Meeting Agenda
Davis___ Hackmann___ Hance___ McGuire___ Muller___ Schilder__ Walker___ |
E.1. Honoring Jill Conti -Teacher of the Year
E.2. Honoring Jason Kries - Educational Services Professional of the Year
E.3. Honoring Jean Collaro - ESP of the Year
E.4. Resolution Honoring Craig Lerch Retiring
E.5. Resolution Honoring Deborah Flood Retiring
E.6. Resolution Honoring Joyce Criss Retiring
E.7. Honoring Joseph Somers
E.8. Honoring Caitlin Witucki
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Holland Township Board of Education approve the consent agenda as follows: |
F.1. Approval of Minutes
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the following minutes; May 18th 2021 Work Session Minutes May 18th 2021 Executive Session Minutes May 25th 2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes May 25th 2021 Executive Session Minutes (BM) May 25th 2021 Executive Session Minutes (MD) |
F.2. Bill List
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the Bill List dated May 31,2021 check numbers 10807 thru NO528 in the amount of $341,214.82 and the Bill List dated June 30,2021 check numbers NO615 thru NO630 in the amount of $1,170,305.09. |
F.3. Finance
1) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the transfers for the month ending April 30, 2021 and May 31, 2021 as submitted by the Superintendent, as authorized by N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.1. 2) To accept the Holland Township Board of Education's certification that the Superintendent, Stephanie Snyder, recommends that the Board of Education accept the monthly financial reports of the Board Secretary and the Treasurer of School Moneys for the months ending April 30, 2021 and May 31, 2021and she recommends in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(3) that the Board of Education certify that no major account or fund has been overexpended and that as of this report sufficient funds are available to meet the District's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. 3) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board accept the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary's, Brian McCarthy certification as required by N.J.A.C. 6:20- 2.13(d), that no line item account has been over expended as of April 30, 2021 and May 31, 2021 and that as of this date sufficient funds are available to meet the District's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year |
F.4. Travel and Related Expenses Reimbursement
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve work-related and related expenses reimbursement for the following staff members that is directly related to and within the scope of their current work responsibilities, promotes the delivery of instruction, and is critical to he instructional needs of the School District or furthers the efficient operation of the School District, and is educationally necessary and fiscally prudent.
H.1. School Goal Report 2020-2021
H.2. Assessment Data
Motion made by , seconded by , to approve the following items: Roll Call Vote: Hackmann___Hance___McGuire___Muller___Schilder_____Walker___Davis___ |
K.1. Accept Superintendent's Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying Report
RESOLVED that the Holland Township Board of Education accepts the Superintendent's Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying report for May 10, 2021 - June 23, 2021 and affirms the actions of the administration. (1 investigation, 1 found to be HIB). |
Motion made by , seconded by , to approve the following items: Roll Call Vote: Hackman___Hance___McGuire___Muller___Schilder_____Walker___Davis___ |
L.1. Approve Substitutes
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following substitutes for the 2021-2022 school year: •Margaret Fishbourne: Teacher/Aide/Library Clerk/Secretary |
L.2. Approve Resignation
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education accepts the resignation of Mrs. Michele Schwallie (Teacher), with regret effective June 30, 2021. |
L.3. Approve Elementary Education Teacher
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the employment, of Ms. Holly Wheelock as Elementary Education Teacher for the 2021-2022 school year beginning August 24, 2021. FURTHER RESOLVED, Ms. Wheelock will be placed on Step 10 BA of the 2018-2021 HTEA Salary guide, $58,115 (subject to adjustment after settlement of contract). |
L.4. Approve ESY Personnel
