Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Pledge
4. Approve Consent Agenda Items
5. Approve Agenda
6. Minutes
6.A. Approve January 13, 2025 Meeting Minutes
7. Superintendent of Education
7.A. Acknowledgements and Announcements
7.A.1. East Central Attendance Center
7.A.2. St. Martin Attendance Center
7.A.3. Vancleave Attendance Center
7.B. Public Comments - Katie Tanner
7.C. f.y.i. Construction Update- Machado|Patano
7.D. Financial Management
7.D.1. Discuss December 2024 Monthly Financial Reports {MS 37-9-18}
7.D.2. Approve Request to Advertise and Accept Sealed Bids for Bank Depository Services beginning July 1, 2025, and ending no later than June 30, 2028
7.D.3. Approve Flood Insurance Policy Renewal
7.D.4. Discuss Proposed FY26 Budget Timeline
7.D.5. Approve Application for Voluntary Student Accident Insurance for 2025-2026 with Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company and Authorize First Agency to Bind Coverage
7.D.6. Approve Request to Issue Substitute Services Request for Proposal
7.D.7. Approve Asset Surplus
7.D.8. Approve Prepaid Claims Docket
7.D.9. Recind Asset Discard Request
7.D.10. Approve Open Claim Docket
7.E. Human Resources and Risk Management
7.E.1. F.Y.I. Item for Worker's Compensation Claims
7.E.2. Approve February 2025 Personnel Changes
7.E.3. Approve 2025-2026 Administrative Annual Recommendations
7.F. Policies
7.F.1. Approve Policy CEF Superintendent Expenses
7.F.2. Approve Policy CGPF Administrative Personnel Professional Leaves and Absences
7.F.3. Rescind Policy CGPBC School Holidays
7.F.4. Approve Policy CEB Duties of the Superintendent
7.F.5. Approve Policy BCBD Board Meeting Agenda
7.F.6. Approve the Policy GAA Professional Educator Code of Conduct
7.F.7. Rescind Policy CPB Principal Qualifications and Duties
7.F.8. Approve Policy GAAA Equal Opportunity Employment
7.F.9. Approve Policy GAAB Handbooks
7.F.10. Approve Policy GACK Use of District Vehicles
7.F.11. Rescind Policy GABAD Supervision of Students
7.F.12. Approve Policy GAD Professional Staff Development
7.F.13. Approve Policy GADAC Suicide Prevention Education In-Service Training
7.F.14. Approve Policy GADB Overtime
7.F.15. Approve Policy GGBA Salary Scale Administrative
7.F.16. Approve Policy JCDAB Student Drug Testing Program
7.F.17. Approve Policy JBC School Admission
7.F.18. Approve Policy GBRA Paperwork Reduction
7.F.19. Approve Policy GAC Staff Decision Making - Staff Community Relations
7.F.20. Present/Approve Policy on IDEA Fiscal Retention
7.F.21. Present Policy GADH Jury Duty
7.F.22. Present Policy GAHB Political Activity of Staff Members
7.F.23. Present Policy GAR Professional Personnel Records
7.F.24. Present Policy GBAAA Classified Support Staff SAlary Schedules
7.F.25. Present Policy GBAAAG Special Education Personnel
7.F.26. Present Policy GBAAAH Special Education Personnel
7.F.27. Present Policy GBCA Announcement of Vacancies
7.F.28. Present Policy GBE Professional Personnel Assignment
7.F.29. Present Policy GBI Evaluation of Employees
7.F.30. Present Policy GBK Professional Personnel Suspension/Dismissal
7.F.31. Present Policy GBRM Smoking and Other Uses of Tobacco
7.F.32. Present Policy GFABL Home Community Liaison to rescind
7.F.33. Present Policy GFABG Transition Coordinator to rescind
7.F.34. Present Policy GFABP Local Survey Committee Member (LSC)
7.F.35. Present Policy GFAEB School Based Technology Assistant to rescind
7.F.36. Present Policy GFAJ Business Office Clerk to rescind
7.F.37. Present Policy GFAK Business Manager
7.F.38. Present Policy GFAO Fixed Asset and Purchasing Coordinator to rescind
7.F.39. Present Policy GFB Assistant Superintendent - Attendance Center to rescind
7.F.40. Present Policy GGA Salary Scale: Assistant Superintendent
7.F.41. Present Policy JGCDA Self Administration of Asthma and Anaphylaxis Medications
7.F.42. Present Policy GBRHA Workplace Safety Policy to rescind
7.F.43. Present Policy KK Service of Process
7.F.44. Present Policy KJA School Volunteers
7.G. Curriculum and Instruction
7.G.1. Curriculum
7.G.1.A. Approve Dual Credit Agreement with MGCCC and JCSD
7.G.2. Special Education
7.G.3. Student Services/Federal Programs
