Meeting Agenda
I.A. Tax Statements - Ross Duren
II.A. Review updated (LEGAL) policies and act on (LOCAL) policies;
II.A.I. BAA (LOCAL) - Board Legal Status - Powers and Duties
II.A.II. BBB (LOCAL) - Board Members - Elections
II.A.III. BBC (LOCAL)- Board Members - Vacancies and Removal from Office
II.A.IV. BE (LOCAL) Board Meetings
II.A.V. BED (LOCAL) Board Meetings - Public Participation
II.A.VI. BQA (LOCAL) Planning and Decision-Making Process District-Level
II.A.VII. BQB (LOCAL) Planning and Decision-Making Process Campus-Level
II.A.VIII. CCG (LOCAL) Local Revenue Sources - Ad Valorem Taxes
II.A.IX. CDA (LOCAL) Other Revenues - Investments
II.A.X. CFB (LOCAL) Accounting - Inventories
II.A.XI. CNA (LOCAL) Transportation Management - Student Transportation
II.A.XII. CO (LOCAL) Food Services Management
II.A.XIII. COB (LOCAL) Food Services Mangement - Free and Reduced-Priced Food Program
II.A.XIV. CQ (LOCAL) Electronic Communcation and Data Management
II.A.XV. CV (LOCAL) Facilities Construction
II.A.XVI. DCB (LOCAL)Employment Practices - Educator Term Contracts
II.A.XVII. DEA (LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits - Salaries, Wages, and Stipends
II.A.XVIII. DEC (LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits - Leaves and Absences
II.A.XIX. DED (LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits - Vacations and Holidays
II.A.XX. DH (LOCAL) Employee Standards of Conduct
II.A.XXI. DNA (LOCAL) Performance Appraisal - Evaluation of Teachers
II.A.XXII. DP (LOCAL) Personnel Positions
II.A.XXIII. ED (LOCAL) Organization of Instruction
II.A.XXIV. EEJA (LOCAL) Individualized Learning - Credit by Examination with Prior Instruction
II.A.XXV. EEJC (LOCAL) Individualized Learning - Correspondence Courses
II.A.XXVI. EFB (LOCAL) Instructional Resources - Library Media Programs
II.A.XXVII. EG (LOCAL) Curriculum Development
II.A.XXVIII. EHAC (LOCAL) Basic Instructional Program - Required Instruction (SECONDARY)
II.A.XXIX. EIE (LOCAL) Academic Achievement - Retention and Promotion
II.A.XXX. FDA (LOCAL) Admissions - Interdistrict Transfers
II.A.XXXI. FEE (LOCAL) - Attendance - Open/Closed Campus
II.A.XXXII. FFAA (LOCAL) Wellness and Health Services - Physical Examinations
II.A.XXXIII. FFAB (LOCAL) Wellness and Health Services - Immunizations
II.A.XXXIV. FFC (LEGAL) Student Welfare - Student Support Services
II.A.XXXV. FJ (LOCAL) Gifts and Solicitations
II.A.XXXVI. FMF (LOCAL) Student Activities - Contests and Competition
II.A.XXXVII. FNAA (LOCAL) Student Expression - Distribution of Nonschool Literature
II.A.XXXVIII. FNAB (LOCAL) Student Expression - Use of School Facilities for Nonschool Purposes
II.A.XXXIX. FO (LOCAL) Student Discipline
II.A.XL. GKD (LOCAL) Community Relations - Nonschool Use of School Facilities
II.A.XLI. GKDA (LOCAL) Nonschool Use of School Facilities - Distribution of Nonschool Literature
III.A. Resignations
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 25, 2007 at 6:30 PM - Special | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
I.A. Tax Statements - Ross Duren
Subject: |
Subject: |
II.A. Review updated (LEGAL) policies and act on (LOCAL) policies;
Subject: |
II.A.I. BAA (LOCAL) - Board Legal Status - Powers and Duties
