Meeting Agenda
1. Call To Order
1.a. Declaration of Quorum
1.b. Prayer
2. Speakers Forum (Limited to 3 to 5 minutes each)
3. Administrator Reports
4. Superintendent's Report
4.a. Financial/Tax Collections Report
4.b. Current Budget Report
4.c. Review Van Zandt County Collections Audit Report
4.d. Review MAP test results
5. Consider changes to School Health Related Services Contract
6. Consider purchase of new Milk Cooler
7. Consider CCMR/Early Childhood Goals
8. Consider Attendance Waivers for 2024-2025 school year.
9. Consider the 2025-2026 Fruitvale ISD school district calendar.
10. Consider changes to Capitalization of Assets definition from $5,000 threshold to $10,000 threshold to match Uniform Grant Guidance, EDGAR and upcoming FASRG changes.
11. Approve TASB Policy Update 124, reviewing legal and approving local updates.
12. Consider election judges for May election
13. Consider school bond election financial position and plans.
14. Approve legislative priorities for Fruitvale ISD.
15. Consider Annual Investment Report
16. Annual Review of Fruitvale ISD Investment Policy
17. Approve Minutes January 16, 2025 Regular School Board Meeting
18. Consider Accounts Payable
19. Consider Budget Amendments
20. Personnel
20.a. Consider administrator contract extensions and salary increases.
20.b. Consider the superintendent's evaluation instrument and goals for 2025.
20.c. Resignation of employees
21. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 20, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call To Order
Subject: |
1.a. Declaration of Quorum
Subject: |
1.b. Prayer
Subject: |
2. Speakers Forum (Limited to 3 to 5 minutes each)
Subject: |
3. Administrator Reports
Subject: |
4. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
4.a. Financial/Tax Collections Report
Subject: |
4.b. Current Budget Report
Subject: |
4.c. Review Van Zandt County Collections Audit Report
Subject: |
4.d. Review MAP test results
Subject: |
5. Consider changes to School Health Related Services Contract
Subject: |
6. Consider purchase of new Milk Cooler
Subject: |
7. Consider CCMR/Early Childhood Goals
Subject: |
8. Consider Attendance Waivers for 2024-2025 school year.
Subject: |
9. Consider the 2025-2026 Fruitvale ISD school district calendar.
Subject: |
10. Consider changes to Capitalization of Assets definition from $5,000 threshold to $10,000 threshold to match Uniform Grant Guidance, EDGAR and upcoming FASRG changes.
Subject: |
11. Approve TASB Policy Update 124, reviewing legal and approving local updates.
Subject: |
12. Consider election judges for May election
Subject: |
13. Consider school bond election financial position and plans.
Subject: |
14. Approve legislative priorities for Fruitvale ISD.
Subject: |
15. Consider Annual Investment Report
Subject: |
16. Annual Review of Fruitvale ISD Investment Policy
The Board shall review this investment policy and investment strategies not less than annually and shall document its review in writing, which shall include whether any changes were made to either the investment policy or investment strategies.
Subject: |
17. Approve Minutes January 16, 2025 Regular School Board Meeting
Subject: |
18. Consider Accounts Payable
Subject: |
19. Consider Budget Amendments
Subject: |
20. Personnel
Subject: |
20.a. Consider administrator contract extensions and salary increases.
Subject: |
20.b. Consider the superintendent's evaluation instrument and goals for 2025.
Subject: |
20.c. Resignation of employees
Subject: |
21. Adjourn