Meeting Agenda
Davis___ Hackman___ Hance___ McGuire___ Muller___ Scheibener___ Somers__ Walker___ Witucki ___ |
E.1. G&T and Enrichment Student Recognition
E.2. Resolution Honoring Joyce Dlugose -Teacher of the Year
E.3. Resolution Honoring Teresa Hirsch - Educational Services Professional of the Year
E.4. Resolution Honoring Amy Brown Retiring
E.5. Resolution Honoring Cathy O'Rourke Retiring
E.6. Resolution Honoring Harry Hults
WHEREAS the “Open Public Meetings Act” (Chapter 231 Laws of 1975) authorizes a public body to exclude the public from that portion of a meeting at which specified topics are to be discussed under circumstances where the public consideration of such topics will clearly endanger the public or where the personal privacy or guaranteed rights of individuals whose activities or affairs are to be discussed would clearly in danger of unwarranted invasion; be it RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Township of Holland now adjourns its public session to reconvene in Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the following: __Confidential Matters by Law or Court Order __Purchase Property _x_Personnel Matters __Invasion of Individual Privacy Employee or Student __Investigation into Violations of Law __Suspension, Civil Penalty or Loss of a License or Permit __Disclosure would Impair District’s Right to Receive Funding __School/Public Security __Collective Bargaining __Pending, Ongoing or Anticipated Litigation And be it further RESOLVED that the matters discussed in Executive Session will be made public when confidentiality is no longer required. |
F.1. Motion to Enter Executive Session
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Board of Education enter Executive Session at ______ to discuss _________. |
F.2. Motion to Enter Public Session
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Board return to Open Session at __________. |
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Holland Township Board of Education approve the consent agenda as follows: |
G.1. Approval of Minutes
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the Regular minutes of April 30, 2019 and the Executive minutes of April 30, 2019. |
G.2. Finance
1) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the transfers for the month ending March 31, 2019 as submitted by the Superintendent, as authorized by N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.1. 2) To accept the Holland Township Board of Education's certification that the Superintendent, Stephanie Snyder, recommends that the Board of Education accept the monthly financial reports of the Board Secretary and the Treasurer of School Moneys for the month ending March 31, 2019, and she recommends in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(3) that the Board of Education certify that no major account or fund has been overexpended and that as of this report sufficient funds are available to meet the District's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. 3) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board accept the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary's, Brian McCarthy certification as required by N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(d), that no line item account has been over expended as of March 31, 2019 and that as of this date sufficient funds are available to meet the District's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. |
G.3. Bill List
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the Bill List dated May 21, 2019, check numbers 08911 thru 08997 in the amount of $648,304.54. |
G.4. Travel and Related Expenses Reimbursement
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve work-related and related expenses reimbursement for the following staff members that is directly related to and within the scope of their current work responsibilities, promotes the delivery of instruction, and is critical to the instructional needs of the School District or furthers the efficient operation of the School District, and is educationally necessary and fiscally prudent. •Brian McCarthy: 10/21/19-10/24/19, NJ School Board, Mileage, Hotel, Registration •Lorraine Scheibener: 10/21/19-10/24/19, NJ School Board, Mileage, Hotel, Registration •Timothy McGuire: 10/21/19-10/24/19, NJ School Board, Mileage, Hotel, Registration •Matthew Walker: 10/21/19-10/24/19, NJ School Board, Mileage, Hotel, Registration •Westley Hackman: 10/21/19-10/24/19, NJ School Board, Mileage, Hotel, Registration •Matthew Davis: 10/21/19-10/24/19, NJ School Board, Mileage, Hotel, Registration •Laurie Hance: 10/21/19-10/24/19, NJ School Board, Mileage, Hotel, Registration •Joseph Somers: 10/21/19-10/24/19, NJ School Board, Mileage, Hotel, Registration •Caitlin Witucki: 10/21/19-10/24/19, NJ School Board, Mileage, Hotel, Registration •James Muller: 10/21/19-10/24/19, NJ School Board, Mileage, Hotel, Registration |
Motion made by , seconded by , to approve the following items: Roll Call Vote: Hackman___Hance___McGuire___Muller___Somers___Walker___Witucki___Davis___Scheibener____ |
K.1. Accept Superintendent's Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying Report
RESOLVED that the Holland Township Board of Education accepts the Superintendent's Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying report for April 11, 2019 - May 13, 2019 and affirms the actions of the administration. |
K.2. Approve School Bus Emergency Evacuation Drill Statement (as stipulated by 6A:27-11.2)
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education accepts the following statement for the School Bus Emergency Evacuation Drill as per 6A:27-11.2;WHEREAS, On Wednesday, May 21, 2019 the Holland Township School Superintendent Stephanie Snyder oversaw the school bus emergency evacuation drill for all bus routes. The drill was held at approximately 8:20 am for the elementary school students and at approximately 9:05 am for the middle school students in front of the school in the bus unloading area. |
K.3. Approve Field Trips
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following field trips: •McCarther Theater |
Motion made by , seconded by , to approve the following items: Roll Call Vote: Hackman___Hance___McGuire___Muller___Somers___Walker___Witucki___Davis___Scheibener____ |
L.1. Approve Substitutes
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following substitutes for the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 school year: •Sherri Karcher: Aide/Library Clerk/Cafeteria Aide •Stephanie Ruby: Aide/Library Clerk/Cafeteria Aide/Secretary •Byrce Parenti: Custodian (Pending Criminal History) •Travis Jones: Custodian (Pending Criminal History) |
L.2. Approve ESY Personnel
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following personnel to work the Special Education Extended School Year (ESY). The program will be in effect from July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019; 4 days per week. Teachers and Nurses will work from 8:30 am - 1:00 pm and Aides will work from 8:45 am - 1:00 pm. If a child who has a 1:1 aide has a scheduled absence for 3 or more consecutive days, the aide's services will not be needed at that time. Services will resume when the child returns. Salary Rates are subject to adjustment after settlement of contract. Nurse (Schedule to be worked out between nurses. Only 1 nurse per day) T. J. Hirsch: $43.99 per hour Lori Matthews: $43.99 per hour Speech Therapist Rose Branosky: $52.33 per hour Special Education Teacher Preschool: : Emily Martin $43.99 per hour Primary: Amy Bashford: $50.71 per hour Middle School: Wade Chilmonik: $44.01 per hour Aide Primary:Eileen Bertolotti: $24.57 per hour PreK: Cynthia Butler: $24.57 per hour Middle School: Sandra Ozgar: $24.57 per hour Teacher/Aide Substitute: Allison Kays:$43.99 per hour (Teacher) and $24.57 per hour (Aide) Sarah Wageman:$43.99 per hour (Teacher) and $24.57 per hour (Aide) Ryan Pfenning:$43.99 per hour (Teacher) and $24.57 per hour (Aide) Carol Bastow: $12.42 per hour (Teacher/Aide) Vicki Stamets: $12.42 per hour (Teacher/Aide) Kathy Dermody: $24.57 per hour (Aide Only) Occupation Therapist Alison Overhiser Commission of the Blind |
L.3. Approve Special Education Transportation Aides for ESY
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves all 2019 ESY Special Education Aides as transportation aides for the summer 2019 Special Education Extended School Year Program with an hourly salary rate as per the negotiated HTEA contract. |
L.4. Approve Resignation
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education accepts Mrs. Denise Carney's (Special Education Teacher) letter of resignation with regret effective June 30, 2019. |
L.5. Approve Summer Technology Assistance
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following summer technology assistance employees with an hourly rate of $12.00 per hour not to exceed a total of 400 hours: •Eileen Bertolotti •Betsy Nush •Sandra Ozgar |
L.6. Approve Summer Custodian Personnel
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following summer custodial employees at an hourly rate of $12.00 per hour: •Chris Fleischman •Patrick Maxwell •Bryce Parenti (Pending Criminal History) •Travis Jones (Pending Criminal History) |
L.7. Approve Business Administrator/Board Secretary Contract
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves executing the contract of employment between the Holland Township Board of Education and Mr. Brian McCarthy, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, from July 1, 209 through June 30, 2020 at annual salary of $107,888, as per the contract terms and conditions. |
L.8. Rescind Change in Position - April 30, 2019
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education rescinds the April 30, 2019 (Personnel Agenda Item #11) approval to Mrs.Kathryn Wilk's change in position from 12 month Supervisor of Special Services to 10 month tenured position. Mrs. Wilk will revert back to Step 21MA ($81,701) of the Teachers Guide (subject to change upon negotiations completion) effective July 1, 2019. |
L.9. Change in Position
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves Mrs. Kathryn Wilk's change in position from 12 month Supervisor of Special Services to 10 month tenured position. Mrs. Wilk will revert back to Step 22MA + 30 ($84,532) of the Teachers Guide (subject to change upon negotiations completion).effective July 1, 2019. |
L.10. Approve Resignation
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education accepts the resignation of Mrs. Marilou Patullo (Aide), with regret for the purpose of retirement, effective September 1, 2019. |
L.11. Approve Extra and Co-Curricular Activities
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves Megan Monti as the Girls Lacrosse Coach with a Stipend of $1,980 (subject to change upon negotiations completion) for the 2018/2019 school year as per the HTEA Contract. |
Motion made by , seconded by , to approve the following items: Roll Call Vote: Hackman___Hance___McGuire___Muller___Somers___Walker___Witucki___Davis___Scheibener____ |
M.1. Approve Second Reading and Adoption of Policies and Regulations
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the second reading and adoption of the following Policies and Regulations: •P 2422 (Health and Physical Education) •P 2431.3 (Practice and Pre-Season Heat-Acclimation for School-Sponsored Athletics and Extra-Curricular Activities) •P 2610 (Educational Program Evaluation) •P 4219 (Commercial Driver’s License Controlled Substance and Alcohol Use Testing) •P&R 5111 (Eligibility of Resident/Nonresident Students) •P 5330.04 (Administering an Opioid Antidote) •R 5330.04 (Administering an Opioid Antidote) •P 5337 (Service Animals) •P&R 5600 (Student Discipline/Code of Conduct) •P 5756 (Transgender Students) •P&R 7440 (School District Security) •P 8561 (Procurement Procedures for School Nutrition Programs) •P 8860 (Memorials) |
Motion made by , seconded by , to approve the following items: Roll Call Vote: Hackman___Hance___McGuire___Muller___Somers___Walker___Witucki___Davis___Scheibener____ |
N.1. Accept the Annual CAFR / Financial Audit
RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the annual CAFR / Financial Audit for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018 as prepared by the firm of Bedard, Kurowcki & Co. and acknowledge that there is one recommendation. |
N.2. Accept the Certification of Implementation of Corrective Action Plan
RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the Certification of Implementation of Corrective Action Plan for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018. |
N.3. Approve Submission of Parking Lot Improvement to NJDOE
BE IT RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the submission of the Parking Lot Improvements at Holland Township School to the New Jersey Department of Education, DOE State Project #2220-060-19-1000, for review and Department approval of an “other capital project” with no state funding and amendment of the long range facilities plan to be consistent with the project. Further, the Board authorizes Spiezle Architectural Group Inc., to make the submission to the Department of Education on behalf of the district. |
N.4. Approve Bid Specifications for Parking Lot Construction and Authorize Bid
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the Bid Specifications, Drawings, and Advertisement for Parking Lot Improvement, and authorizes Spiezle Architecture Group, Inc. to solicit Bids for this Improvement on the Board's behalf. |
N.5. Approve Copier Lease: Sixty Month Lease with United Business Systems
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the sixty (60) month copier lease with United Business Systems beginning July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2024 as per NJ State Contract G-2075/40462. WHEREAS the proposal includes: (2) Canon IR Advance 515IFZ, (2) Canon IR Advance 6565i III with Hole Punch, (1) Canon IR Advance C356 III, (1) Canon IR Advance 626IFZ. Service and supplies/CPC will be billed to Holland Quarterly at $0.0038 for Black and White (BW) Copies and $0.039 for color (C) copies. Usage will be pooled and not based on individual machine copy minimums. Pricing is actual usage. Program includes all parts, labor, and supplies except paper, and maintenance. FURTHER RESOLVED that the lease is for 60 months with a base monthly rate of $760.00 plus actual copy usage. Based on monthly usage of 177,000 BW copies and 10,000 C copies the monthly bill will be $1823. Based on monthly usage of 189,000 BW copies and 25,000 C copies the monthly bill will be $2,453. |
N.6. Approve Insurance Agent of Record and Risk Management Consultant
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education appoints Brown & Brown Insurance Agency, as Insurance Agent of Record, for the 2019-2020 school year; and, FURTHER NOW BE IT RESOLVED that the Holland Township Board of Education, does hereby appoint Bob Gemmell, as its Risk Management Consultant in accordance with the SAIF Fund's Bylaws. |
N.7. Approve Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission - FY20 Paraprofessional Contract
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approve FY20 Paraprofessional contract with Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission. |
N.8. Approve Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission - FY20 Child Study Team Services Contact
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approve FY20 Child Study Services contract with Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission. |
N.9. Approve Princeton HealthCare System - FY20 OTPT Contract for SID#7875264920
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approve Princeton HealthCare System OT PT contract for Student ID # 7875264920 at a rate of $93 per 30 minutes, approximating $10,044 per student's IEP, for the period September 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. |
N.10. Approve Morris Union Jointure Commission - FY20 Tuition Contract for SID#4501568792
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approve the tuition contract for SID#4501568792 with Morris Union Jointure Commission for the 2019 - 2020 school year. The contract includes annual tuition of $94,066 and a Full Time Teacher Assistant at a cost of $72,320. |
N.11. Approve Morris Union Jointure Commission - FY19 ESY Contract for SID#4501568792
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approve the 2018-2019 Extended School Year contract with the Morris Union Jointure Commission for SID#4501568792. The contract includes tuition charges of $15,149, and $10,848 for a Full-time Teacher Assistant. The contract includes services from 6/26/2019 through 8/7/2019 (excluding July 4th). |
O.1. Audit Services Presentations:
Cannone and Company, P.A. - Nick Cannone (8:30 pm) Suplee, Clooney, & Company - Bob Swisher (8:50 pm) |
WHEREAS the “Open Public Meetings Act” (Chapter 231 Laws of 1975) authorizes a public body to exclude the public from that portion of a meeting at which specified topics are to be discussed under circumstances where the public consideration of such topics will clearly endanger the public or where the personal privacy or guaranteed rights of individuals whose activities or affairs are to be discussed would clearly in danger of unwarranted invasion; be it RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Township of Holland now adjourns its public session to reconvene in Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the following: __Confidential Matters by Law or Court Order __Purchase Property __Personnel Matters __Invasion of Individual Privacy Employee or Student __Investigation into Violations of Law __Suspension, Civil Penalty or Loss of a License or Permit __Disclosure would Impair District’s Right to Receive Funding __School/Public Security __Collective Bargaining __Pending, Ongoing or Anticipated Litigation And be it further RESOLVED that the matters discussed in Executive Session will be made public when confidentiality is no longer required. |
Q.1. Motion to Enter Executive Session
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Board of Education enter Executive Session at ______ to discuss _________. |
Q.2. Motion to Enter Public Session
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Board return to Open Session at __________. |
R.1. Motion to Adjourn
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Holland Board of Education adjourn the meeting at ________. |
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | May 21, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Welcome to a meeting of the Board of Education of the Township of Holland. Please be advised that this and all meetings of the Board are open to the public and media, consistent with the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 231 Laws of 1975); and that advance notice as required therein has been provided. This is a regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Township of Holland at which formal action may be taken. The public will have an opportunity to be heard as indicated on the Agenda, at points in the meeting provided for the public to address the Board.
