Meeting Agenda
1. Campus Reports
1.A. Student and Staff Recognition
1.B. Ralls High School Campus Report
1.C. Ralls Middle School Campus Report
1.D. Ralls Elementary School Campus Report
1.E. EDGE Mentoring Report
1.F. Athletic Report
1.G. District Improvement Committee Report
2. Routine Items
2.A. Approval of Minutes from previous Board Meeting
2.B. Approval of Budget Amendments and Transfers
2.C. Monthly Financial Information
2.C.1. Revenue and Expenditures
2.C.2. Account Balances
2.C.2.a. Credit Card Statement
2.C.2.b. Bank Balances
2.D. Discussion/Approval of the following items:
2.D.1. Cafeteria Report
2.D.2. Tax Report
2.D.3. Transportation Report
2.D.4. Athletic Report
2.D.5. Telephone Analysis
2.D.6. Activity Report
2.D.7. Lorenzo Land Payment
2.D.8. Bills as Paid Report
3. New Business
3.A. Public Hearing for public discussion of the annual AEIS report.
3.B. “Policy Update 84 affecting local policies (see attached list)”
3.C. Consideration/Approval of the 2009-20010 West Texas Food Service Cooperative Interlocal Agreement.
3.D. Consider/Approve Board Goals and RISD Mission/Vision 2008-2009
3.E. Consideration/Approval to move April Board Meeting Date.
3.F. Discussion of FDA LOCAL--District Transfers
3.G. Consideration/Approval of closing off 16th Streeet (in front of Elementary School) for safety precautions.
3.H. Discussion of Energy Management Plan.
3.I. Consideration/Approval to purchase a marquee.
4. Personnel
4.A. Consideration/Approval of resignations.
4.B. Consideration/Approval to Hire:
4.C. Discussion / Evaluation of Administrators
4.D. Consideration/Approval to extend contract of the Superintendent.
5. Consent Agenda
6. Superintendent's Report
6.A. WADA Sales 2005-2006
6.B. Enrollment
Financial Update
6.C. One to One Computing Information
6.D. Mid Winter Conference and Budget Boot Camp in Austin - January 24th – January 28th
6.E. Campus report cards (AEIS) mailed to every parent in the district.
7. Future Business
7.A. School Board Elections--May 2009
7.B. Capital Conference and Legislative Reception
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 12, 2009 at 7:30 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Campus Reports
Subject: |
1.A. Student and Staff Recognition
David Arthur--Eagle Scout Project
Subject: |
1.B. Ralls High School Campus Report
Presenter: |
Chris Wade
Benchmark Tests
Subject: |
1.C. Ralls Middle School Campus Report
Presenter: |
Michael Allbright
Benchmark Tests
Subject: |
1.D. Ralls Elementary School Campus Report
Presenter: |
L'Rae Watson
Benchmark Tests
Subject: |
1.E. EDGE Mentoring Report
Semester in review.
Subject: |
1.F. Athletic Report
Presenter: |
Billy Villarreal
Basketball, Baseball, Softball and off season.
Subject: |
1.G. District Improvement Committee Report
We will meet on January 19th for School Calendar.
Subject: |
2. Routine Items
Subject: |
2.A. Approval of Minutes from previous Board Meeting
Minutes from meeting held on Monday December 8, 2008. Please read minutes for your approval.
Subject: |
2.B. Approval of Budget Amendments and Transfers
Subject: |
2.C. Monthly Financial Information
Subject: |
2.C.1. Revenue and Expenditures
Subject: |
2.C.2. Account Balances
Subject: |
2.C.2.a. Credit Card Statement
Subject: |
2.C.2.b. Bank Balances
Subject: |
2.D. Discussion/Approval of the following items:
Subject: |
2.D.1. Cafeteria Report
Subject: |
2.D.2. Tax Report
Subject: |
2.D.3. Transportation Report
Subject: |
2.D.4. Athletic Report
Subject: |
2.D.5. Telephone Analysis
Subject: |
2.D.6. Activity Report
Subject: |
2.D.7. Lorenzo Land Payment
None to date.
