Meeting Agenda
1. Campus Reports
1.A. Student and Staff Recognition
1.B. Ralls High School Campus Report
1.C. Ralls Middle School Campus Report
1.D. Ralls Elementary School Campus Report
1.E. EDGE Mentoring Report
1.F. Athletic Report
1.G. District Improvement Committee Report
2. Routine Items
2.A. Approval of Minutes from previous Board Meeting
2.B. Approval of Budget Amendments and Transfers
2.C. Monthly Financial Information
2.C.1. Revenue and Expenditures
2.C.2. Account Balances
2.C.2.a. Credit Card Statement
2.C.2.b. Bank Balances
2.D. Discussion/Approval of the following items:
2.D.1. Cafeteria Report
2.D.2. Tax Report
2.D.3. Transportation Report
2.D.4. Athletic Report
2.D.5. Telephone Analysis
2.D.6. Activity Report
2.D.7. Lorenzo Land Payment
2.D.8. Bills as Paid Report
3. New Business
3.A. Consideration/Approval of the ordering of election, May 9, 2009.
3.B. Consideration / Approval of the election calendar for the 2009 Ralls school trustee election on May 9 2009.
3.C. Consideration/Approval to move April Board Meeting Date.
3.D. Consideration/Approval to purchase a marquee.
3.E. Public report on Continuing Education Credit for School Board Members.
3.F. Board Resolution Extending Depository Contract.
3.G. Consideration / Approval of adopting the Plan Document as submitted by ISC Group to govern the district's employee 403b program.
3.H. Nominate a representative to serve as an Appraisal Review Board Representative on the Crosby County Central Appraisal District.
3.I. Consideration/Approval to accept resignation of Board Member Joe John Calderon, representing District 3.
3.J. Consideration/Approval to appoint a replacement for Ralls ISD Board of Trustees District 3
3.K. Consideration / Approval of appointing an Integrated Pest Management for the District.
4. Personnel - May go into executive session.
4.A. Consideration/Approval of resignations.
4.B. Consideration/Approval to Hire:
4.C. Consideration/Approval to hire/employ district personnel. Business Manager, Principals, Assistant Principals, and Athletic Director.
4.D. Administrators will review district teaching staff with the board.
5. Consent Agenda
6. Superintendent's Report
6.A. Enrollment
Financial Update
6.B. One to One Computing Information
6.C. Mid Winter Conference and Budget Boot Camp in Austin - January 24th – January 28th
6.D. Tax Values Report
6.E. Stimulus Package Impact on Ralls ISD
7. Future Business
7.A. Contract renewals will be during the March board meeting.
7.B. School Board Elections--May 2009
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 9, 2009 at 7:30 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Campus Reports
Subject: |
1.A. Student and Staff Recognition
Business Professionals of America
Subject: |
1.B. Ralls High School Campus Report
Presenter: |
Chris Wade
Benchmark Tests
Subject: |
1.C. Ralls Middle School Campus Report
Presenter: |
Michael Allbright
Benchmark Tests
Subject: |
1.D. Ralls Elementary School Campus Report
Presenter: |
L'Rae Watson
Parent Survey Results
Subject: |
1.E. EDGE Mentoring Report
Presenter: |
Selenda Cumby and Carolyn Chote
Subject: |
1.F. Athletic Report
Basketball and Spring Sports
Subject: |
1.G. District Improvement Committee Report
Report from January 19th and February 4th
Subject: |
2. Routine Items
Subject: |
2.A. Approval of Minutes from previous Board Meeting
Minutes from meeting held on Monday January 12, 2009. Please read minutes for your approval.
Subject: |
2.B. Approval of Budget Amendments and Transfers
Subject: |
2.C. Monthly Financial Information
Subject: |
2.C.1. Revenue and Expenditures
Subject: |
2.C.2. Account Balances
Subject: |
2.C.2.a. Credit Card Statement
Subject: |
2.C.2.b. Bank Balances
Subject: |
2.D. Discussion/Approval of the following items:
Subject: |
2.D.1. Cafeteria Report
Subject: |
2.D.2. Tax Report
Subject: |
2.D.3. Transportation Report
Subject: |
2.D.4. Athletic Report
Subject: |
2.D.5. Telephone Analysis
Subject: |
2.D.6. Activity Report
Subject: |
2.D.7. Lorenzo Land Payment
None to date.
Subject: |
2.D.8. Bills as Paid Report
Subject: |
3. New Business
Subject: |
3.A. Consideration/Approval of the ordering of election, May 9, 2009.
