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Meeting Agenda
1. Establish quorum
2. Invocation
3. Public Forum - Persons desiring to address the Board must complete a public comment card prior to the start of the meeting and submit it to the presiding officer. No presentations shall exceed 3 minutes. The board cannot deliberate on any subject that is not included on this agenda. 
4. Consider action on the Financial Audit for 2023-2024 school year as presented by the district's auditor, Cameron Gulley.
5. Consent Agenda 
5.A. Minutes of Meeting held on November 11, 2024.
5.B. School Accounts
5.C. Monthly Bills
6. Reports to the Board
6.A. Superintendent's report
6.A.1. Monthly Maintenance
6.A.2. Class Counts
6.B. High School Principal's report
6.B.1. Athletics report
6.B.2. Ag Science report
6.C. Elementary Principal's report
7. Action Items:
7.A. Approve Teinert Construction CM@R to receive Proposals from subcontractors and Material Suppliers for the High School Connector Building and Field House Additions project.
7.B. Consider action on Interlocal Government Agreement with City of Covington for May School Board  Election Services
8. Executive Session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas  Government Code, Chapter 551, pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
9. Action on Executive Session Items 
10. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: December 11, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
1. Establish quorum
2. Invocation
3. Public Forum - Persons desiring to address the Board must complete a public comment card prior to the start of the meeting and submit it to the presiding officer. No presentations shall exceed 3 minutes. The board cannot deliberate on any subject that is not included on this agenda. 
4. Consider action on the Financial Audit for 2023-2024 school year as presented by the district's auditor, Cameron Gulley.
5. Consent Agenda 
5.A. Minutes of Meeting held on November 11, 2024.
Minutes from previous meeting(s)
5.B. School Accounts
5.C. Monthly Bills
6. Reports to the Board
6.A. Superintendent's report
6.A.1. Monthly Maintenance
6.A.2. Class Counts
6.B. High School Principal's report
6.B.1. Athletics report
6.B.2. Ag Science report
6.C. Elementary Principal's report
7. Action Items:
7.A. Approve Teinert Construction CM@R to receive Proposals from subcontractors and Material Suppliers for the High School Connector Building and Field House Additions project.
7.B. Consider action on Interlocal Government Agreement with City of Covington for May School Board  Election Services
8. Executive Session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas  Government Code, Chapter 551, pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
9. Action on Executive Session Items 
10. Adjourn

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