Meeting Agenda
A.1. Call to Order
A.2. Pledge of Allegiance
A.3. Roll Call: Mrs. Ogle _________ Mrs. Sauceda_________
Ms. Flores ________ Mr. Reyes_________ Mr. Ysaguirre____________ |
Individuals will speak at the beginning of the meeting. (Board members will not be able to respond to comments from the audiences that are not agenda items (A.R.S.38-432.02 (h). Each patron will be allowed 3 minutes to address the board. During an open session, the Board shall not hear personal complaints against school personnel or a person connected with the district. Policies KE and KEB are provided by the board for disposition of legitimate complaints, including those involving individuals. |
D.1. Business Manager''s Report - Mrs. Sharon Rodriquez
D.2. Principal's Report - Dr. Oranté Jenkins
Dr. Jenkins reported 52 seniors graduated in May 2022. Dr. Jenkins attended four Cabinet meetings in May. In preparation for the 2022-2023 school year, 16 SCVUHS faculty members participated in professional development work sessions from May 23 – May 27, 2022. Registration will be facilitated via Enrollment Express beginning the week of July 5, 2022. |
D.3. Food Service Director's Report - Mr. Ricardo Cazares
Mr. Cazares reported 761 breakfast and 2,620 lunch meals were served during the month of May. Mr. Cazares submitted the Monthly Expenses to Revenue report for May. |
D.4. Facilities Director's Report - Mr. Hector Longoria
Mr. Longoria reported and submitted photos of the removing and replacing a total of thirty-two air handler units in the Media and Fine Arts buildings. A list of the annual ground and facilities maintenance tasks to be completed before the start of the new school year. Mr. Longoria submitted May’s monthly work order requests from staff. |
D.5. Athletic Director's Report - Mr. Mike Ibarra
Mr. Ibarra reported head football coach interviews were conducted the week of May 23, 2022. Football players will be attending summer camp from June to July, 2022. Coach Tarango cancelled her summer volleyball camp due to Summer School using the gymnasium while the Media Building and Arts Building are under construction. Mr. Ibarra provided a list of volleyball and football finalized schedules. |
E.1. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to adopt a resolution approving the Governing Board’s Argument in support of the Special Maintenance and Operation Budget Override Election.
E.2. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to hold a special meeting to present the FY23 Proposed Budget.
ADE-EMAC System – Safe Return to In-Person Learning Plans. Mrs. Roberts updated and submitted the document in March 2022. The new due date has not been posted for the submittal in 2023. Grants awarded
English Language Learner (ELL) Program The AZELLA test results for current students have been received and distributed as mandated. Information on new freshman students who may enroll for the next school year has been received. Career and Technical Education (CTE) In April 28, 2022 culinary arts students took the annual state developed assessment requirement. The students who passed the assessment received a letter and certificate from the Arizona Department of Education CTE Program. Mrs. Roberts has been helping Mrs. Sterner become familiar with the ADE CTE requirements. Special Education Program The required special education activities, meetings and reports continue as mandated. Information and files have been received and/or requested from the feeder school districts for potential incoming freshmen students. We continue to convene and hold parent/IEP meetings as needed to meet student needs and to remain in compliance with state and federal requirements. Long-Term Suspension Hearings Zero (0) hearings held. The district will need to determine how to fill the position of Hearing Officer in future cases. Since I was a trained, certified hearing officer, I have served in this capacity during the past eight years. The hearing officer cannot be involved in (nor have knowledge of) any of the student’s discipline that occurs prior to the long-term suspension hearing stage. This means that the new superintendent cannot serve as the hearing officer for the district as she also is the school principal. I’m providing this information so that the Superintendent and Board can have time to seek other options to cover this responsibility. |
G.1. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to accept Stephfon Minor’s letter of resignation as Paraprofessional for FY 22/23.
G.2. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to approve Kent Campbell as a volunteer tutor for FY 22/23.
G.3. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to approve Thomas Cortez as the Head Football Coach for FY 22/23.
G.4. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to approve Thomas Cortez as the Summer Weight Coordinator for FY 22/23.
G.5. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to pay all eligible certified teachers the full amount of Fund 012 per FTE
G.6. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to pay all eligible certified teachers the full amount of Fund 012 per FTE
G.7. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to pay Mrs. Roberts $2,744.00 for her performance based pay per the FY21-22 Part-Time Superintendent Contract.
H.1. Approval for ratification of the expenditures identified in the Auxiliary Operations Fund Report for May 2022.
H.2. Approval of Student Activities Account Report for May 2022.
H.3. Approval for ratification of payroll and expense vouchers for May 2022.
H.4. Approval of the Special Governing Board Meeting Minutes from April 28, 2022.
H.5. Approval of the list of Cooperative’s the District will be using during fiscal year 2022-2023
H.6. Approval for the Governing Board President, Superintendent & Business Manager to sign all School Facilities Board’s Terms & Conditions for the acceptance of monies from Building Renewal Grant Funds forms for FY22-23.
H.7. Approval of sole source resolution for FY22-23.
H.8. Approval of the IGA between Central Arizona Valley Institute of Technology Education District No. 01 and Santa Cruz Valley Union High School District from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023.