The board needs to call for a School Board Trustee General Election and Special Election to be scheduled for May 9,2009. Christy Forbes will be the Early Voting Clerk, she shall appoint Deputy Voting The Trustee Election Judge, and The Alternate Election Judge. Christy will also appoint Day Clerks as needed.
Subject: |
3.B. Consideration / Approval of the election calendar for the 2009 Ralls school trustee election on May 9 2009.
The election will be held in the Ralls EMS Training Center at 800 Ave I for School Board Trustee General Election and Special Election scheduled for May 9, 2009. We have two places up for election – District 5-Aunie Sellers, and District 1-Virginia Torres. District 3 vacated by the resignation of Joe John Calderon will also be up for election. We need to canvass the election returns on Tuesday May 12th at 10:00am. Just two members of the board constitute a quorum to canvass the votes.
Subject: |
3.C. Consideration/Approval to move April Board Meeting Date.
Baseball and Softball schedules are now out, so I would like to move the date of our April Meeting. I spoke with Kathy London our TASB Policy Service agent, it is not necessary to take board action when changing a date.
Subject: |
3.D. Consideration/Approval to purchase a marquee.
We will have bid information for you at the meeting.
Subject: |
3.E. Public report on Continuing Education Credit for School Board Members.
It is required by law for the Board President to announce publicly each board members progress towards to required credits.
Subject: |
3.F. Board Resolution Extending Depository Contract.
Funds for Ralls ISD, Under Texas Education Code, Chapter 45, Subchapter G School District Depositories. It is time for the district to go out for bids on the school district’s depository funds and services. The TEA Code does allow the district to get a two year extension on the current school depository agreements between Vista Bank of Ralls and Ralls ISD. We are asking the board to approve the resolution for the two year extension.
Subject: |
3.G. Consideration / Approval of adopting the Plan Document as submitted by ISC Group to govern the district's employee 403b program.
ISC Group, the third party administrator for Ralls ISD's 403b program, prepared a Plan Document to govern the district's 403b program according to the changes in tax law made by the IRS that went into effect January 1, 2009. The IRS is allowing employers to make the neccessary steps to become fully compliant with the changes in the law by December 31, 2009. This Plan Document will address all of those changes and by following the directives outlined in it, Ralls ISD will be fully compliant with the law.
Subject: |
3.H. Nominate a representative to serve as an Appraisal Review Board Representative on the Crosby County Central Appraisal District.
Donald Kirskey has resigned his at large position on the CCAD Appraisal Review board as of January 28, 2009. We need to make a nomination as soon as possible.
Subject: |
3.I. Consideration/Approval to accept resignation of Board Member Joe John Calderon, representing District 3.
I am attaching Joe John's resignation letter.
Subject: |
3.J. Consideration/Approval to appoint a replacement for Ralls ISD Board of Trustees District 3
Subject: |
3.K. Consideration / Approval of appointing an Integrated Pest Management for the District.
State law requires that each district have an IPM coordinator for overseeing the application of pesticides. I recommend we appoint Bruce Harris and Sean Appleton.
Subject: |
4. Personnel - May go into executive session.
Subject: |
4.A. Consideration/Approval of resignations.
Subject: |
4.B. Consideration/Approval to Hire:
Subject: |
4.C. Consideration/Approval to hire/employ district personnel. Business Manager, Principals, Assistant Principals, and Athletic Director.
I am recommending that we extend the contracts for the following administrators by one year.
Business Manager – Bruce Harris
High School – Chris Wade
Middle School – Michael Allbright
Elementary School – L’Rae Watson
Athletic Director - Billy Villarreal
Assistant Elementary – Macy Cavazos
Recovery Education Campus – Loretta Velez
Curriculum Director--Shauna Lane
Subject: |
4.D. Administrators will review district teaching staff with the board.
Enclosed in your board packet are listing of district personnel and their campus assignment for the district. The administrators may meet with you in closed session to review teaching and professional personnel for their campus. Contract renewals will be during the March board meeting.
Subject: |
5. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
6. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
6.A. Enrollment
Financial Update
Subject: |
6.B. One to One Computing Information
Subject: |
6.C. Mid Winter Conference and Budget Boot Camp in Austin - January 24th – January 28th
Subject: |
6.D. Tax Values Report
Subject: |
6.E. Stimulus Package Impact on Ralls ISD
Subject: |
7. Future Business
Subject: |
7.A. Contract renewals will be during the March board meeting.
Subject: |
7.B. School Board Elections--May 2009
Aunie Sellers and Virginia Torres