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following personnel to work the Special Education Extended School Year (ESY). The program will be in effect from July 1, 2021 - July 29, 2021; 4 days per week. Teachers and Nurses will work from 8:30 am - 1:00 pm and Aides will work from 8:45 am - 1:00 pm. If a child who has a 1:1 aide has a scheduled absence for 3 or more consecutive days, the aide's services will not be needed at that time. Services will resume when the child returns. Salary Rates are subject to adjustment after settlement of contract. Teacher Nancy: Zrake: Primary: $66.42 per hour Aide PreK-K: Kristal Eisenbauer: As Per ESC Contract Primary: Tracy Bellini: $27.84 per hour Primary: Jean Collaro: $26.75 per hour Primary: Helena Habib: As Per ESC Contract Middle School: Jill Boethig: $27.62 per hour Substitute Aide: Eileen Bertolotti: $27.84 per hour Wilson Reading: Diane Udovich:$47.88 per hour |
L.5. Approve Summer Academy Personnel
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following personnel to work the Summer Academy Program. The program will be in effect from July 6, 2021 – July 15, 2021 (Session 1), and July 19, 2021 – July 29, 2021 (Session 2); 4 days per week. Teachers will work 2.5 hours daily. Salary Rates are subject to adjustment after settlement of contract. Session #1 July 6, 2021 – July 15, 2021 Kindergarten & Grade 1 LA :Sandy Ozgar: $56.27 per hour Kindergarten, 1 & 2 Math: Tom D'Angelo: $47.88 per hour Grade 2 & 3 LA: Deborah Zdepski: $47.88 per hour Grade 3 & 4 Math: Sarah Tainow: $59.55 per hour Grade 4 LA: Colleen Speth: $54.26 per hour Grade 5, 6 & 7 LA: Kevin Kuchinsky: $49.95 per hour Grade 5, 6 & 7 Math: Lindsey Brychta: $47.88 per hour Session #2 July 19, 2021 – July 29, 2021 Kindergarten & Grade 1 LA :Holly Wheelock: $47.88 per hour Kindergarten & Grade 2 Math: John Horak: $47.88 per hour Grade 2,3 & 4 LA: Sandy Ozgar: $56.27 per hour Grade 3 & 4 Math: Jill Conti: $64.74 per hour Grade 4 & 5 Math: Tracy Kephart: $47.88 per hour Grade 5, 6 & 7 LA: Deborah Zdepski: $47.88 per hour Grade 6 & 7 Math: Sarah Tainow: $59.55 |
L.6. Approve Maternity Leave/NJ Family Leave Insurance Program/FMLA/NJ Family Leave Act
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves Sarah Wageman's maternity leave utilizing FMLA starting on or about October 25, 2021 for the maximum 12 weeks. Mrs. Wageman will utilize 10 Sick Days prior. FURTHER RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves Sarah Wageman's NJFLA leave request utilizing New Jersey’s Family Leave Insurance Program to begin after FMLA Leave for up to the maximum 12 weeks with a return to work date on or about February 22, 2022. |
L.7. Approve Payment for Unused Personal Business/Family Illness and Sick Days Incentive
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the payment for unused Personal Business Days, Family Illness Days and Sick day incentive as per HTEA Contract. |
L.8. Approve Substitute Supervisor of Custodians 2021-2022
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves Mr. John Jesiolowski as the Substitute Supervisor of Custodians for the 2021-2022 school year. Compensation: $600 yearly stipend as per negotiated contract. (Rate Subject to change upon settlement of contract) |
L.9. Approve Extra and Co-Curricular Activities Directors
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following staff as extra and co-curricular activities directors, for the 2021/2022 school year as per negotiated contract (rate are subject to adjustment after settlement of contract) Pending Student Involvement and completion of season: Position/Staff Member/Stipend Athletic Director/Alan Schedlbauer/$4,114 Band/Kevin Kuchinsky/$4,012 Basketball - Boys/Christian Semenowitz/$3,878 Basketball - Girls/VACANT Baseball/VACANT Chess Club/ Jason Kries/$478 Choir/VACANT Computer Club/Jason Kries/$1,755 Cross Country/Shelli Deckert/$2,155 Drama Club/VACANT Genesis Coordinator/Carmelina Delasey/$5,000 Helping Hands/Jennifer Leap/$752 Lacrosse - Boys/VACANT Lacrosse - Girls/VACANT Robotics/Jason Kries/$1,341 Soccer -Boys & CoEd/Christian Semenowitz/$3,878 Soccer -Girls & CoEd/VACANT Softball/VACANT Student Council Advisors (Split Position): Jennifer Leap/$862 & Ryan Pfenning/$862 Tournament of Champions (Split Position)/ Allison Kays/$1,003 & Ryan Pfenning/$1,003 Transportation Coordinator/Nancy Holzworth/$2,000 Volleyball/VACANT Yearbook Advisor/Stephanie Kane/$3,209 |
L.10. Approve Business Administrator/Board Secretary Contract
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves executing the contract of employment between the Holland Township Board of Education and Mr. John Trent, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, from July 6, 2021 through June 30, 2022 at annual salary of $125,000, as per the contract terms and conditions. |
L.11. Approve Business Administrator Shared Services Contract with Alexandria Township Schools
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves Shared Services contract for Business Administrator Services with Alexandria Township Public Schools. The Annual contract is for $63,750, from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. |