7.G.3.A. f.y.i. Monthly School Improvement Board Reports for ATSI and TSI Schools: SMEE, SMUE, SMMS, ECMS, and SMHS
7.G.4. Career and Technology
7.G.4.A. Approve JCTC Perkins Inventory Disposal for February
7.G.4.B. Approve AccelerateMS Grant Funding for the EquipMS Grant Program Proposal for JCTC Pipefitting Program at SMHS
7.G.4.C. Approve JCTC Request for CTE Perkins Inventory Equipment Disposal
7.G.4.D. Approve Purchase of Classroom Furniture for CTE Programs at SMHS
7.G.4.E. Approve Purchase of Classroom Furniture for CTE Programs at ECHS
7.H. Operations and Support
7.H.1. Operations
7.H.1.A. Approve Request to Advertise and Accept Sealed Bids for Janitorial Services for all 3 Attendance Centers
7.H.1.B. Approve Bus Turnarounds
7.H.1.C. Approve Request for a Budget Amendment for Unforeseen Maintenance Issues at SMHS
7.H.2. Information Technology
7.H.2.A. Approve E-RATE Intent to Purchase for Category 1 and Category 2
7.H.3. Food Services
7.H.3.A. f.y.i. January 2025 Free and Reduced Percentages
7.H.3.B. f.y.i. January 2025 Breakfast and Lunch Average Daily Participation
7.I. 16th Section Leases
7.I.1. f.y.i. Past Due Leases
7.I.2. Approve Advertisement for 16th Section Hunting and Fishing Leases 16-4S-8W and 16-5S-8W
7.I.3. Approve Removal of James Tiblier from Lease Agreement
7.I.4. Approve Lease Assignment from Coursey to Miller
7.J. Contracts and Agreements
7.J.1. Approve SMMS Varsity Yearbook Agreement
7.J.2. Approve ECHS Facilites Usage-Cheer Clinic/Tryouts
7.J.3. Approve Request for Winter Weather Forgiveness Days
7.J.4. Approve SMHS ACT WorkKeys Curriculum
7.J.5. Approve SMHS Sunset Photography Studios Contract
7.J.6. Approve VHS Library Discard List
7.J.7. Approve Use of VHS Facilities- Cafeteria
7.J.8. Approve Student Transfers and Releases
7.J.9. Approve Bus Driver and Assistants Appreciation Day Resolution
7.J.10. Approve Retirement Resolution for Odessa Graves
7.J.11. Approve Retirement Resolution for Karen Stringfellow
7.K. Fundraisers and Donations
7.K.1. Approve SMHS Fundraiser for Diamond Girls
7.K.2. Approve ECHS Fundraiser Authorization-Valentine Flowers
7.K.3. Approve ECHS Yearbook Fundraiser Authorization
7.K.4. Approve ECHS Science Club Fundraiser Autorization-Ingalls STEM Grant
7.K.5. Approve VHS Mock Trial Bake Sale Fundraiser
7.L. Travel Request
7.L.1. Approve Travel Request for VHS to Attend the DECA Conference
7.L.2. Approve ECHS Robotics Travel Request-State Competition
7.L.3. Approve SMHS Travel Request for Regional Competition for National Oceanic Science- Marine Ed Center
7.L.4. Approve Travel Request for Curriculum to Attend Innovative Schools Summit
7.L.5. Approv Travel Request for SMHS to Attend Vex Robotics
7.L.6. Approve Travel Request for VHS to Attend All Star Bowling Tournament
7.L.7. Approve the Travel Requests for ECUE to attend the 2025 ASCA Conference (RAMP)
7.L.8. Approve Travel Request for Superintendent with Hope Squad to Meet MS Law Makers
7.M. Approve Consent Agenda
7.N. f.y.i. Superintendent Update
7.O. Closed Session
7.P. Executive Session
7.P.1. Student Discipline
7.P.2. Legal/Personnel Matters
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 10, 2025 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Subject: |
2. Invocation
Subject: |
3. Pledge
Subject: |
4. Approve Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
5. Approve Agenda
Subject: |
6. Minutes
Subject: |
6.A. Approve January 13, 2025 Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
7. Superintendent of Education
Subject: |
7.A. Acknowledgements and Announcements
Subject: |
7.A.1. East Central Attendance Center
Subject: |
7.A.2. St. Martin Attendance Center
Subject: |
7.A.3. Vancleave Attendance Center
Subject: |
7.B. Public Comments - Katie Tanner
Subject: |
7.C. f.y.i. Construction Update- Machado|Patano
Subject: |
7.D. Financial Management
Subject: |
7.D.1. Discuss December 2024 Monthly Financial Reports {MS 37-9-18}
Subject: |
7.D.2. Approve Request to Advertise and Accept Sealed Bids for Bank Depository Services beginning July 1, 2025, and ending no later than June 30, 2028
The depository bid will contain 1, 2, and 3 year options. This will allow the district to select the most advantageous rates.
