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Meeting Agenda
1. Call the Meeting to Order, Roll Call, and Establish Quorum
2. US and Texas Pledge/Moment of Silence:
3. Public Comments/Audience Participation - Speakers will have a total of  5 minutes to address the school board.  After all public comments are heard, the audience  shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board, unless requested by the presiding officer.
4. Board Action Items
4.A. Discuss and consider approving the 2023-2024 final budget amendments 
4.B. Discuss and consider approving the 2024-2025 Proposed Budget 
4.C. Discuss and consider approving the Maintenance and Operation Tax Rate of .7101 per $100 value of property for the current year
4.D. Discuss and consider approving the Interest and sinking Tax Rate of $0 per $100 value for the current year
4.E. Discuss and consider approving the 2024-2025 total Tax Rate of .7101 per $100 valuation of property for the current year
4.F. Discuss and consider approving Cody Field, Krystal Kolodziej, James Kolodziej, Sam Asebedo and Alvin Petty as Pawnee ISD's School Guardians
4.G. Discuss and consider adopting the Order of Cancelation for the November 2024 Board of Trustee General Election for Karnes County and Bee County
5. Informational Items
5.A. Information over Grow Your Own Program for a Resource Officer
6. CLOSED (EXECUTIVE) SESSION:  Board will adjourn into Closed Session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Open Meetings Act. The Board will convene in Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.074.
6.A. Employment/Resignations/Retirements
7. Reconvene from closed session(Pursuant to TEC Code 551.02) and possible action on items discussed in closed session
8. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: August 27, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Special Meeting
1. Call the Meeting to Order, Roll Call, and Establish Quorum
2. US and Texas Pledge/Moment of Silence:
3. Public Comments/Audience Participation - Speakers will have a total of  5 minutes to address the school board.  After all public comments are heard, the audience  shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board, unless requested by the presiding officer.
4. Board Action Items
4.A. Discuss and consider approving the 2023-2024 final budget amendments 
4.B. Discuss and consider approving the 2024-2025 Proposed Budget 
4.C. Discuss and consider approving the Maintenance and Operation Tax Rate of .7101 per $100 value of property for the current year
4.D. Discuss and consider approving the Interest and sinking Tax Rate of $0 per $100 value for the current year
4.E. Discuss and consider approving the 2024-2025 total Tax Rate of .7101 per $100 valuation of property for the current year
4.F. Discuss and consider approving Cody Field, Krystal Kolodziej, James Kolodziej, Sam Asebedo and Alvin Petty as Pawnee ISD's School Guardians
4.G. Discuss and consider adopting the Order of Cancelation for the November 2024 Board of Trustee General Election for Karnes County and Bee County
5. Informational Items
5.A. Information over Grow Your Own Program for a Resource Officer
6. CLOSED (EXECUTIVE) SESSION:  Board will adjourn into Closed Session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Open Meetings Act. The Board will convene in Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.074.
6.A. Employment/Resignations/Retirements
7. Reconvene from closed session(Pursuant to TEC Code 551.02) and possible action on items discussed in closed session
8. Adjourn

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