and other classified staff.
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Subject: |
VII.1) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the minutes of the June 9, 2009 (Regular), June 17, 2009 (Workshop), June 30, 2009 (Special), July 8, 2009 (Workshop), and July 14, 2009 (Regular) Board Meetings.
Subject: |
VII.2) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 090855MJHRWSD for the construction of a retaining wall and sidewalk at Memorial Jr. High School and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy (CH).
Subject: |
VII.3) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to declare the attached list of merchandise as surplus property and authorize its disposal.
Subject: |
VII.4) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the 2009-2010 Teacher Appraisers and Appraiser Calendar.
Subject: |
VII.5) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to amend Board Policy: EIC (Local): Academic Achievement Class Ranking
Subject: |
VII.6) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 090754GNT for a Gooseneck Livestock Trailer and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the Authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy (CH).
Subject: |
VII.7) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the proposed agreement between Eagle Pass ISD and the Maverick County Juvenile Probation Department.
Subject: |
Pursuant to Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.082, 551.083, and 551.084 Texas Government Code: PERSONNEL MATTERS: Under Section 551.074 Texas Gonverment Code, to deliberate the appointments, employment, evaluations, reassignments, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public officers or employee; or to hear complaints or charges against an officer or employee:
Subject: |
VIII.1) Discuss the request to hire personnel to fill vacancies pursuant to TGC 551.074.
Subject: |
VIII.2) Discuss the request to hire a professional employee to serve as Instructional Officer for Kennedy Elementary School subject to possible future reassignment by the Superintendent.
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VIII.3) Discuss the request to hire a professional employee to serve as Instructional Officer for Rosita Valley Literacy Academy Elementary School subject to possible future reassignment by the Superintendent.
Subject: |
VIII.4) Discuss the request to hire a professional employee to serve as Principal for Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary School subject to possible future reassignment by the Superintendent.
Subject: |
VIII.5) The Board will discuss the appointment of an individual to serve as Trustee until the next Regular Board Election in place of resigned Trustee Alfonso Nevarez (TGC 551.074 (a)(1).
Subject: |
VIII.6) The Board will consult with it's attorney concerning the legal issues with the District's Auditing Firm. TGC 551.071
Subject: |
To take final action, make decisions or vote on matters on which the Board consulted with its attorney or on matters deliberated or heard in closed session. In the event that the Board did not go into Closed Session on any or all items listed for Closed Session (above), those items shall automatically be included as Action Items under this section of the Agenda, should the Board choose to take action.
Subject: |
IX.1) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to hire personnel to fill vacancies as recommended by Superintendent of Schools.
Subject: |
IX.2) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to hire a Professional Employee to serve as Instructional Officer for Kennedy Hall Elementary School subject to possible future reassignment by the Superintendent.
Subject: |
IX.3) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to hire a Professional Employee to serve as Instructional Officer for Rosita Valley Literacy Academy Elementary School subject to possible future reassignment by the Superintendent.
Subject: |
IX.4) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to hire a professional employee to serve as Principal for Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary School subject to possible reassignment by the Superintendent.
Subject: |
IX.5) The Board will take action to appoint an individual to serve as Trustee until the next Regular Board Election in place of resigned Trustee Alfonso Nevarez.
Subject: |
IX.6) The Board will take action relating to Coleman, Hortan and Company, Certified Public Accountants.
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