L.12. Accept Resignation
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education accepts with regret the resignation of Edward Pico (Educational Facility Manager) effective August 31, 2021 for purposes of retirement. |
L.13. Approve Part Time Custodian
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the Ms. Lynn Olah as a Part Time Custodian (FTE .31) effective August 24, 2021. Ms. Olah will be place on Step 1 ($39,640) of the custodial salary guide (subject to adjustment after settlement of contract). Ms. Olah will work 3.50 hours per day, 17.5 hours per week at a prorated salary of $12,288. |
Motion made by , seconded by , to approve the following items: Roll Call Vote:Hackmann___Hance___McGuire___Muller___Schilder_____Walker___Davis___ |
M.1. Approve First Reading of Policies and Regulations
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the first reading of the following Policies and Regulations: •P 0131 (Bylaws, Policies and Regulations) •P 1521 (Educational Improvement Plan) - Abolished •P 1649 (Federal Families First Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response Act) - Abolished •P 3134 (Assignment of Extra Duties) •P & R 3142 (Nonrenewal of Nontenured Teaching Staff Member) •P & R 3221 (Evaluations of Teachers) •P & R 3222 (Evaluation of Teaching Staff Members, Excluding Teachers and Administrators) •P & R 3223 (Evaluation of Administrators, Excluding Principals, Vice Principals, and Assistant Principals) •P & R 3224 (Evaluation of Principals, Vice Principals, Vice Principals and Assistant Principals) •P & R 4146 (Nonrenewal of Nontenured Support Staff Member) •P & R 6471 (School District Travel) •P 8561 (Procurement Procedures for School Nutrition) |
Motion made by , seconded by , to approve the following items: Roll Call Vote: Hackmann___Hance___McGuire___Muller___Schilder_____Walker___Davis___ |
N.1. Approve 1st and 2nd Grade Boys and Girls Restroom Toilet Partition Proposal
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the attached proposal from C&M Door Controls Incorporated to install Toilet Partitions in the 1st/2nd Grade Boys and the 1st/2nd Grade Girls Bathrooms at a cost of $22,250.00. C&M is the sole vendor that can provide the district with these metal products that match and fit are bathrooms. A separate proposal for plastic products, of lesser quality, was also obtained by the district. |
N.2. Approve FY22 Tuition Contracts with Pohatcong Township School for the ESY program.
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the FY 22 ESY receiving tuition contracts with Pohatcong Township School District. Student Number 15313114 $1810.80 Student Number 6632941575 $1810.80 Student Number 7063516625 $1810.80 Student Number 8592621067 $905.40 |
N.3. Approve Bank Resolution
RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the updated certified copy of the Investors Bank resolution to approve a new bank signer for all the school bank accounts. Delete Mr. McCarthy and add Mr. Trent effective July 1, 2021. |
N.4. Approve 7th Grade Boys and Girls Restroom Toilet Partition Proposal
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the attached proposal from C&M Door Controls Incorporated to install Toilet Partitions in the 7th Grade Boys and the 7th Grade Girls Bathrooms at a cost of $13,685.00. C&M is the sole vendor that can provide the district with these metal products that match and fit our bathrooms. A separate proposal for plastic products, of lesser quality, was also obtained by the district. |
N.5. Accept FY20 School Security Grant
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education accepts the FY20 School Security Grant in the amount of $19,568. The grant will fund Alyssa Law compliance expenditures and other security upgrades at Holland School. |
N.6. Approve 2020- 2021 (FY21) Extraordinary Aid Application
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the FY21 application for Extraordinary Aid. The State may award a portion of eligible classified student's education and support cost incurred that exceed $40,000 for Public School expenditures and $55,000 for private school tuition expenditures. |
N.10. Approve 2021-2022 (FY22) R&L Payroll Services Contract
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the attached contract with R&L Datacenters Inc. for FY22 payroll services. |
N.11. Approve School Lunch Prices for 2021-2022
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Holland Township Board of Education approves the School Lunch prices for the 2021-2022 school year. •Student Lunch $2.95 •Adult Lunch $3.50 •Milk $0.60 |
N.12. Approve Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield FY22 Renewal.