Subject: |
2.D.8. Bills as Paid Report
Subject: |
3. New Business
Subject: |
3.A. Public Hearing for public discussion of the annual AEIS report.
According to the Texas Education Code, every district’s board of trustees is required to publish an annual report describing the district’s educational performance on the Academic Excellence Indicator System indicators, hold a hearing for public discussion of the report, & disseminate the report within the district. The campus Principals will report their campus results to the board and the public.
Subject: |
3.B. “Policy Update 84 affecting local policies (see attached list)”
Most of the policies are legal changes and adjustments to current law. The board cannot change any of the Legal Policies but does have the option on making adjustments and changes to any of the Local Policies. TASB has recommendations for the Local Policies and these recommendations conform and meet the letter of the law while maintaining some local control and discretion. I am recommending that we adopt Update 84.
Subject: |
3.C. Consideration/Approval of the 2009-20010 West Texas Food Service Cooperative Interlocal Agreement.
Subject: |
3.D. Consider/Approve Board Goals and RISD Mission/Vision 2008-2009
Setting goals for the board that gives vision and direction to administration and the district. After reviewing and revising the goals on December 8, 2008, and if there are no revisions, then we need to adopt the goals from the final copy.
Subject: |
3.E. Consideration/Approval to move April Board Meeting Date.
April 13 is the date for our regularly scheduled board meeting. However, this is a possible holiday for staff and students, it is on the calendar as a bad weather day. We can change our meeting from Monday the 13th to Tuesday the 14th.
Subject: |
3.F. Discussion of FDA LOCAL--District Transfers
I want to share with you information regarding a possible change in this policy.
Subject: |
3.G. Consideration/Approval of closing off 16th Streeet (in front of Elementary School) for safety precautions.
Presenter: |
L'Rae Watson
Ralls Elementary School would like to close the street during school hours M-F. It is currently closed from 3:00pm-4:15pm. This will ensure a safer environment duirng arrival and dismissal of students.
Subject: |
3.H. Discussion of Energy Management Plan.
Presenter: |
Bruce Harris
Dan Moore has provided us with information regarding the current year to date savings.
Subject: |
3.I. Consideration/Approval to purchase a marquee.
We have been searching for a digital marquee for several years and have tried to get grant money for this project and have not been able to do so. We have some timely information we want to share with you that could be positive for Ralls ISD and a possible partial sponsor.
Subject: |
4. Personnel
Subject: |
4.A. Consideration/Approval of resignations.
Chelsey Campbell
Subject: |
4.B. Consideration/Approval to Hire:
Brittany Hawthorne
Subject: |
4.C. Discussion / Evaluation of Administrators
Business Manager -- Bruce Harris
Curriculum Director--Shauna Lane
High School Principal-- Chris Wade
Middle School Principal -- Michael Allbright
Elementary School Principal -- L’Rae Watson
Athletic Director -- Billy Villarreal
Recovery Education Campus --Loretta Velez
Assistant Elementary -- Macy Cavazos
Subject: |
4.D. Consideration/Approval to extend contract of the Superintendent.
Each year the board may consider the extension of the superintendent’s contract, according to board policy. I would like for you to consider extending my contract by one year. Currently I am serving a three-year contract and after this year there will be two years remaining. I also ask you to consider a pay increase if I am doing the job up to the standards set by the Board. You need to consider these two items for your approval at this meeting. We can fill out the contract according to the board’s decision on the contract and the pay increase if granted.
Subject: |
5. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
6. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
6.A. WADA Sales 2005-2006
Information from TEA
Subject: |
6.B. Enrollment
Financial Update
Subject: |
6.C. One to One Computing Information
Subject: |
6.D. Mid Winter Conference and Budget Boot Camp in Austin - January 24th – January 28th
Subject: |
6.E. Campus report cards (AEIS) mailed to every parent in the district.
Subject: |
7. Future Business
Subject: |
7.A. School Board Elections--May 2009
Aunie Sellers and Virginia Torres
Subject: |
7.B. Capital Conference and Legislative Reception