Subject: |
7.D.3. Approve Flood Insurance Policy Renewal
St. Martin Gym is an increase of $189 and Excess Flood for St. Martin Maint Building is an increase of $97.60.
Subject: |
7.D.4. Discuss Proposed FY26 Budget Timeline
Subject: |
7.D.5. Approve Application for Voluntary Student Accident Insurance for 2025-2026 with Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company and Authorize First Agency to Bind Coverage
This is a renewal of voluntary coverage offered to parents/guardians of students during registration. The parents/guardians are responsible for any premiums as a result of enrollment. Coverage options and premiums remain unchanged from 2024-2025 school year.
Subject: |
7.D.6. Approve Request to Issue Substitute Services Request for Proposal
Subject: |
7.D.7. Approve Asset Surplus
Subject: |
7.D.8. Approve Prepaid Claims Docket
Subject: |
7.D.9. Recind Asset Discard Request
Subject: |
7.D.10. Approve Open Claim Docket
Subject: |
7.E. Human Resources and Risk Management
Subject: |
7.E.1. F.Y.I. Item for Worker's Compensation Claims
Attached are the number of incidents in January 2025 for our district.
Subject: |
7.E.2. Approve February 2025 Personnel Changes
Board Agenda Personnel Changes for February 2025
Subject: |
7.E.3. Approve 2025-2026 Administrative Annual Recommendations
2025-2026 Administrative Annual Recommendations
Subject: |
7.F. Policies
Subject: |
7.F.1. Approve Policy CEF Superintendent Expenses
Approve Policy CEF as a review item. There are no changes suggested.
Subject: |
7.F.2. Approve Policy CGPF Administrative Personnel Professional Leaves and Absences
Approval requested to update Policy CGPF from the year 2014. The update to this policy deletes reference to sick leave, retirement, death, and termination. The content of this policy is updated to govern taking leave for professional development as intended.
Subject: |
7.F.3. Rescind Policy CGPBC School Holidays
Approval requested to rescind Policy CGPBC from the year 1995. This policy is redundant as we have administrative duties in other current policies.
Subject: |
7.F.4. Approve Policy CEB Duties of the Superintendent
Approval is requested for this required update to Policy CEB from the year 2018. This update meets the standards for the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standard 1.
Subject: |
7.F.5. Approve Policy BCBD Board Meeting Agenda
Request to approve Policy BCBD for update to include current practices, procedures, and requirements
Subject: |
7.F.6. Approve the Policy GAA Professional Educator Code of Conduct
Approval requested to update Policy GAA from the year 2011. This update follows MSBA suggestions and guidelines for Policy rules and Mississippi Code.
Subject: |
7.F.7. Rescind Policy CPB Principal Qualifications and Duties
Approval requested to rescind Policy CPB from the year 2018. We currently have job descriptions for principals, making this policy redundant.
Subject: |
7.F.8. Approve Policy GAAA Equal Opportunity Employment
Approval requested to update Policy GAAA to include the address to our district office.
Subject: |
7.F.9. Approve Policy GAAB Handbooks
Approval requested to update Policy GAAB from the year 2004. This update includes current practices and procedures of our district.
Subject: |
7.F.10. Approve Policy GACK Use of District Vehicles
Approval requested to update Policy GACK from the year 1998 to include the Business Office as current practices and procedures of the district.
Subject: |
7.F.11. Rescind Policy GABAD Supervision of Students
Approval requested to rescind Policy GABAD from the year 1998. This policy is redundant as supervision of students is covered in other policy under the responsibilities and duties of an administrator.