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approve FY22 Renewal Rates with Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey for attached medical plans. |
N.14. Approve 2021 -2022 (FY22) Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission (HCESC) contract for Pre-K Extended School Year (ESY) teacher services
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the attached contract with HCSEC to provide Pre-K ESY teacher services during the FY22 school year. |
N.15. Approve 2021-2022 (FY22) YMCA Contract
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the attached FY22 YMCA contract for the use of Holland Township school to provide before and aftercare child services. |
WHEREAS the “Open Public Meetings Act” (Chapter 231 Laws of 1975) authorizes a public body to exclude the public from that portion of a meeting at which specified topics are to be discussed under circumstances where the public consideration of such topics will clearly endanger the public or where the personal privacy or guaranteed rights of individuals whose activities or affairs are to be discussed would clearly in danger of unwarranted invasion; be it RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Township of Holland now adjourns its public session to reconvene in Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the following: _XConfidential Matters by Law or Court Order __Purchase Property _XPersonnel Matters __Invasion of Individual Privacy Employee or Student __Investigation into Violations of Law __Suspension, Civil Penalty or Loss of a License or Permit __Disclosure would Impair District’s Right to Receive Funding __School/Public Security __Collective Bargaining _XPending, Ongoing or Anticipated Litigation And be it further RESOLVED that the matters discussed in Executive Session will be made public when confidentiality is no longer required. |
Q.1. Motion to Enter Executive Session
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Board of Education enter Executive Session at ______ to discuss _________. |
Q.2. Motion to Enter Public Session
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Board return to Open Session at __________. |
R.1. Motion to Adjourn
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Holland Board of Education adjourn the meeting at ________. |
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 29, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | ||
Subject: |
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Subject: |
Welcome to a meeting of the Board of Education of the Township of Holland. Please be advised that this and all meetings of the Board are open to the public and media, consistent with the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 231 Laws of 1975); and that advance notice as required therein has been provided. This is a regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Township of Holland at which formal action may be taken. The public will have an opportunity to be heard as indicated on the Agenda, at points in the meeting provided for the public to address the Board.
Subject: |
Davis___ Hackmann___ Hance___ McGuire___ Muller___ Schilder__ Walker___ |
Subject: |
Subject: |
E.1. Honoring Jill Conti -Teacher of the Year
Subject: |
E.2. Honoring Jason Kries - Educational Services Professional of the Year
Subject: |
E.3. Honoring Jean Collaro - ESP of the Year
Subject: |
E.4. Resolution Honoring Craig Lerch Retiring
Subject: |
E.5. Resolution Honoring Deborah Flood Retiring
Subject: |
E.6. Resolution Honoring Joyce Criss Retiring
Subject: |
E.7. Honoring Joseph Somers
Subject: |
E.8. Honoring Caitlin Witucki
Subject: |
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Holland Township Board of Education approve the consent agenda as follows: |
Roll Call Vote: Hackmann___Hance___McGuire___Muller___Schilder_____Walker___Davis___ |
Subject: |
F.1. Approval of Minutes
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the following minutes; May 18th 2021 Work Session Minutes May 18th 2021 Executive Session Minutes May 25th 2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes May 25th 2021 Executive Session Minutes (BM) May 25th 2021 Executive Session Minutes (MD) |
Subject: |
F.2. Bill List
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the Bill List dated May 31,2021 check numbers 10807 thru NO528 in the amount of $341,214.82 and the Bill List dated June 30,2021 check numbers NO615 thru NO630 in the amount of $1,170,305.09. |
Subject: |
F.3. Finance
1) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the transfers for the month ending April 30, 2021 and May 31, 2021 as submitted by the Superintendent, as authorized by N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.1. 2) To accept the Holland Township Board of Education's certification that the Superintendent, Stephanie Snyder, recommends that the Board of Education accept the monthly financial reports of the Board Secretary and the Treasurer of School Moneys for the months ending April 30, 2021 and May 31, 2021and she recommends in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(3) that the Board of Education certify that no major account or fund has been overexpended and that as of this report sufficient funds are available to meet the District's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. 3) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board accept the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary's, Brian McCarthy certification as required by N.J.A.C. 6:20- 2.13(d), that no line item account has been over expended as of April 30, 2021 and May 31, 2021 and that as of this date sufficient funds are available to meet the District's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year |
Subject: |
F.4. Travel and Related Expenses Reimbursement
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve work-related and related expenses reimbursement for the following staff members that is directly related to and within the scope of their current work responsibilities, promotes the delivery of instruction, and is critical to he instructional needs of the School District or furthers the efficient operation of the School District, and is educationally necessary and fiscally prudent.
