Meeting Agenda
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Holland Township Board of Education approve the consent agenda as follows: |
F.1. Approval of Minutes
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the Regular minutes of February 28, 2017, and the Special Board Meeting minutes of March 15, 2017. |
F.2. Finance
1) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the transfers for the month ending February 28, 2017 as submitted by the Superintendent, as authorized by N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.1. 2) To accept the Holland Township Board of Education's certification that the Superintendent, David Bailey, recommends that the Board of Education accept the monthly financial reports of the Board Secretary and the Treasurer of School Moneys for the month ending February 28, 2017, and he recommends in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(3) that the Board of Education certify that no major account or fund has been overexpended and that as of this report sufficient funds are available to meet the District's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. 3) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board accept the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary's, David E. Pawlowski, certification as required by N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(d), that no line item account has been over expended as of February 28, 2017 and that as of this date sufficient funds are available to meet the District's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. |
F.3. Bill List
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the Bill List dated March 28, 2017, check numbers N0295 thru N0296 and 06486 thru 06586 in the amount of $807,998.76. . |
F.4. Travel and Related Expenses Reimbursement
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve work-related and related expenses reimbursement for the following staff members that is directly related to and within the scope of their current work responsibilities, promotes the delivery of instruction, and is critical to the instructional needs of the School District or furthers the efficient operation of the School District, and is educationally necessary and fiscally prudent. •Michelle Schwallie: 516/17-5/18/17, Wilson Reading System Introduction/Applied Methods •Stephanie Godshalk: 516/17-5/18/17, Wilson Reading System Introduction/Applied Methods •Diane Udovich: 516/17-5/18/17, Wilson Reading System Introduction/Applied Methods •Colleen Speth: 516/17-5/18/17, Wilson Reading System Introduction/Applied Methods •Ryan Pfenning: 516/17-5/18/17, Wilson Reading System Introduction/Applied Methods •Allison Dolan: 516/17-5/18/17, Wilson Reading System Introduction/Applied Methods •Marissa Rebimbas: 516/17-5/18/17, Wilson Reading System Introduction/Applied Methods •Jennifer Leap: 5/19/17, NJPSAFEA Bullying Law Update: $150 Registration, North Hunterdon High School •Nancy Yard: 5/19/17, NJPSAFEA Bullying Law Update: $150 Registration, North Hunterdon High School |
F.5. Approve Staff Summaries of Approved Conferences/Workshops
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education accepts the staff summary sheets for BOE approved workshops. |
H.1. Substance Abuse Prevention Education (Danielle Buzby and Jennifer Leap)
H.2. Strategic Plan Update
H.3. 2017-2018 District Goals
H.4. PI Record Broken by Megan Massa
K.1. Accept Superintendent's Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying Report
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education accepts the Superintendent's Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying report for February 23, 2017 - March 22, 2017 and affirms the actions of the administration. |
K.2. Approve Field Trips
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following field trips: •Alexandria Park •Trexler Zoo •Hunterdon County Division of Parks and Recreation •The Franklin Institute |
K.3. Approve Visual and Performing Arts Curriculum
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the updated Visual and Performing Arts Curriculum (K-8) aligned with New Jersey Student Learning Standards. |
K.4. Approved Revision of the 2016-2017 School Calendar
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the revision of the 2016-2017 school calendar as follows: •Friday, May 26, 2017 - No School •Monday, June 19, 2017 the last day of school for students •Tuesday, June 20, 2017 the last day of school for staff •Friday, June 16, 2017 and Monday, June 19, 2017 - early dismissal days |
K.5. Approve PTO Donation
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education accepts a donation of $2,000.00 to be applied towards the 8th Grade Graduation Dance. The Board recognizes and thanks the PTO for their continued and generous support of our school district. |
K.6. Approve Eighth Grade Graduation
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approved Monday, June 19, 2017 for the eighth grade graduation. Graduation will begin at 6:30 p,m. |
K.7. Approve Newgrange School Contract (Prof. Dev.)