Subject: |
7.F.12. Approve Policy GAD Professional Staff Development
Approval requested to update Policy GAD from the year 2017 to reflect the current guidelines, practices, and procedures of our district. This update is in compliance with the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards 2 and 15.
Subject: |
7.F.13. Approve Policy GADAC Suicide Prevention Education In-Service Training
Approval requested to update Policy GADAC from the year 2018 to reflect curernt guidelines, practices, and procedures.
Subject: |
7.F.14. Approve Policy GADB Overtime
Approval requested to update Policy GADB to reflect the current practices and procedures of our district.
Subject: |
7.F.15. Approve Policy GGBA Salary Scale Administrative
Approval requested to update Policy GGBA to correct an error. The position of Assistant Director of Educational Technology (Policy GFAEQ) was not added to the salary scale. This position and salary have been previously approved.
Subject: |
7.F.16. Approve Policy JCDAB Student Drug Testing Program
Approval requested to update Policy JCDAB to include a specific definition of the primary specimen and the alternative specimen used to conduct drug testing.
Subject: |
7.F.17. Approve Policy JBC School Admission
Approval requested to update Policy JBC to reflect current procedures for registration and proof of residency.
Subject: |
7.F.18. Approve Policy GBRA Paperwork Reduction
Approval requested to adopt Policy GBRA as a required policy for our district. This policy currently follows the practices and procedures of our district.
Subject: |
7.F.19. Approve Policy GAC Staff Decision Making - Staff Community Relations
Approval requested for Policy GAC from the year 1998 as a review only item. No changes are suggested.
Subject: |
7.F.20. Present/Approve Policy on IDEA Fiscal Retention
Presenting a Policy on Fiscal Records Retention(Code to be determined by MSBA after adoption)
This policy covers the IDEA Fiscal Retention requirements and assures compliance with record retention related to the use of IDEA funds. This is present/approve due to required timelines. |
Subject: |
7.F.21. Present Policy GADH Jury Duty
Presenting Policy GADH from the year 2004 as a review item. No changes are suggested.
Subject: |
7.F.22. Present Policy GAHB Political Activity of Staff Members
Presenting Policy GAHB from the year 2018 as a review item. No changes are suggested.
Subject: |
7.F.23. Present Policy GAR Professional Personnel Records
Presenting an update to Policy GAR from the year 2004 for an update. The update reflects the current guidelines, practices, and procedures of the district. The Mississippi Public School Accountability Standard for this policy is standard 2.
Subject: |
7.F.24. Present Policy GBAAA Classified Support Staff SAlary Schedules
Presenting Policy GBAAA as a review item only. No changes are suggested.
Subject: |
7.F.25. Present Policy GBAAAG Special Education Personnel
Presenting Policy GBAAAG from the year 2014 for an update. This update includes compliance guidelines and procedures from the Mississippi Department of Education concerning the funding and keeping of time sheets for IDEA Part B Special Education staff.
Subject: |
7.F.26. Present Policy GBAAAH Special Education Personnel
Presenting an update to Policy GBAAAH from the year 2014. This update includes practices and procedures from the Mississippi Department of Education concerning the annual certification of certified and non-certified staff paid by IDEA Part B funds for the Special Education Department.
Subject: |
7.F.27. Present Policy GBCA Announcement of Vacancies
Presenting Policy GBCA from the year 2016 as a review item only. No changes are suggested.
Subject: |
7.F.28. Present Policy GBE Professional Personnel Assignment
Presenting Policy GBE from the year 2000 for an update. The update reflects the current guidelines and procedures as cited by Mississippi Code and Equal Opportunity Employment.
Subject: |
7.F.29. Present Policy GBI Evaluation of Employees
Presenting Policy GBI for update. This update is simply correcting the Accountability Standard cited in the policy.
Subject: |
7.F.30. Present Policy GBK Professional Personnel Suspension/Dismissal
Presenting Policy GBK from the year 2000 for an update. This update reflects current practices and procedures of our district.
Subject: |
7.F.31. Present Policy GBRM Smoking and Other Uses of Tobacco
Presenting an update to Policy GBRM from the year 2000. This update is compliant with the current Mississippi Code and MSBA guidelines.
Subject: |
7.F.32. Present Policy GFABL Home Community Liaison to rescind
Presenting Policy GFABL job description from the year 2000 as an item to rescind. This job description is obsolete and no longer utilized by our district.