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
H.1. School Goal Report 2020-2021
Subject: |
H.2. Assessment Data
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Motion made by , seconded by , to approve the following items: Roll Call Vote: Hackmann___Hance___McGuire___Muller___Schilder_____Walker___Davis___ |
Subject: |
K.1. Accept Superintendent's Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying Report
RESOLVED that the Holland Township Board of Education accepts the Superintendent's Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying report for May 10, 2021 - June 23, 2021 and affirms the actions of the administration. (1 investigation, 1 found to be HIB). |
Subject: |
Motion made by , seconded by , to approve the following items: Roll Call Vote: Hackman___Hance___McGuire___Muller___Schilder_____Walker___Davis___ |
Subject: |
L.1. Approve Substitutes
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following substitutes for the 2021-2022 school year: •Margaret Fishbourne: Teacher/Aide/Library Clerk/Secretary |
Subject: |
L.2. Approve Resignation
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education accepts the resignation of Mrs. Michele Schwallie (Teacher), with regret effective June 30, 2021. |
Subject: |
L.3. Approve Elementary Education Teacher
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the employment, of Ms. Holly Wheelock as Elementary Education Teacher for the 2021-2022 school year beginning August 24, 2021. FURTHER RESOLVED, Ms. Wheelock will be placed on Step 10 BA of the 2018-2021 HTEA Salary guide, $58,115 (subject to adjustment after settlement of contract). |
Subject: |
L.4. Approve ESY Personnel
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following personnel to work the Special Education Extended School Year (ESY). The program will be in effect from July 1, 2021 - July 29, 2021; 4 days per week. Teachers and Nurses will work from 8:30 am - 1:00 pm and Aides will work from 8:45 am - 1:00 pm. If a child who has a 1:1 aide has a scheduled absence for 3 or more consecutive days, the aide's services will not be needed at that time. Services will resume when the child returns. Salary Rates are subject to adjustment after settlement of contract. Teacher Nancy: Zrake: Primary: $66.42 per hour Aide PreK-K: Kristal Eisenbauer: As Per ESC Contract Primary: Tracy Bellini: $27.84 per hour Primary: Jean Collaro: $26.75 per hour Primary: Helena Habib: As Per ESC Contract Middle School: Jill Boethig: $27.62 per hour Substitute Aide: Eileen Bertolotti: $27.84 per hour Wilson Reading: Diane Udovich:$47.88 per hour |
Subject: |
L.5. Approve Summer Academy Personnel
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following personnel to work the Summer Academy Program. The program will be in effect from July 6, 2021 – July 15, 2021 (Session 1), and July 19, 2021 – July 29, 2021 (Session 2); 4 days per week. Teachers will work 2.5 hours daily. Salary Rates are subject to adjustment after settlement of contract. Session #1 July 6, 2021 – July 15, 2021 Kindergarten & Grade 1 LA :Sandy Ozgar: $56.27 per hour Kindergarten, 1 & 2 Math: Tom D'Angelo: $47.88 per hour Grade 2 & 3 LA: Deborah Zdepski: $47.88 per hour Grade 3 & 4 Math: Sarah Tainow: $59.55 per hour Grade 4 LA: Colleen Speth: $54.26 per hour Grade 5, 6 & 7 LA: Kevin Kuchinsky: $49.95 per hour Grade 5, 6 & 7 Math: Lindsey Brychta: $47.88 per hour Session #2 July 19, 2021 – July 29, 2021 Kindergarten & Grade 1 LA :Holly Wheelock: $47.88 per hour Kindergarten & Grade 2 Math: John Horak: $47.88 per hour Grade 2,3 & 4 LA: Sandy Ozgar: $56.27 per hour Grade 3 & 4 Math: Jill Conti: $64.74 per hour Grade 4 & 5 Math: Tracy Kephart: $47.88 per hour Grade 5, 6 & 7 LA: Deborah Zdepski: $47.88 per hour Grade 6 & 7 Math: Sarah Tainow: $59.55 |
Subject: |
L.6. Approve Maternity Leave/NJ Family Leave Insurance Program/FMLA/NJ Family Leave Act
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves Sarah Wageman's maternity leave utilizing FMLA starting on or about October 25, 2021 for the maximum 12 weeks. Mrs. Wageman will utilize 10 Sick Days prior. FURTHER RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves Sarah Wageman's NJFLA leave request utilizing New Jersey’s Family Leave Insurance Program to begin after FMLA Leave for up to the maximum 12 weeks with a return to work date on or about February 22, 2022. |
Subject: |
L.7. Approve Payment for Unused Personal Business/Family Illness and Sick Days Incentive
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the payment for unused Personal Business Days, Family Illness Days and Sick day incentive as per HTEA Contract. |
Subject: |
L.8. Approve Substitute Supervisor of Custodians 2021-2022
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves Mr. John Jesiolowski as the Substitute Supervisor of Custodians for the 2021-2022 school year. Compensation: $600 yearly stipend as per negotiated contract. (Rate Subject to change upon settlement of contract) |
Subject: |
L.9. Approve Extra and Co-Curricular Activities Directors
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following staff as extra and co-curricular activities directors, for the 2021/2022 school year as per negotiated contract (rate are subject to adjustment after settlement of contract) Pending Student Involvement and completion of season: Position/Staff Member/Stipend Athletic Director/Alan Schedlbauer/$4,114 Band/Kevin Kuchinsky/$4,012 Basketball - Boys/Christian Semenowitz/$3,878 Basketball - Girls/VACANT Baseball/VACANT Chess Club/ Jason Kries/$478 Choir/VACANT Computer Club/Jason Kries/$1,755 Cross Country/Shelli Deckert/$2,155 Drama Club/VACANT Genesis Coordinator/Carmelina Delasey/$5,000 Helping Hands/Jennifer Leap/$752 Lacrosse - Boys/VACANT Lacrosse - Girls/VACANT Robotics/Jason Kries/$1,341 Soccer -Boys & CoEd/Christian Semenowitz/$3,878 Soccer -Girls & CoEd/VACANT Softball/VACANT Student Council Advisors (Split Position): Jennifer Leap/$862 & Ryan Pfenning/$862 Tournament of Champions (Split Position)/ Allison Kays/$1,003 & Ryan Pfenning/$1,003 Transportation Coordinator/Nancy Holzworth/$2,000 Volleyball/VACANT Yearbook Advisor/Stephanie Kane/$3,209 |
Subject: |
L.10. Approve Business Administrator/Board Secretary Contract
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves executing the contract of employment between the Holland Township Board of Education and Mr. John Trent, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, from July 6, 2021 through June 30, 2022 at annual salary of $125,000, as per the contract terms and conditions. |
Subject: |
L.11. Approve Business Administrator Shared Services Contract with Alexandria Township Schools
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves Shared Services contract for Business Administrator Services with Alexandria Township Public Schools. The Annual contract is for $63,750, from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. |
Subject: |
L.12. Accept Resignation
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education accepts with regret the resignation of Edward Pico (Educational Facility Manager) effective August 31, 2021 for purposes of retirement. |
Subject: |
L.13. Approve Part Time Custodian
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the Ms. Lynn Olah as a Part Time Custodian (FTE .31) effective August 24, 2021. Ms. Olah will be place on Step 1 ($39,640) of the custodial salary guide (subject to adjustment after settlement of contract). Ms. Olah will work 3.50 hours per day, 17.5 hours per week at a prorated salary of $12,288. |
Subject: |
Motion made by , seconded by , to approve the following items: Roll Call Vote:Hackmann___Hance___McGuire___Muller___Schilder_____Walker___Davis___ |
Subject: |
M.1. Approve First Reading of Policies and Regulations
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the first reading of the following Policies and Regulations: •P 0131 (Bylaws, Policies and Regulations) •P 1521 (Educational Improvement Plan) - Abolished •P 1649 (Federal Families First Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response Act) - Abolished •P 3134 (Assignment of Extra Duties) •P & R 3142 (Nonrenewal of Nontenured Teaching Staff Member) •P & R 3221 (Evaluations of Teachers) •P & R 3222 (Evaluation of Teaching Staff Members, Excluding Teachers and Administrators) •P & R 3223 (Evaluation of Administrators, Excluding Principals, Vice Principals, and Assistant Principals) •P & R 3224 (Evaluation of Principals, Vice Principals, Vice Principals and Assistant Principals) •P & R 4146 (Nonrenewal of Nontenured Support Staff Member) •P & R 6471 (School District Travel) •P 8561 (Procurement Procedures for School Nutrition) |
Subject: |
Motion made by , seconded by , to approve the following items: Roll Call Vote: Hackmann___Hance___McGuire___Muller___Schilder_____Walker___Davis___ |
Subject: |
N.1. Approve 1st and 2nd Grade Boys and Girls Restroom Toilet Partition Proposal
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the attached proposal from C&M Door Controls Incorporated to install Toilet Partitions in the 1st/2nd Grade Boys and the 1st/2nd Grade Girls Bathrooms at a cost of $22,250.00. C&M is the sole vendor that can provide the district with these metal products that match and fit are bathrooms. A separate proposal for plastic products, of lesser quality, was also obtained by the district. |
Subject: |
N.2. Approve FY22 Tuition Contracts with Pohatcong Township School for the ESY program.