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the Newgrange School Contract for the purpose of Professional Development in Wilson Reading System - WRS (Wilson Reading System) Introduction/Applied Methods from May 16, 2017 through May 18, 2017. The total for the three day in house workshop will be $6,886.80. Attendance at workshop will be offered to other schools with $450 per attendee fee. |
K.8. Approve Curriculum Writing
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following teachers for 6 hours of curriculum writing aligned to the NGSS on June 21, 2017 with the hourly rate of: •Nicole Carr: $52.03/hr •Shelli Deckert:$42.88/hr •Chris Regan: $54.13/hr •Amy Brown: $59.98/hr •Elizabeth Vocke: $43.84/hr •Joelle Croasdale: $52.35/hr •Joyce Dlugose: $45.04/hr •Lisa Nolan: $42.88/hr •Laurie Hughes: $44.17/hr •Cathy O'Rourke: $60.80/hr •Alison Wilt: $42.88/hr •Jill Conti: $55.85/hr •Deborah Croasdale: $54.07/hr •Amber Lazier: $42.88/hr •Rosemary Martin: $47.67/hr •Carrie Grundhauser: $47.67/hr |
K.9. Approve 2017-2018 District/School Goals
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the 2017-2018 District/School Goals. |
L.1. Approve ESY Substitutes
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves Mrs. Sheila Manadato as a Substitute Teacher/Aide and Mrs. Cindi Butler as a Substitute Aide for the Special Education Extended School Year (ESY). Mrs. Mandato’s hourly salary rate will be $12.42 for a Teacher and $12.82 as an Aide. Mrs. Butler's hourly salary rate will be $24.57 as an Aide. The program will be in effect from July 5, 2017 - July 31, 2017, 4 days per week, 4 hours per day. |
L.2. Approve Unpaid FMLA/NJFLA/NJFLIA Leave
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves Joyce Criss's request for unpaid FMLA/NJFLA/NJFLIA leave beginning on or about May 8, 2017 not to exceed 12 weeks on an intermittent basis. |
L.3. Approve Unpaid Days
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves two (2) unpaid days for Irene Fennell, Monday, May 22, 2017 and Tuesday, May 23, 2017. FURTHER RESOLVED that the following payroll check for Irene Fennell will be deducted for her two (2) unpaid days (1/185th) for Monday, May 22, 2017 and Tuesday, May 23, 2017. |
M.1. Approve Second Readings of Policies and Regulations
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the second reading and adoption of the following Policies and Regulations: •P&R2460 (Special Education) •R2460.1 (Special Education -Location, Identification, and Referral) •R2460.8 (Special Education -Free and Appropriate Public Education) •R2460.9 (Special Education -Transition From Early Intervention Programs To Preschool Programs) •R2460.15(Special Education -In-Service Training Needs For Professional And Paraprofessional Staff) •R2460.16 (Special Education -Instructional Material To Blind Or Print-Disabled Pupils) •P2467 (Surrogate Parents And Foster Parents) •P5330.04 (Administering An Opioid Antidote) |
M.2. Approve First Reading of Policies and Regulations
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the first reading of the following Policies and Regulations: •0164 (Conduct of Board Meeting) •8600 (Transportation) |
N.1. State Aide
N.1.a. Motion made by __________ seconded by __________, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board accept the 2017-18 State Aid in the amount of $1,819,736.minus $15,049 adjustment for debt service on SDA funding for an adjusted total amount of $1,804,687.
Equalization Aide: 1,291,479 School Choice Aide: 75,327 Transportation Aide: 53,541 Special Education Categorical Aide: 373,356 Security Aide: 9,453 PARCC Readiness Aide: 5,710 Per Pupil Growth Aide: 5,710 PLC Aide:5,160 Total State Aide: 1,819,736 |
N.2. Maximum Capital Reserve Amount for the 2016-2017 School Year
N.2.a. Motion made by __________, seconded by __________, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the Maximum Capital Reserve Amount (the total amount of local monies needed to implement the LRFP) for the 2016-2017 school year to be $5,223,846 if all projects listed in the LRFP were planned for the 2017-2018 school year.
N.3. State ROD Grant
N.3.a. Motion made by __________, seconded by, __________, upon the
recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve a
transfer to reimburse Capital Reserve with the State ROD Grant money
from the following Grants:
2220-060-14-1004 (G1RU) Total Cost: $229,296.86: State Share: $91,718.74 2220-060-14-1006 (G1VR) Total Cost: $177,015.58: State Share: $61,161.00 |
O.1. Resolution regarding the New Jersey First Act.