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 9, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
A.1. Call to Order
Subject: |
A.2. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
A.3. Roll Call: Mrs. Ogle _________ Mrs. Sauceda_________
Ms. Flores ________ Mr. Reyes_________ Mr. Ysaguirre____________ |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Individuals will speak at the beginning of the meeting. (Board members will not be able to respond to comments from the audiences that are not agenda items (A.R.S.38-432.02 (h). Each patron will be allowed 3 minutes to address the board. During an open session, the Board shall not hear personal complaints against school personnel or a person connected with the district. Policies KE and KEB are provided by the board for disposition of legitimate complaints, including those involving individuals. |
Subject: |
Subject: |
D.1. Business Manager''s Report - Mrs. Sharon Rodriquez
Subject: |
D.2. Principal's Report - Dr. Oranté Jenkins
Dr. Jenkins reported 52 seniors graduated in May 2022. Dr. Jenkins attended four Cabinet meetings in May. In preparation for the 2022-2023 school year, 16 SCVUHS faculty members participated in professional development work sessions from May 23 – May 27, 2022. Registration will be facilitated via Enrollment Express beginning the week of July 5, 2022. |
Subject: |
D.3. Food Service Director's Report - Mr. Ricardo Cazares
Mr. Cazares reported 761 breakfast and 2,620 lunch meals were served during the month of May. Mr. Cazares submitted the Monthly Expenses to Revenue report for May. |
Subject: |
D.4. Facilities Director's Report - Mr. Hector Longoria
Mr. Longoria reported and submitted photos of the removing and replacing a total of thirty-two air handler units in the Media and Fine Arts buildings. A list of the annual ground and facilities maintenance tasks to be completed before the start of the new school year. Mr. Longoria submitted May’s monthly work order requests from staff. |
Subject: |
D.5. Athletic Director's Report - Mr. Mike Ibarra
Mr. Ibarra reported head football coach interviews were conducted the week of May 23, 2022. Football players will be attending summer camp from June to July, 2022. Coach Tarango cancelled her summer volleyball camp due to Summer School using the gymnasium while the Media Building and Arts Building are under construction. Mr. Ibarra provided a list of volleyball and football finalized schedules. |
Subject: |
Subject: |
E.1. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to adopt a resolution approving the Governing Board’s Argument in support of the Special Maintenance and Operation Budget Override Election.
Subject: |
E.2. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to hold a special meeting to present the FY23 Proposed Budget.
Subject: |
ADE-EMAC System – Safe Return to In-Person Learning Plans. Mrs. Roberts updated and submitted the document in March 2022. The new due date has not been posted for the submittal in 2023. Grants awarded
English Language Learner (ELL) Program The AZELLA test results for current students have been received and distributed as mandated. Information on new freshman students who may enroll for the next school year has been received. Career and Technical Education (CTE) In April 28, 2022 culinary arts students took the annual state developed assessment requirement. The students who passed the assessment received a letter and certificate from the Arizona Department of Education CTE Program. Mrs. Roberts has been helping Mrs. Sterner become familiar with the ADE CTE requirements. Special Education Program The required special education activities, meetings and reports continue as mandated. Information and files have been received and/or requested from the feeder school districts for potential incoming freshmen students. We continue to convene and hold parent/IEP meetings as needed to meet student needs and to remain in compliance with state and federal requirements. Long-Term Suspension Hearings Zero (0) hearings held. The district will need to determine how to fill the position of Hearing Officer in future cases. Since I was a trained, certified hearing officer, I have served in this capacity during the past eight years. The hearing officer cannot be involved in (nor have knowledge of) any of the student’s discipline that occurs prior to the long-term suspension hearing stage. This means that the new superintendent cannot serve as the hearing officer for the district as she also is the school principal. I’m providing this information so that the Superintendent and Board can have time to seek other options to cover this responsibility. |
Subject: |
Subject: |
G.1. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to accept Stephfon Minor’s letter of resignation as Paraprofessional for FY 22/23.
Subject: |
G.2. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to approve Kent Campbell as a volunteer tutor for FY 22/23.
Subject: |
G.3. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to approve Thomas Cortez as the Head Football Coach for FY 22/23.
Subject: |
G.4. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to approve Thomas Cortez as the Summer Weight Coordinator for FY 22/23.
Subject: |
G.5. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to pay all eligible certified teachers the full amount of Fund 012 per FTE
Subject: |
G.6. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to pay all eligible certified teachers the full amount of Fund 012 per FTE
Subject: |
G.7. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to pay Mrs. Roberts $2,744.00 for her performance based pay per the FY21-22 Part-Time Superintendent Contract.
Subject: |
Subject: |
H.1. Approval for ratification of the expenditures identified in the Auxiliary Operations Fund Report for May 2022.
Subject: |
H.2. Approval of Student Activities Account Report for May 2022.
Subject: |
H.3. Approval for ratification of payroll and expense vouchers for May 2022.
Subject: |
H.4. Approval of the Special Governing Board Meeting Minutes from April 28, 2022.
Subject: |
H.5. Approval of the list of Cooperative’s the District will be using during fiscal year 2022-2023
Subject: |
H.6. Approval for the Governing Board President, Superintendent & Business Manager to sign all School Facilities Board’s Terms & Conditions for the acceptance of monies from Building Renewal Grant Funds forms for FY22-23.
Subject: |
H.7. Approval of sole source resolution for FY22-23.
Subject: |
H.8. Approval of the IGA between Central Arizona Valley Institute of Technology Education District No. 01 and Santa Cruz Valley Union High School District from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023.
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |