Meeting Agenda
1. Public Comments and Presentations
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Recognition of Students Honored in the Duke University Talent Identification Program
1.C. Recognition of Amarillo Independent School District Teachers of the Year and Finalists for 2004-2005
1.D. Focus on the Schools: Rogers Elementary Orff Music Program and Report on AISD Music Program Activities
1.E. Superintendent's Report: 1) Report on Amarillo ISD's On-line School; 2) Update on the Mann Middle School Project
1.F. Public Comments
2. Action Items for Consideration
2.A. Consent Agenda Items
2.A.1. Accept Gifts
2.A.2. Approve Bids
2.A.3. Approve Budget Amendment #9
2.B. Regular Action Items
2.B.1. Approve the Submission of a Waiver Request to the Texas Education Agency For Tascosa High School to Receive Reimbursement for Advanced Placement Human Geography Textbooks
2.B.2. Adopt Revised Policy FNCA(LOCAL) Student Conduct: Dress Code
2.B.3. Adopt Revised Policies BJA(LOCAL) Superintendent: Qualifications and Duties; DGA(LOCAL) Employee Rights and Privileges: Freedom of Association; FOC(LOCAL) Student Discipline: Placement in a Disciplinary Alternative Education Setting; and GF(LOCAL) Public Complaints
2.B.4. Approve the Renewal of a Contract With Chartwells Education Foodservice Company
3. Information Items
3.A. Review on First Reading Local Policies Included in Policy Manual Update 74
3.B. Financial Reports
3.C. Incident Report
4. Personnel Items
5. Closed Meeting
6. Reorganization of the Board
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | May 16, 2005 at 6:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Public Comments and Presentations
Subject: |
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
1.B. Recognition of Students Honored in the Duke University Talent Identification Program
Core Value 1
Subject: |
1.C. Recognition of Amarillo Independent School District Teachers of the Year and Finalists for 2004-2005
Core Value 4
Subject: |
1.D. Focus on the Schools: Rogers Elementary Orff Music Program and Report on AISD Music Program Activities
Core Values 1, 2
Subject: |
1.E. Superintendent's Report: 1) Report on Amarillo ISD's On-line School; 2) Update on the Mann Middle School Project
Core Values 1, 2
Subject: |
1.F. Public Comments
Core Value 2
Subject: |
2. Action Items for Consideration
Subject: |
2.A. Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
2.A.1. Accept Gifts
Core Values 2, 3
Subject: |
2.A.2. Approve Bids
Core Value 3
Subject: |
2.A.3. Approve Budget Amendment #9
Core Value 3
Subject: |
2.B. Regular Action Items
Subject: |
2.B.1. Approve the Submission of a Waiver Request to the Texas Education Agency For Tascosa High School to Receive Reimbursement for Advanced Placement Human Geography Textbooks
Core Value 1
Subject: |
2.B.2. Adopt Revised Policy FNCA(LOCAL) Student Conduct: Dress Code
Core Values 1, 2
Subject: |
2.B.3. Adopt Revised Policies BJA(LOCAL) Superintendent: Qualifications and Duties; DGA(LOCAL) Employee Rights and Privileges: Freedom of Association; FOC(LOCAL) Student Discipline: Placement in a Disciplinary Alternative Education Setting; and GF(LOCAL) Public Complaints
Core Values 1, 2, 4
Subject: |
2.B.4. Approve the Renewal of a Contract With Chartwells Education Foodservice Company
Core Values 1, 2, 3
Subject: |
3. Information Items
Subject: |
3.A. Review on First Reading Local Policies Included in Policy Manual Update 74
Core Values 1, 2, 3 and 4
Subject: |
3.B. Financial Reports
Core Value 3
Subject: |
3.C. Incident Report
Core Values 2, 3
Subject: |
4. Personnel Items
Core Value 4
Subject: |
5. Closed Meeting
Subject: |
6. Reorganization of the Board