Meeting Agenda
1. Call the Meeting to Order, Roll Call, and Establish Quorum
2. Pledge/Moment of Silence: "Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible."
3. Public Comments/Audience Participation
4. Consent Agenda; The following items are of an administrative nature. The Board of Trustees has been furnished documentation on each item, and all such items may be acted on upon by one vote without being discussed seperately unless requested by a Trustee or Superintendent
4.A. Agenda for July 6, 2021
4.B. Minutes of June 21, 2021
4.C. Final Updated 2020-2021 District/Campus Improvement Plan
4.D. Update of Authorized Representatives for Pawnee ISD Investment Accounts
4.E. Adopt Updated TPESS Evaluation System
5. Discussion and Action on the termination of the Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP law firm as delinquent tax attorney, and the issuance of a notice of termination.
6. Discussion and Action on the approval of a contingent fee contract to hire Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins and Mott, LLP as delinquent tax attorney, pursuant to Sec. 6.30, Texas Tax Code, for the collection of property taxes owed to the PAWNEE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, with statutory notice provided under Section 2254, Texas Government Code, and issuance of a resolution.
7. Discussion and Action on a Resolution providing for the penalty to defray costs of collecting delinquent property taxes pursuant to Texas Property Tax Code Sections 33.07 and 33.08
9. Discuss and Consider Security Measures for the 2021-2022 school year including, but not limited to, the School Guardian Program and Agreement with Bee County Sheriff's Department
10. Discuss and Consider bid;Total Security Solution(TSS) includes additional related security project needs with TSS and or additional vendors for campus security by waiving any Chapter 44 provisions in accordance with law due to an event of exigent nature.
11. Discuss and Consider bid for campus electrical work by SJL
12. Discuss and Consider Action to Renew the District of Innovation Plan
13. Discuss and Consider Employee Leave Policy
14. Personnel:(Government Code 551.074)
14.A. Employment; Certified teachers for the 2021-2022 school year
14.B. Non Extensions/ Resignations/Retirements
14.C. Discuss and Consider 2021-2022 Compensation Plan; Certified Teachers, Contracted non-Certified Personnel, Administrators, Superintendent and At-Will Employees and Retire Rehires
14.D. Non-Certified Professional Probationary Contract for Food Service Director including terms
15. Reconvene from closed session(Pursuant to TEC Code 551.02) and possible action on items discussed in closed session
16. Principal Report; Academic Performance Update
17. Superintendent Report
17.A. 2021-2022 Pawnee ISD Handbooks; Student, Employee, ELA Program
17.B. Public Meeting to Discuss Budget & Proposed Tax Rate
17.C. Budget Workshop, Budget and Tax Rate Adoption
18. Upcoming Events/Trainings
19. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | July 6, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call the Meeting to Order, Roll Call, and Establish Quorum
Subject: |
2. Pledge/Moment of Silence: "Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible."
Subject: |
3. Public Comments/Audience Participation
Subject: |
4. Consent Agenda; The following items are of an administrative nature. The Board of Trustees has been furnished documentation on each item, and all such items may be acted on upon by one vote without being discussed seperately unless requested by a Trustee or Superintendent
Subject: |
4.A. Agenda for July 6, 2021
Subject: |
4.B. Minutes of June 21, 2021
Subject: |
4.C. Final Updated 2020-2021 District/Campus Improvement Plan
Subject: |
4.D. Update of Authorized Representatives for Pawnee ISD Investment Accounts
Subject: |
4.E. Adopt Updated TPESS Evaluation System
Subject: |
5. Discussion and Action on the termination of the Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP law firm as delinquent tax attorney, and the issuance of a notice of termination.
Subject: |
6. Discussion and Action on the approval of a contingent fee contract to hire Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins and Mott, LLP as delinquent tax attorney, pursuant to Sec. 6.30, Texas Tax Code, for the collection of property taxes owed to the PAWNEE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, with statutory notice provided under Section 2254, Texas Government Code, and issuance of a resolution.
Subject: |
7. Discussion and Action on a Resolution providing for the penalty to defray costs of collecting delinquent property taxes pursuant to Texas Property Tax Code Sections 33.07 and 33.08
Subject: |
Subject: |
9. Discuss and Consider Security Measures for the 2021-2022 school year including, but not limited to, the School Guardian Program and Agreement with Bee County Sheriff's Department
Subject: |
10. Discuss and Consider bid;Total Security Solution(TSS) includes additional related security project needs with TSS and or additional vendors for campus security by waiving any Chapter 44 provisions in accordance with law due to an event of exigent nature.
Subject: |
11. Discuss and Consider bid for campus electrical work by SJL
Subject: |
12. Discuss and Consider Action to Renew the District of Innovation Plan
Subject: |
13. Discuss and Consider Employee Leave Policy
Subject: |
14. Personnel:(Government Code 551.074)
Subject: |
14.A. Employment; Certified teachers for the 2021-2022 school year
Subject: |
14.B. Non Extensions/ Resignations/Retirements
Subject: |
14.C. Discuss and Consider 2021-2022 Compensation Plan; Certified Teachers, Contracted non-Certified Personnel, Administrators, Superintendent and At-Will Employees and Retire Rehires
Subject: |
14.D. Non-Certified Professional Probationary Contract for Food Service Director including terms
Subject: |
15. Reconvene from closed session(Pursuant to TEC Code 551.02) and possible action on items discussed in closed session
Subject: |
16. Principal Report; Academic Performance Update
Subject: |
17. Superintendent Report
Subject: |
17.A. 2021-2022 Pawnee ISD Handbooks; Student, Employee, ELA Program
Subject: |
17.B. Public Meeting to Discuss Budget & Proposed Tax Rate
Subject: |
17.C. Budget Workshop, Budget and Tax Rate Adoption
Subject: |
18. Upcoming Events/Trainings
Subject: |
19. Adjourn