Meeting Agenda
1. Call To Order
1.a. Declaration of Quorum
1.b. Prayer
2. Speakers Forum (Limited to 3 to 5 minutes each)
3. Consider Annual Audit Report
4. Consider safety meeting considerations.
4.a. Consider the purchase of guns for police officers.
4.b. Review required addition of cell phones for police officers.
5. Consider the cost of cloud hosting software.
6. Consider Police Department Policy Update.
7. Administrator Reports
8. Consider Campus Improvement Plans for 2024-2025.
9. Superintendent's Report
9.a. Financial/Tax Collections Report
9.b. Monthly Budget Report - October 2024
9.c. Review AFR letter for Audit ending August 31, 2023
9.d. Review letter from school district attorney on audit.
10. Consider bus wrap changes and quotes.
11. Consider bids on multiple items.
11.a. Consider bids on the stadium sound system.
11.b. Consider bids on alarm monitoring or consider doing away with monitored service.
11.c. Consider purchase of needed band instruments for band program.
11.d. Consider bids for parking lot painting for drop-off and pick-up areas.
12. Public Meeting Annual FIRST Report
13. Approve Annual FIRST Report
14. Review annual 2023-2024 SHAC report.
15. Consider School Health Advisory Curriculum recommendations for the health curriculum/substance misuse program
16. Consider School Health Advisory Committee members
17. Consider Choice Partners Commodity Agreement
18. Consider Summer Feeding Letter required by TDA
19. Approve Minutes to the October 17, 2024 Regular Board Meeting
20. Accounts Payable
21. Budget Amendments
21.a. Amendment #1 Phase 2 Admin JH Parking Lot - Awnings and Finish Out
21.b. Amendment #2 Softball Uniforms
21.c. Amendment #3 HRE Principal Supplies
21.d. Amendment #4 Track Budget
21.e. Amendment #5 Weight Room Upgrade
21.f. Amendment #6 Stadium Sound System
21.g. Amendment #7 Band Instruments
22. Personnel
23. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 21, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call To Order
Subject: |
1.a. Declaration of Quorum
Subject: |
1.b. Prayer
Subject: |
2. Speakers Forum (Limited to 3 to 5 minutes each)
Subject: |
3. Consider Annual Audit Report
Subject: |
4. Consider safety meeting considerations.
Subject: |
4.a. Consider the purchase of guns for police officers.
Subject: |
4.b. Review required addition of cell phones for police officers.
Subject: |
5. Consider the cost of cloud hosting software.
Subject: |
6. Consider Police Department Policy Update.
Subject: |
7. Administrator Reports
Subject: |
8. Consider Campus Improvement Plans for 2024-2025.
Subject: |
9. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
9.a. Financial/Tax Collections Report
Subject: |
9.b. Monthly Budget Report - October 2024
Subject: |
9.c. Review AFR letter for Audit ending August 31, 2023
Subject: |
9.d. Review letter from school district attorney on audit.
Subject: |
10. Consider bus wrap changes and quotes.
Subject: |
11. Consider bids on multiple items.
Subject: |
11.a. Consider bids on the stadium sound system.
Subject: |
11.b. Consider bids on alarm monitoring or consider doing away with monitored service.
Subject: |
11.c. Consider purchase of needed band instruments for band program.
Subject: |
11.d. Consider bids for parking lot painting for drop-off and pick-up areas.
Subject: |
12. Public Meeting Annual FIRST Report
Subject: |
13. Approve Annual FIRST Report
Subject: |
14. Review annual 2023-2024 SHAC report.
Subject: |
15. Consider School Health Advisory Curriculum recommendations for the health curriculum/substance misuse program
Subject: |
16. Consider School Health Advisory Committee members
Subject: |
17. Consider Choice Partners Commodity Agreement
Subject: |
18. Consider Summer Feeding Letter required by TDA
TDA is now requiring a letter go to SHAC when a district asks for a waiver to opt out of the summer feeding program.
Subject: |
19. Approve Minutes to the October 17, 2024 Regular Board Meeting
Subject: |
20. Accounts Payable
Subject: |
21. Budget Amendments
Subject: |
21.a. Amendment #1 Phase 2 Admin JH Parking Lot - Awnings and Finish Out
Subject: |
21.b. Amendment #2 Softball Uniforms
Subject: |
21.c. Amendment #3 HRE Principal Supplies
Subject: |
21.d. Amendment #4 Track Budget
Subject: |
21.e. Amendment #5 Weight Room Upgrade
Subject: |
21.f. Amendment #6 Stadium Sound System
Subject: |
21.g. Amendment #7 Band Instruments
Subject: |
22. Personnel
Subject: |
23. Adjourn