R.1. Motion to Enter Executive Session
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Board of Education enter Executive Session at ______ to discuss _________. |
R.2. Motion to Enter Public Session
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Board return to Open Session at __________. |
S.1. Motion to Adjourn
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Holland Board of Education adjourn the meeting at ________. |
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 28, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Welcome to a meeting of the Board of Education of the Township of Holland. Please be advised that this and all meetings of the Board are open to the public and media, consistent with the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 231 Laws of 1975); and that advance notice as required therein has been provided. This is a regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Township of Holland at which formal action may be taken. The public will have an opportunity to be heard as indicated on the Agenda, at points in the meeting provided for the public to address the Board.
Subject: |
Brennan___ Curry___ Davis___ Hance___ Johnson___ McGuire___ Somers___ Soucie___ |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Holland Township Board of Education approve the consent agenda as follows: |
All in favor: Yes:______ No:______Abstentions:______ |
Subject: |
F.1. Approval of Minutes
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the Regular minutes of February 28, 2017, and the Special Board Meeting minutes of March 15, 2017. |
Subject: |
F.2. Finance
1) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the transfers for the month ending February 28, 2017 as submitted by the Superintendent, as authorized by N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.1. 2) To accept the Holland Township Board of Education's certification that the Superintendent, David Bailey, recommends that the Board of Education accept the monthly financial reports of the Board Secretary and the Treasurer of School Moneys for the month ending February 28, 2017, and he recommends in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(3) that the Board of Education certify that no major account or fund has been overexpended and that as of this report sufficient funds are available to meet the District's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. 3) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board accept the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary's, David E. Pawlowski, certification as required by N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(d), that no line item account has been over expended as of February 28, 2017 and that as of this date sufficient funds are available to meet the District's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. |
Subject: |
F.3. Bill List
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the Bill List dated March 28, 2017, check numbers N0295 thru N0296 and 06486 thru 06586 in the amount of $807,998.76. . |
Subject: |
F.4. Travel and Related Expenses Reimbursement
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve work-related and related expenses reimbursement for the following staff members that is directly related to and within the scope of their current work responsibilities, promotes the delivery of instruction, and is critical to the instructional needs of the School District or furthers the efficient operation of the School District, and is educationally necessary and fiscally prudent. •Michelle Schwallie: 516/17-5/18/17, Wilson Reading System Introduction/Applied Methods •Stephanie Godshalk: 516/17-5/18/17, Wilson Reading System Introduction/Applied Methods •Diane Udovich: 516/17-5/18/17, Wilson Reading System Introduction/Applied Methods •Colleen Speth: 516/17-5/18/17, Wilson Reading System Introduction/Applied Methods •Ryan Pfenning: 516/17-5/18/17, Wilson Reading System Introduction/Applied Methods •Allison Dolan: 516/17-5/18/17, Wilson Reading System Introduction/Applied Methods •Marissa Rebimbas: 516/17-5/18/17, Wilson Reading System Introduction/Applied Methods •Jennifer Leap: 5/19/17, NJPSAFEA Bullying Law Update: $150 Registration, North Hunterdon High School •Nancy Yard: 5/19/17, NJPSAFEA Bullying Law Update: $150 Registration, North Hunterdon High School |
Subject: |
F.5. Approve Staff Summaries of Approved Conferences/Workshops
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education accepts the staff summary sheets for BOE approved workshops. |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
H.1. Substance Abuse Prevention Education (Danielle Buzby and Jennifer Leap)
Subject: |
H.2. Strategic Plan Update
Subject: |
H.3. 2017-2018 District Goals
Subject: |