Subject: |
7.F.33. Present Policy GFABG Transition Coordinator to rescind
Presenting Policy GFABG as a rescind item. This job position of Transition Coordinator from the year 2003 is obsolete.
Subject: |
7.F.34. Present Policy GFABP Local Survey Committee Member (LSC)
Presenting Policy GFABP from the year 2008 for update. This edit updates the current job duties of this position by removing the first duty only.
Subject: |
7.F.35. Present Policy GFAEB School Based Technology Assistant to rescind
Presenting Policy GFAEB from the year 2003 as an item to rescind. This job position is obsolete and no longer utilized in our district.
Subject: |
7.F.36. Present Policy GFAJ Business Office Clerk to rescind
Presenting Policy GFAJ job description from the year 2005 as an item to rescind. This job position is no longer utilized in our district, making this policy obsolete.
Subject: |
7.F.37. Present Policy GFAK Business Manager
Presenting Policy GFAK as an update to the Business Manager job description. The update to this policy corrects the salary scale policy code to the current scale utilized for this position.
Subject: |
7.F.38. Present Policy GFAO Fixed Asset and Purchasing Coordinator to rescind
Presenting Policy GFAO job description to rescind. This job is no longer utilized by the business office after restructuring. This job is now obsolete.
Subject: |
7.F.39. Present Policy GFB Assistant Superintendent - Attendance Center to rescind
Presenting Policy GFB from the year 1990 as a job description policy to rescind. The district no longer utilizes the Assistant Superintendent of the Attendance Center organizational model, making this job description obsolete.
Subject: |
7.F.40. Present Policy GGA Salary Scale: Assistant Superintendent
Presenting Policy GGA as an edited item. These edits include correcting grammar and the job titles of the Assistant Superintendents in our district.
Subject: |
7.F.41. Present Policy JGCDA Self Administration of Asthma and Anaphylaxis Medications
Presenting Policy JGCDA from the year 2003 as an update. The update includes current guidelines for the administration of auto-injectable epinephrine.
Subject: |
7.F.42. Present Policy GBRHA Workplace Safety Policy to rescind
Presenting Policy GBRHA from the year 2016 to rescind. This policy is outdated as the procedures for safety are outlined in our job description policies, making this policy redundant.
Subject: |
7.F.43. Present Policy KK Service of Process
Presenting Policy KK to adopt for our district. This policy authorizes the Superintendent as the only person to receive service of process for our district.
Subject: |
7.F.44. Present Policy KJA School Volunteers
Presenting Policy KJA to adopt for our district. This policy outlines expectations for volunteers in our district.
Subject: |
7.G. Curriculum and Instruction
Subject: |
7.G.1. Curriculum
Subject: |
7.G.1.A. Approve Dual Credit Agreement with MGCCC and JCSD
Subject: |
7.G.2. Special Education
Subject: |
7.G.3. Student Services/Federal Programs
Subject: |
7.G.3.A. f.y.i. Monthly School Improvement Board Reports for ATSI and TSI Schools: SMEE, SMUE, SMMS, ECMS, and SMHS
Subject: |
7.G.4. Career and Technology
Subject: |
7.G.4.A. Approve JCTC Perkins Inventory Disposal for February
Approve JCTC Perkins Inventory Disposal for February
Subject: |
7.G.4.B. Approve AccelerateMS Grant Funding for the EquipMS Grant Program Proposal for JCTC Pipefitting Program at SMHS
Approve AccelerateMS Grant Funding for the EquipMS Grant Program Proposal for JCTC Pipefitting Program at SMHS
Subject: |
7.G.4.C. Approve JCTC Request for CTE Perkins Inventory Equipment Disposal
Approve JCTC Request for CTE Perkins Inventory Equipment Disposal
Subject: |
7.G.4.D. Approve Purchase of Classroom Furniture for CTE Programs at SMHS
Approve Purchase of Classroom Furniture for CTE Programs at SMHS
Subject: |
7.G.4.E. Approve Purchase of Classroom Furniture for CTE Programs at ECHS