Subject: |
Davis___ Hackman___ Hance___ McGuire___ Muller___ Scheibener___ Somers__ Walker___ Witucki ___ |
Subject: |
Subject: |
E.1. G&T and Enrichment Student Recognition
Subject: |
E.2. Resolution Honoring Joyce Dlugose -Teacher of the Year
Subject: |
E.3. Resolution Honoring Teresa Hirsch - Educational Services Professional of the Year
Subject: |
E.4. Resolution Honoring Amy Brown Retiring
Subject: |
E.5. Resolution Honoring Cathy O'Rourke Retiring
Subject: |
E.6. Resolution Honoring Harry Hults
Subject: |
WHEREAS the “Open Public Meetings Act” (Chapter 231 Laws of 1975) authorizes a public body to exclude the public from that portion of a meeting at which specified topics are to be discussed under circumstances where the public consideration of such topics will clearly endanger the public or where the personal privacy or guaranteed rights of individuals whose activities or affairs are to be discussed would clearly in danger of unwarranted invasion; be it RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Township of Holland now adjourns its public session to reconvene in Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the following: __Confidential Matters by Law or Court Order __Purchase Property _x_Personnel Matters __Invasion of Individual Privacy Employee or Student __Investigation into Violations of Law __Suspension, Civil Penalty or Loss of a License or Permit __Disclosure would Impair District’s Right to Receive Funding __School/Public Security __Collective Bargaining __Pending, Ongoing or Anticipated Litigation And be it further RESOLVED that the matters discussed in Executive Session will be made public when confidentiality is no longer required. |
Subject: |
F.1. Motion to Enter Executive Session
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Board of Education enter Executive Session at ______ to discuss _________. |
Subject: |
F.2. Motion to Enter Public Session
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Board return to Open Session at __________. |
Subject: |
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Holland Township Board of Education approve the consent agenda as follows: |
All in favor:Yes:______ No:______Abstentions:______
Subject: |
G.1. Approval of Minutes
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the Regular minutes of April 30, 2019 and the Executive minutes of April 30, 2019. |
Subject: |
G.2. Finance
1) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the transfers for the month ending March 31, 2019 as submitted by the Superintendent, as authorized by N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.1. 2) To accept the Holland Township Board of Education's certification that the Superintendent, Stephanie Snyder, recommends that the Board of Education accept the monthly financial reports of the Board Secretary and the Treasurer of School Moneys for the month ending March 31, 2019, and she recommends in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(3) that the Board of Education certify that no major account or fund has been overexpended and that as of this report sufficient funds are available to meet the District's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. 3) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board accept the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary's, Brian McCarthy certification as required by N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(d), that no line item account has been over expended as of March 31, 2019 and that as of this date sufficient funds are available to meet the District's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. |
Subject: |
G.3. Bill List
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the Bill List dated May 21, 2019, check numbers 08911 thru 08997 in the amount of $648,304.54. |
Subject: |
G.4. Travel and Related Expenses Reimbursement
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve work-related and related expenses reimbursement for the following staff members that is directly related to and within the scope of their current work responsibilities, promotes the delivery of instruction, and is critical to the instructional needs of the School District or furthers the efficient operation of the School District, and is educationally necessary and fiscally prudent. •Brian McCarthy: 10/21/19-10/24/19, NJ School Board, Mileage, Hotel, Registration •Lorraine Scheibener: 10/21/19-10/24/19, NJ School Board, Mileage, Hotel, Registration •Timothy McGuire: 10/21/19-10/24/19, NJ School Board, Mileage, Hotel, Registration •Matthew Walker: 10/21/19-10/24/19, NJ School Board, Mileage, Hotel, Registration •Westley Hackman: 10/21/19-10/24/19, NJ School Board, Mileage, Hotel, Registration •Matthew Davis: 10/21/19-10/24/19, NJ School Board, Mileage, Hotel, Registration •Laurie Hance: 10/21/19-10/24/19, NJ School Board, Mileage, Hotel, Registration •Joseph Somers: 10/21/19-10/24/19, NJ School Board, Mileage, Hotel, Registration •Caitlin Witucki: 10/21/19-10/24/19, NJ School Board, Mileage, Hotel, Registration •James Muller: 10/21/19-10/24/19, NJ School Board, Mileage, Hotel, Registration |