H.4. PI Record Broken by Megan Massa
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Motion made by , seconded by , upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the
Holland Township Board of Education approve the Education agenda as
Role Call Vote: Bickhardt___Brennan___Curry___Davis___Hance___Johnson___McGuire____Somers___ Soucie___ |
Subject: |
K.1. Accept Superintendent's Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying Report
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education accepts the Superintendent's Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying report for February 23, 2017 - March 22, 2017 and affirms the actions of the administration. |
Subject: |
K.2. Approve Field Trips
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following field trips: •Alexandria Park •Trexler Zoo •Hunterdon County Division of Parks and Recreation •The Franklin Institute |
Subject: |
K.3. Approve Visual and Performing Arts Curriculum
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the updated Visual and Performing Arts Curriculum (K-8) aligned with New Jersey Student Learning Standards. |
Subject: |
K.4. Approved Revision of the 2016-2017 School Calendar
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the revision of the 2016-2017 school calendar as follows: •Friday, May 26, 2017 - No School •Monday, June 19, 2017 the last day of school for students •Tuesday, June 20, 2017 the last day of school for staff •Friday, June 16, 2017 and Monday, June 19, 2017 - early dismissal days |
Subject: |
K.5. Approve PTO Donation
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education accepts a donation of $2,000.00 to be applied towards the 8th Grade Graduation Dance. The Board recognizes and thanks the PTO for their continued and generous support of our school district. |
Subject: |
K.6. Approve Eighth Grade Graduation
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approved Monday, June 19, 2017 for the eighth grade graduation. Graduation will begin at 6:30 p,m. |
Subject: |
K.7. Approve Newgrange School Contract (Prof. Dev.)
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the Newgrange School Contract for the purpose of Professional Development in Wilson Reading System - WRS (Wilson Reading System) Introduction/Applied Methods from May 16, 2017 through May 18, 2017. The total for the three day in house workshop will be $6,886.80. Attendance at workshop will be offered to other schools with $450 per attendee fee. |
Subject: |
K.8. Approve Curriculum Writing
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following teachers for 6 hours of curriculum writing aligned to the NGSS on June 21, 2017 with the hourly rate of: •Nicole Carr: $52.03/hr •Shelli Deckert:$42.88/hr •Chris Regan: $54.13/hr •Amy Brown: $59.98/hr •Elizabeth Vocke: $43.84/hr •Joelle Croasdale: $52.35/hr •Joyce Dlugose: $45.04/hr •Lisa Nolan: $42.88/hr •Laurie Hughes: $44.17/hr •Cathy O'Rourke: $60.80/hr •Alison Wilt: $42.88/hr •Jill Conti: $55.85/hr •Deborah Croasdale: $54.07/hr •Amber Lazier: $42.88/hr •Rosemary Martin: $47.67/hr •Carrie Grundhauser: $47.67/hr |
Subject: |
K.9. Approve 2017-2018 District/School Goals
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the 2017-2018 District/School Goals. |
Subject: |
Motion made by , seconded by , upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the
Holland Township Board of Education approve the Personnel agenda as
Role Call Vote: Bickhardt___Brennan___Curry___Davis___Hance___Johnson___McGuire____Somers___ Soucie___ |
Subject: |
L.1. Approve ESY Substitutes
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves Mrs. Sheila Manadato as a Substitute Teacher/Aide and Mrs. Cindi Butler as a Substitute Aide for the Special Education Extended School Year (ESY). Mrs. Mandato’s hourly salary rate will be $12.42 for a Teacher and $12.82 as an Aide. Mrs. Butler's hourly salary rate will be $24.57 as an Aide. The program will be in effect from July 5, 2017 - July 31, 2017, 4 days per week, 4 hours per day. |
Subject: |
L.2. Approve Unpaid FMLA/NJFLA/NJFLIA Leave
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves Joyce Criss's request for unpaid FMLA/NJFLA/NJFLIA leave beginning on or about May 8, 2017 not to exceed 12 weeks on an intermittent basis. |
Subject: |
L.3. Approve Unpaid Days
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves two (2) unpaid days for Irene Fennell, Monday, May 22, 2017 and Tuesday, May 23, 2017. FURTHER RESOLVED that the following payroll check for Irene Fennell will be deducted for her two (2) unpaid days (1/185th) for Monday, May 22, 2017 and Tuesday, May 23, 2017. |
Subject: |
Motion made by , seconded by , upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the
Holland Township Board of Education approve the Policy agenda as