Approve Purchase of Classroom Furniture for CTE Programs at ECHS
Subject: |
7.H. Operations and Support
Subject: |
7.H.1. Operations
Subject: |
7.H.1.A. Approve Request to Advertise and Accept Sealed Bids for Janitorial Services for all 3 Attendance Centers
Subject: |
7.H.1.B. Approve Bus Turnarounds
Subject: |
7.H.1.C. Approve Request for a Budget Amendment for Unforeseen Maintenance Issues at SMHS
Subject: |
7.H.2. Information Technology
Subject: |
7.H.2.A. Approve E-RATE Intent to Purchase for Category 1 and Category 2
Subject: |
7.H.3. Food Services
Subject: |
7.H.3.A. f.y.i. January 2025 Free and Reduced Percentages
f.y.i. January 2025 Free and Reduced Percentages
Subject: |
7.H.3.B. f.y.i. January 2025 Breakfast and Lunch Average Daily Participation
f.y.i. January 2025 Breakfast and Lunch Average Daily Participation
Subject: |
7.I. 16th Section Leases
Subject: |
7.I.1. f.y.i. Past Due Leases
Subject: |
7.I.2. Approve Advertisement for 16th Section Hunting and Fishing Leases 16-4S-8W and 16-5S-8W
Subject: |
7.I.3. Approve Removal of James Tiblier from Lease Agreement
Subject: |
7.I.4. Approve Lease Assignment from Coursey to Miller
Subject: |
7.J. Contracts and Agreements
Subject: |
7.J.1. Approve SMMS Varsity Yearbook Agreement
Subject: |
7.J.2. Approve ECHS Facilites Usage-Cheer Clinic/Tryouts
Subject: |
7.J.3. Approve Request for Winter Weather Forgiveness Days
Subject: |
7.J.4. Approve SMHS ACT WorkKeys Curriculum
Subject: |
7.J.5. Approve SMHS Sunset Photography Studios Contract
Subject: |
7.J.6. Approve VHS Library Discard List
Subject: |
7.J.7. Approve Use of VHS Facilities- Cafeteria
Subject: |
7.J.8. Approve Student Transfers and Releases
Subject: |
7.J.9. Approve Bus Driver and Assistants Appreciation Day Resolution
Subject: |
7.J.10. Approve Retirement Resolution for Odessa Graves
Approve Retirement Resolution for Odessa Graves
Subject: |
7.J.11. Approve Retirement Resolution for Karen Stringfellow
Approve Retirement Resolution for Karen Stringfellow
Subject: |
7.K. Fundraisers and Donations
Subject: |
7.K.1. Approve SMHS Fundraiser for Diamond Girls
Subject: |
7.K.2. Approve ECHS Fundraiser Authorization-Valentine Flowers
Subject: |
7.K.3. Approve ECHS Yearbook Fundraiser Authorization
Subject: |
7.K.4. Approve ECHS Science Club Fundraiser Autorization-Ingalls STEM Grant
Subject: |
7.K.5. Approve VHS Mock Trial Bake Sale Fundraiser
Subject: |
7.L. Travel Request
Subject: |
7.L.1. Approve Travel Request for VHS to Attend the DECA Conference
Subject: |
7.L.2. Approve ECHS Robotics Travel Request-State Competition
Subject: |
7.L.3. Approve SMHS Travel Request for Regional Competition for National Oceanic Science- Marine Ed Center
Subject: |
7.L.4. Approve Travel Request for Curriculum to Attend Innovative Schools Summit
Subject: |
7.L.5. Approv Travel Request for SMHS to Attend Vex Robotics
Subject: |
7.L.6. Approve Travel Request for VHS to Attend All Star Bowling Tournament
Subject: |
7.L.7. Approve the Travel Requests for ECUE to attend the 2025 ASCA Conference (RAMP)
The East Central Upper Elementary School will be receiving a National Award for their comprehensive school counseling program. This recognition is called ASCA RAMP designation, which recognizes comprehensive school counseling programs that meet the Social & Emotional needs of our students. The award stands for "Recognized ASCA Model Program" also known as (RAMP) and our district is the only district in the State of Mississippi to hold this distinguished award in 2025. Current the state has zero RAMP designated schools. To date, more than 1,300 schools have earned the RAMP® designation.
Subject: |
7.L.8. Approve Travel Request for Superintendent with Hope Squad to Meet MS Law Makers
Subject: |
7.M. Approve Consent Agenda
Subject: |
7.N. f.y.i. Superintendent Update
Subject: |
7.O. Closed Session
Subject: |
7.P. Executive Session
Subject: |
7.P.1. Student Discipline
Subject: |
7.P.2. Legal/Personnel Matters