Meeting Agenda
1. Campus Reports
1.A. Media Honor Roll Presentation
1.B. Ralls High School Campus Report
1.C. Ralls Middle School Campus Report
1.D. Ralls Elementary School Campus Report
1.E. EDGE Mentoring Report
1.F. Athletic Report
1.G. District Improvement Committee Report
1.H. Texas Primary Reading Initiative (TPRI) – Report
1.I. Limited English Proficiency Annual Report
2. Routine Items
2.A. Approval of Minutes from previous Board Meeting
2.B. Approval of Budget Amendments and Transfers
2.C. Monthly Financial Information
2.C.1. Revenue and Expenditures
2.C.2. Account Balances
2.C.2.a. Credit Card Statement
2.C.2.b. Bank Balances
2.D. Discussion/Approval of the following items:
2.D.1. Cafeteria Report
2.D.2. Tax Report
2.D.3. Transportation Report
2.D.4. Athletic Report
2.D.5. Telephone Analysis
2.D.6. Activity Report
2.D.7. Lorenzo Land Payment
2.D.8. Bills as Paid Report
3. New Business
3.A. Consideration /Approval for going out on bids for the following:
3.B. SHAC report on Drug testing for the 2009-2010 school year.
3.C. Consideration /Approval of funding for insurance supplement compensation for non eligible school district employees.
3.D. Consideration/Approval for salary schedules for administrators and Central Office staff.
3.E. Consideration/Approval of the following Plans.
3.F. Review the following plans and handooks.
3.G. Consider/Approve Employee 403B Matching Plan
3.H. Consider/Approve bids on the following:
3.I. Discussion of Track maintenance.
3.J. Consider/Approve the Shared Services Arrangement Agreement for the Lubbock Regional Day School Program for the Deaf.
4. Personnel - May go into executive session.
4.A. Consideration/Approval to Hire:
4.B. Superintendent report on resignations of at-will and contractual personnel
4.C. Superintendent report on terminations of at-will personnel
4.D. Deliberation and possible action on either the renewal or termination, effective at the end of the contract period, of probationary contract personnel
4.E. Deliberation and possible action on either the renewal or proposed nonrenewal of term contract personnel
5. Consent Agenda
6. Superintendent's Report
6.A. Enrollment and Financial Update
6.B. Graduation Ceremony--Feed back.
6.C. Estimated Taxable Values
6.D. Information regarding 3 year old Pre-K
7. Future Business
7.A. Thursday July 22nd --Next Board Meeting
7.B. TASB/TASA School Board Convention
7.C. Student Code of Conduct
7.D. Employee Handbook
7.E. District Improvement Plan
7.F. Athletic Policy
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 17, 2010 at 7:30 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Campus Reports
Subject: |
1.A. Media Honor Roll Presentation
Subject: |
1.B. Ralls High School Campus Report
Presenter: |
Chris Wade
Spring 2010 TAKS Results
Subject: |
1.C. Ralls Middle School Campus Report
Presenter: |
Macy Cavazos
Spring 2010 TAKS Results
Subject: |
1.D. Ralls Elementary School Campus Report
Presenter: |
L'Rae Watson
Spring 2010 TAKS Results
Subject: |
1.E. EDGE Mentoring Report
No Report
Subject: |
1.F. Athletic Report
Presenter: |
Tim James
Summer Activities
Subject: |
1.G. District Improvement Committee Report
Presenter: |
No Report
Subject: |
1.H. Texas Primary Reading Initiative (TPRI) – Report
Presenter: |
L'Rae Watson
Texas Education Agency requires that the local board receive an annual report on the progress students are making in reading in the local district.
Subject: |
1.I. Limited English Proficiency Annual Report
Presenter: |
Shauna Lane
Subject: |
2. Routine Items
Subject: |
2.A. Approval of Minutes from previous Board Meeting
Minutes from meeting held on Monday May 20, 2010. Please read minutes for your approval.