Subject: |
II.A.II. BBB (LOCAL) - Board Members - Elections
Subject: |
II.A.III. BBC (LOCAL)- Board Members - Vacancies and Removal from Office
Subject: |
II.A.IV. BE (LOCAL) Board Meetings
Subject: |
II.A.V. BED (LOCAL) Board Meetings - Public Participation
Subject: |
II.A.VI. BQA (LOCAL) Planning and Decision-Making Process District-Level
Subject: |
II.A.VII. BQB (LOCAL) Planning and Decision-Making Process Campus-Level
Subject: |
II.A.VIII. CCG (LOCAL) Local Revenue Sources - Ad Valorem Taxes
Subject: |
II.A.IX. CDA (LOCAL) Other Revenues - Investments
Subject: |
II.A.X. CFB (LOCAL) Accounting - Inventories
Subject: |
II.A.XI. CNA (LOCAL) Transportation Management - Student Transportation
Subject: |
II.A.XII. CO (LOCAL) Food Services Management
Subject: |
II.A.XIII. COB (LOCAL) Food Services Mangement - Free and Reduced-Priced Food Program
Subject: |
II.A.XIV. CQ (LOCAL) Electronic Communcation and Data Management
Subject: |
II.A.XV. CV (LOCAL) Facilities Construction
Subject: |
II.A.XVI. DCB (LOCAL)Employment Practices - Educator Term Contracts
Subject: |
II.A.XVII. DEA (LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits - Salaries, Wages, and Stipends
Subject: |
II.A.XVIII. DEC (LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits - Leaves and Absences
Subject: |
II.A.XIX. DED (LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits - Vacations and Holidays
Subject: |
II.A.XX. DH (LOCAL) Employee Standards of Conduct
Subject: |
II.A.XXI. DNA (LOCAL) Performance Appraisal - Evaluation of Teachers
Subject: |
II.A.XXII. DP (LOCAL) Personnel Positions
Subject: |
II.A.XXIII. ED (LOCAL) Organization of Instruction
Subject: |
II.A.XXIV. EEJA (LOCAL) Individualized Learning - Credit by Examination with Prior Instruction
Subject: |
II.A.XXV. EEJC (LOCAL) Individualized Learning - Correspondence Courses
Subject: |
II.A.XXVI. EFB (LOCAL) Instructional Resources - Library Media Programs
Subject: |
II.A.XXVII. EG (LOCAL) Curriculum Development
Subject: |
II.A.XXVIII. EHAC (LOCAL) Basic Instructional Program - Required Instruction (SECONDARY)
Subject: |
II.A.XXIX. EIE (LOCAL) Academic Achievement - Retention and Promotion
Subject: |
II.A.XXX. FDA (LOCAL) Admissions - Interdistrict Transfers
Subject: |
II.A.XXXI. FEE (LOCAL) - Attendance - Open/Closed Campus
Subject: |
II.A.XXXII. FFAA (LOCAL) Wellness and Health Services - Physical Examinations
Subject: |
II.A.XXXIII. FFAB (LOCAL) Wellness and Health Services - Immunizations
Subject: |
II.A.XXXIV. FFC (LEGAL) Student Welfare - Student Support Services
Subject: |
II.A.XXXV. FJ (LOCAL) Gifts and Solicitations
Subject: |
II.A.XXXVI. FMF (LOCAL) Student Activities - Contests and Competition
Subject: |
II.A.XXXVII. FNAA (LOCAL) Student Expression - Distribution of Nonschool Literature
Subject: |
II.A.XXXVIII. FNAB (LOCAL) Student Expression - Use of School Facilities for Nonschool Purposes
Subject: |
II.A.XXXIX. FO (LOCAL) Student Discipline
Subject: |
II.A.XL. GKD (LOCAL) Community Relations - Nonschool Use of School Facilities
Subject: |
II.A.XLI. GKDA (LOCAL) Nonschool Use of School Facilities - Distribution of Nonschool Literature
Subject: |
Subject: |
III.A. Resignations
Subject: |