Subject: |
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Subject: |
Subject: |
Motion made by , seconded by , to approve the following items: Roll Call Vote: Hackman___Hance___McGuire___Muller___Somers___Walker___Witucki___Davis___Scheibener____ |
Subject: |
K.1. Accept Superintendent's Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying Report
RESOLVED that the Holland Township Board of Education accepts the Superintendent's Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying report for April 11, 2019 - May 13, 2019 and affirms the actions of the administration. |
Subject: |
K.2. Approve School Bus Emergency Evacuation Drill Statement (as stipulated by 6A:27-11.2)
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education accepts the following statement for the School Bus Emergency Evacuation Drill as per 6A:27-11.2;WHEREAS, On Wednesday, May 21, 2019 the Holland Township School Superintendent Stephanie Snyder oversaw the school bus emergency evacuation drill for all bus routes. The drill was held at approximately 8:20 am for the elementary school students and at approximately 9:05 am for the middle school students in front of the school in the bus unloading area. |
Subject: |
K.3. Approve Field Trips
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following field trips: •McCarther Theater |
Subject: |
Motion made by , seconded by , to approve the following items: Roll Call Vote: Hackman___Hance___McGuire___Muller___Somers___Walker___Witucki___Davis___Scheibener____ |
Subject: |
L.1. Approve Substitutes
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following substitutes for the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 school year: •Sherri Karcher: Aide/Library Clerk/Cafeteria Aide •Stephanie Ruby: Aide/Library Clerk/Cafeteria Aide/Secretary •Byrce Parenti: Custodian (Pending Criminal History) •Travis Jones: Custodian (Pending Criminal History) |
Subject: |
L.2. Approve ESY Personnel
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following personnel to work the Special Education Extended School Year (ESY). The program will be in effect from July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019; 4 days per week. Teachers and Nurses will work from 8:30 am - 1:00 pm and Aides will work from 8:45 am - 1:00 pm. If a child who has a 1:1 aide has a scheduled absence for 3 or more consecutive days, the aide's services will not be needed at that time. Services will resume when the child returns. Salary Rates are subject to adjustment after settlement of contract. Nurse (Schedule to be worked out between nurses. Only 1 nurse per day) T. J. Hirsch: $43.99 per hour Lori Matthews: $43.99 per hour Speech Therapist Rose Branosky: $52.33 per hour Special Education Teacher Preschool: : Emily Martin $43.99 per hour Primary: Amy Bashford: $50.71 per hour Middle School: Wade Chilmonik: $44.01 per hour Aide Primary:Eileen Bertolotti: $24.57 per hour PreK: Cynthia Butler: $24.57 per hour Middle School: Sandra Ozgar: $24.57 per hour Teacher/Aide Substitute: Allison Kays:$43.99 per hour (Teacher) and $24.57 per hour (Aide) Sarah Wageman:$43.99 per hour (Teacher) and $24.57 per hour (Aide) Ryan Pfenning:$43.99 per hour (Teacher) and $24.57 per hour (Aide) Carol Bastow: $12.42 per hour (Teacher/Aide) Vicki Stamets: $12.42 per hour (Teacher/Aide) Kathy Dermody: $24.57 per hour (Aide Only) Occupation Therapist Alison Overhiser Commission of the Blind |
Subject: |
L.3. Approve Special Education Transportation Aides for ESY
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves all 2019 ESY Special Education Aides as transportation aides for the summer 2019 Special Education Extended School Year Program with an hourly salary rate as per the negotiated HTEA contract. |
Subject: |
L.4. Approve Resignation
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education accepts Mrs. Denise Carney's (Special Education Teacher) letter of resignation with regret effective June 30, 2019. |
Subject: |
L.5. Approve Summer Technology Assistance
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following summer technology assistance employees with an hourly rate of $12.00 per hour not to exceed a total of 400 hours: •Eileen Bertolotti •Betsy Nush •Sandra Ozgar |
Subject: |
L.6. Approve Summer Custodian Personnel
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following summer custodial employees at an hourly rate of $12.00 per hour: •Chris Fleischman •Patrick Maxwell •Bryce Parenti (Pending Criminal History) •Travis Jones (Pending Criminal History) |
Subject: |
L.7. Approve Business Administrator/Board Secretary Contract
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves executing the contract of employment between the Holland Township Board of Education and Mr. Brian McCarthy, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, from July 1, 209 through June 30, 2020 at annual salary of $107,888, as per the contract terms and conditions. |
Subject: |