Subject: |
2.B. Approval of Budget Amendments and Transfers
Subject: |
2.C. Monthly Financial Information
Subject: |
2.C.1. Revenue and Expenditures
Subject: |
2.C.2. Account Balances
Subject: |
2.C.2.a. Credit Card Statement
Subject: |
2.C.2.b. Bank Balances
Subject: |
2.D. Discussion/Approval of the following items:
Subject: |
2.D.1. Cafeteria Report
Subject: |
2.D.2. Tax Report
Subject: |
2.D.3. Transportation Report
Subject: |
2.D.4. Athletic Report
Subject: |
2.D.5. Telephone Analysis
Subject: |
2.D.6. Activity Report
Subject: |
2.D.7. Lorenzo Land Payment
Subject: |
2.D.8. Bills as Paid Report
Subject: |
3. New Business
Subject: |
3.A. Consideration /Approval for going out on bids for the following:
§ Gasoline and Diesel Fuel
§ Athletic Equipment and
§ Student Insurance
§ Technology equipment and
Subject: |
3.B. SHAC report on Drug testing for the 2009-2010 school year.
The report indicates the number of students and staff tested and the number of positives on each campus. The projected number of tests to be given in the 2010-2011 school year for initial tests and also random tests.
Subject: |
3.C. Consideration /Approval of funding for insurance supplement compensation for non eligible school district employees.
The state has set aside administrative positions not be eligible for the $500 supplemental insurance funding previously authorized by the state. Currently it only affects nine district staff members, mainly administrators. I am recommending that we pass the $500 supplement insurance amount on all staff members that do not meet state criteria for funding. The criterion used is the 09-10 school year PEIMS codes used to identify individuals job descriptions. This is for 2010--2011 school year only. This item will need to be approved every year by the board.
Subject: |
3.D. Consideration/Approval for salary schedules for administrators and Central Office staff.
I will present a salary schedule for administrators at the meeting.
Subject: |
3.E. Consideration/Approval of the following Plans.
District Academic Plan
Gifted and Talented Plan Drug Testing Policy |
Subject: |
3.F. Review the following plans and handooks.
High School Campus Improvement Plan
Middle School Campus Improvement Plan Elementary School Campus Improvement Plan Recovery Education Campus Improvement Plan |
Subject: |
3.G. Consider/Approve Employee 403B Matching Plan
Subject: |
3.H. Consider/Approve bids on the following:
Agriculture Stock Trailer (2 bids submitted)
2011 Ford Expedition (1 bid submitted) |
Subject: |
3.I. Discussion of Track maintenance.
We resurfaced the track in 2006, it is time to visit about making repairs and plan for re-surfacing. We will have information for you at the board meeting.
Subject: |
3.J. Consider/Approve the Shared Services Arrangement Agreement for the Lubbock Regional Day School Program for the Deaf.
Required Board Approval effective Janunary 15, 2010.
Subject: |
4. Personnel - May go into executive session.
Subject: |
4.A. Consideration/Approval to Hire:
Kurt Kerns--High School Teacher/Coach
Julie Ackerman--Elementary School Teacher |
Subject: |
4.B. Superintendent report on resignations of at-will and contractual personnel
Brittany Hawthorne
Subject: |
4.C. Superintendent report on terminations of at-will personnel
Subject: |
4.D. Deliberation and possible action on either the renewal or termination, effective at the end of the contract period, of probationary contract personnel
Subject: |
4.E. Deliberation and possible action on either the renewal or proposed nonrenewal of term contract personnel
Subject: |
5. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
6. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
6.A. Enrollment and Financial Update
Subject: |
6.B. Graduation Ceremony--Feed back.
Subject: |
6.C. Estimated Taxable Values
Subject: |
6.D. Information regarding 3 year old Pre-K
Subject: |
7. Future Business
Subject: |
7.A. Thursday July 22nd --Next Board Meeting
Subject: |
7.B. TASB/TASA School Board Convention
Subject: |
7.C. Student Code of Conduct
Subject: |
7.D. Employee Handbook
Subject: |
7.E. District Improvement Plan
Subject: |
7.F. Athletic Policy