Role Call Vote: Bickhardt___Brennan___Curry___Davis___Hance___Johnson___McGuire____Somers___ Soucie___ |
Subject: |
M.1. Approve Second Readings of Policies and Regulations
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the second reading and adoption of the following Policies and Regulations: •P&R2460 (Special Education) •R2460.1 (Special Education -Location, Identification, and Referral) •R2460.8 (Special Education -Free and Appropriate Public Education) •R2460.9 (Special Education -Transition From Early Intervention Programs To Preschool Programs) •R2460.15(Special Education -In-Service Training Needs For Professional And Paraprofessional Staff) •R2460.16 (Special Education -Instructional Material To Blind Or Print-Disabled Pupils) •P2467 (Surrogate Parents And Foster Parents) •P5330.04 (Administering An Opioid Antidote) |
Subject: |
M.2. Approve First Reading of Policies and Regulations
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the first reading of the following Policies and Regulations: •0164 (Conduct of Board Meeting) •8600 (Transportation) |
Subject: |
Motion made by , seconded by , upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the
Holland Township Board of Education approve the Finance and Facilities agenda as
Role Call Vote: Bickhardt___Brennan___Curry___Davis___Hance___Johnson___McGuire____Somers___ Soucie___ |
Subject: |
N.1. State Aide
Subject: |
N.1.a. Motion made by __________ seconded by __________, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board accept the 2017-18 State Aid in the amount of $1,819,736.minus $15,049 adjustment for debt service on SDA funding for an adjusted total amount of $1,804,687.
Equalization Aide: 1,291,479 School Choice Aide: 75,327 Transportation Aide: 53,541 Special Education Categorical Aide: 373,356 Security Aide: 9,453 PARCC Readiness Aide: 5,710 Per Pupil Growth Aide: 5,710 PLC Aide:5,160 Total State Aide: 1,819,736 |
Subject: |
N.2. Maximum Capital Reserve Amount for the 2016-2017 School Year
Subject: |
N.2.a. Motion made by __________, seconded by __________, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the Maximum Capital Reserve Amount (the total amount of local monies needed to implement the LRFP) for the 2016-2017 school year to be $5,223,846 if all projects listed in the LRFP were planned for the 2017-2018 school year.
Subject: |
N.3. State ROD Grant
Subject: |
N.3.a. Motion made by __________, seconded by, __________, upon the
recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve a
transfer to reimburse Capital Reserve with the State ROD Grant money
from the following Grants:
2220-060-14-1004 (G1RU) Total Cost: $229,296.86: State Share: $91,718.74 2220-060-14-1006 (G1VR) Total Cost: $177,015.58: State Share: $61,161.00 |
Subject: |
Subject: |
O.1. Resolution regarding the New Jersey First Act.
Subject: |
Subject: |
The Holland Township Board of Education welcomes input from public entities and/or private persons as described in Policy #0167. At the discretion of the presiding officer, comments may be limited to three minutes in length.
Subject: |
WHEREAS the “Open Public Meetings Act” (Chapter 231 Laws of 1975) authorizes a public body to exclude the public from that portion of a meeting at which specified topics are to be discussed under circumstances where the public consideration of such topics will clearly endanger the public or where the personal privacy or guaranteed rights of individuals whose activities or affairs are to be discussed would clearly in danger of unwarranted invasion; be it
RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Township of Holland now adjourns its public session to reconvene in Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the following: __Confidential Matters by Law or Court Order __Purchase Property __Personnel Matters __Invasion of Individual Privacy Employee or Student __Investigation into Violations of Law __Suspension, Civil Penalty or Loss of a License or Permit __Disclosure would Impair District’s Right to Receive Funding __School/Public Security _XCollective Bargaining __Pending, Ongoing or Anticipated Litigation And be it further RESOLVED that the matters discussed in Executive Session will be made public when confidentiality is no longer required. |
Subject: |
R.1. Motion to Enter Executive Session
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Board of Education enter Executive Session at ______ to discuss _________. |
Subject: |
R.2. Motion to Enter Public Session
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Board return to Open Session at __________. |
Subject: |
Subject: |
S.1. Motion to Adjourn
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Holland Board of Education adjourn the meeting at ________. |