L.8. Rescind Change in Position - April 30, 2019
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education rescinds the April 30, 2019 (Personnel Agenda Item #11) approval to Mrs.Kathryn Wilk's change in position from 12 month Supervisor of Special Services to 10 month tenured position. Mrs. Wilk will revert back to Step 21MA ($81,701) of the Teachers Guide (subject to change upon negotiations completion) effective July 1, 2019. |
Subject: |
L.9. Change in Position
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves Mrs. Kathryn Wilk's change in position from 12 month Supervisor of Special Services to 10 month tenured position. Mrs. Wilk will revert back to Step 22MA + 30 ($84,532) of the Teachers Guide (subject to change upon negotiations completion).effective July 1, 2019. |
Subject: |
L.10. Approve Resignation
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education accepts the resignation of Mrs. Marilou Patullo (Aide), with regret for the purpose of retirement, effective September 1, 2019. |
Subject: |
L.11. Approve Extra and Co-Curricular Activities
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves Megan Monti as the Girls Lacrosse Coach with a Stipend of $1,980 (subject to change upon negotiations completion) for the 2018/2019 school year as per the HTEA Contract. |
Subject: |
Motion made by , seconded by , to approve the following items: Roll Call Vote: Hackman___Hance___McGuire___Muller___Somers___Walker___Witucki___Davis___Scheibener____ |
Subject: |
M.1. Approve Second Reading and Adoption of Policies and Regulations
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the second reading and adoption of the following Policies and Regulations: •P 2422 (Health and Physical Education) •P 2431.3 (Practice and Pre-Season Heat-Acclimation for School-Sponsored Athletics and Extra-Curricular Activities) •P 2610 (Educational Program Evaluation) •P 4219 (Commercial Driver’s License Controlled Substance and Alcohol Use Testing) •P&R 5111 (Eligibility of Resident/Nonresident Students) •P 5330.04 (Administering an Opioid Antidote) •R 5330.04 (Administering an Opioid Antidote) •P 5337 (Service Animals) •P&R 5600 (Student Discipline/Code of Conduct) •P 5756 (Transgender Students) •P&R 7440 (School District Security) •P 8561 (Procurement Procedures for School Nutrition Programs) •P 8860 (Memorials) |
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Motion made by , seconded by , to approve the following items: Roll Call Vote: Hackman___Hance___McGuire___Muller___Somers___Walker___Witucki___Davis___Scheibener____ |
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N.1. Accept the Annual CAFR / Financial Audit
RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the annual CAFR / Financial Audit for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018 as prepared by the firm of Bedard, Kurowcki & Co. and acknowledge that there is one recommendation. |
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N.2. Accept the Certification of Implementation of Corrective Action Plan
RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the Certification of Implementation of Corrective Action Plan for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018. |
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N.3. Approve Submission of Parking Lot Improvement to NJDOE
BE IT RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the submission of the Parking Lot Improvements at Holland Township School to the New Jersey Department of Education, DOE State Project #2220-060-19-1000, for review and Department approval of an “other capital project” with no state funding and amendment of the long range facilities plan to be consistent with the project. Further, the Board authorizes Spiezle Architectural Group Inc., to make the submission to the Department of Education on behalf of the district. |
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N.4. Approve Bid Specifications for Parking Lot Construction and Authorize Bid
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the Bid Specifications, Drawings, and Advertisement for Parking Lot Improvement, and authorizes Spiezle Architecture Group, Inc. to solicit Bids for this Improvement on the Board's behalf. |
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N.5. Approve Copier Lease: Sixty Month Lease with United Business Systems
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approves the sixty (60) month copier lease with United Business Systems beginning July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2024 as per NJ State Contract G-2075/40462. WHEREAS the proposal includes: (2) Canon IR Advance 515IFZ, (2) Canon IR Advance 6565i III with Hole Punch, (1) Canon IR Advance C356 III, (1) Canon IR Advance 626IFZ. Service and supplies/CPC will be billed to Holland Quarterly at $0.0038 for Black and White (BW) Copies and $0.039 for color (C) copies. Usage will be pooled and not based on individual machine copy minimums. Pricing is actual usage. Program includes all parts, labor, and supplies except paper, and maintenance. FURTHER RESOLVED that the lease is for 60 months with a base monthly rate of $760.00 plus actual copy usage. Based on monthly usage of 177,000 BW copies and 10,000 C copies the monthly bill will be $1823. Based on monthly usage of 189,000 BW copies and 25,000 C copies the monthly bill will be $2,453. |