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the FY 22 ESY receiving tuition contracts with Pohatcong Township School District. Student Number 15313114 $1810.80 Student Number 6632941575 $1810.80 Student Number 7063516625 $1810.80 Student Number 8592621067 $905.40 |
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N.3. Approve Bank Resolution
RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the updated certified copy of the Investors Bank resolution to approve a new bank signer for all the school bank accounts. Delete Mr. McCarthy and add Mr. Trent effective July 1, 2021. |
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N.4. Approve 7th Grade Boys and Girls Restroom Toilet Partition Proposal
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the attached proposal from C&M Door Controls Incorporated to install Toilet Partitions in the 7th Grade Boys and the 7th Grade Girls Bathrooms at a cost of $13,685.00. C&M is the sole vendor that can provide the district with these metal products that match and fit our bathrooms. A separate proposal for plastic products, of lesser quality, was also obtained by the district. |
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N.5. Accept FY20 School Security Grant
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education accepts the FY20 School Security Grant in the amount of $19,568. The grant will fund Alyssa Law compliance expenditures and other security upgrades at Holland School. |
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N.6. Approve 2020- 2021 (FY21) Extraordinary Aid Application
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the FY21 application for Extraordinary Aid. The State may award a portion of eligible classified student's education and support cost incurred that exceed $40,000 for Public School expenditures and $55,000 for private school tuition expenditures. |
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N.10. Approve 2021-2022 (FY22) R&L Payroll Services Contract
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the attached contract with R&L Datacenters Inc. for FY22 payroll services. |
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N.11. Approve School Lunch Prices for 2021-2022
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Holland Township Board of Education approves the School Lunch prices for the 2021-2022 school year. •Student Lunch $2.95 •Adult Lunch $3.50 •Milk $0.60 |
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N.12. Approve Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield FY22 Renewal.
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approve FY22 Renewal Rates with Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey for attached medical plans. |
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N.14. Approve 2021 -2022 (FY22) Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission (HCESC) contract for Pre-K Extended School Year (ESY) teacher services
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the attached contract with HCSEC to provide Pre-K ESY teacher services during the FY22 school year. |
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N.15. Approve 2021-2022 (FY22) YMCA Contract
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the attached FY22 YMCA contract for the use of Holland Township school to provide before and aftercare child services. |
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The Holland Township Board of Education welcomes input from public entities and/or private persons as described in Policy #0167. At the discretion of the presiding officer, comments may be limited to three minutes in length.
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WHEREAS the “Open Public Meetings Act” (Chapter 231 Laws of 1975) authorizes a public body to exclude the public from that portion of a meeting at which specified topics are to be discussed under circumstances where the public consideration of such topics will clearly endanger the public or where the personal privacy or guaranteed rights of individuals whose activities or affairs are to be discussed would clearly in danger of unwarranted invasion; be it RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Township of Holland now adjourns its public session to reconvene in Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the following: _XConfidential Matters by Law or Court Order __Purchase Property _XPersonnel Matters __Invasion of Individual Privacy Employee or Student __Investigation into Violations of Law __Suspension, Civil Penalty or Loss of a License or Permit __Disclosure would Impair District’s Right to Receive Funding __School/Public Security __Collective Bargaining _XPending, Ongoing or Anticipated Litigation And be it further RESOLVED that the matters discussed in Executive Session will be made public when confidentiality is no longer required. |
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Q.1. Motion to Enter Executive Session
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Board of Education enter Executive Session at ______ to discuss _________. |
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Q.2. Motion to Enter Public Session
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Board return to Open Session at __________. |
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R.1. Motion to Adjourn
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Holland Board of Education adjourn the meeting at ________. |