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N.6. Approve Insurance Agent of Record and Risk Management Consultant
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education appoints Brown & Brown Insurance Agency, as Insurance Agent of Record, for the 2019-2020 school year; and, FURTHER NOW BE IT RESOLVED that the Holland Township Board of Education, does hereby appoint Bob Gemmell, as its Risk Management Consultant in accordance with the SAIF Fund's Bylaws. |
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N.7. Approve Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission - FY20 Paraprofessional Contract
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approve FY20 Paraprofessional contract with Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission. |
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N.8. Approve Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission - FY20 Child Study Team Services Contact
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approve FY20 Child Study Services contract with Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission. |
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N.9. Approve Princeton HealthCare System - FY20 OTPT Contract for SID#7875264920
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approve Princeton HealthCare System OT PT contract for Student ID # 7875264920 at a rate of $93 per 30 minutes, approximating $10,044 per student's IEP, for the period September 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. |
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N.10. Approve Morris Union Jointure Commission - FY20 Tuition Contract for SID#4501568792
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approve the tuition contract for SID#4501568792 with Morris Union Jointure Commission for the 2019 - 2020 school year. The contract includes annual tuition of $94,066 and a Full Time Teacher Assistant at a cost of $72,320. |
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N.11. Approve Morris Union Jointure Commission - FY19 ESY Contract for SID#4501568792
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Holland Township Board of Education approve the 2018-2019 Extended School Year contract with the Morris Union Jointure Commission for SID#4501568792. The contract includes tuition charges of $15,149, and $10,848 for a Full-time Teacher Assistant. The contract includes services from 6/26/2019 through 8/7/2019 (excluding July 4th). |
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O.1. Audit Services Presentations:
Cannone and Company, P.A. - Nick Cannone (8:30 pm) Suplee, Clooney, & Company - Bob Swisher (8:50 pm) |
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The Holland Township Board of Education welcomes input from public entities and/or private persons as described in Policy #0167. At the discretion of the presiding officer, comments may be limited to three minutes in length.
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WHEREAS the “Open Public Meetings Act” (Chapter 231 Laws of 1975) authorizes a public body to exclude the public from that portion of a meeting at which specified topics are to be discussed under circumstances where the public consideration of such topics will clearly endanger the public or where the personal privacy or guaranteed rights of individuals whose activities or affairs are to be discussed would clearly in danger of unwarranted invasion; be it RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Township of Holland now adjourns its public session to reconvene in Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the following: __Confidential Matters by Law or Court Order __Purchase Property __Personnel Matters __Invasion of Individual Privacy Employee or Student __Investigation into Violations of Law __Suspension, Civil Penalty or Loss of a License or Permit __Disclosure would Impair District’s Right to Receive Funding __School/Public Security __Collective Bargaining __Pending, Ongoing or Anticipated Litigation And be it further RESOLVED that the matters discussed in Executive Session will be made public when confidentiality is no longer required. |
Subject: |
Q.1. Motion to Enter Executive Session
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Board of Education enter Executive Session at ______ to discuss _________. |
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Q.2. Motion to Enter Public Session
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Board return to Open Session at __________. |
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R.1. Motion to Adjourn
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Holland Board of Education adjourn the meeting at ________. |