Meeting Agenda
•Resolution Honoring Barbara Doll •Resolution Honoring Lorraine Scheibener |
F.1. Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the Minutes of the following meetings:
•November 22, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes •November 22, 2016 Executive Session Meeting Minutes |
•Holiday Concert •Kindergarten Coin Drive •Hour of Code •Geodesic Dome Assembly |
K.1. Accept Superintendent's Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying Report
RESOLVED that the Holland Township Board of Education accepts the Superintendent's Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying report for November 17, 2016 - December 15, 2016. |
K.2. Approve QSAC Equivalency Application
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the New Jersey Department of Education Equivalency Application N.J.A.C. 6A:5. for the Quality Single Accountability Continuum (QSAC) District Performance Review (DPR). |
K.3. Approve Field Trips
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following field trips: •Science Club: May 22, 2017, Island Beach State Park (Seaside Park, NJ) •Selected 4-8 Grade Students: February 21, 2016 (Snow Date February 22, 2016), Exxon Mobil Clinton Facility •Jazz Band: May 2017, Jazz House Kids (Montclair, NJ) |
K.4. Approve Donation
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education accepts a donation of sound equipment to the music department valued at $750. The Board recognizes and thanks Mr. Bradford Sicotte for his generous support of our school district. |
K.5. Approve Donation
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education accepts a donation in the amount of $100 from Frenchtown-Milford VFW to go towards the Library. The Board recognizes and thanks the Frenchtown-Milford VFW for their generous support of our school district. |
L.1. Approve Staff Travel
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Township Board of Education approves staff travel at conferences listed: •Ryan Pfenning: 1/10/17, Fundamentals of Mindfulness, Lodi, NJ, $139 Registration & Mileage •Ryan Pfenning: 2/28/17, Mindful Awareness Practice, Lodi, NJ, $139 Registration & Mileage •Jennifer Leap: 1/10/17, Fundamentals of Mindfulness, Lodi, NJ, $139 Registration & $44.70 Mileage •Jennifer Leap: 2/28/17, Mindful Awareness Practice, Lodi, NJ, $139 Registration & $44.70 Mileage •Danielle Buzby: 1/10/17, Fundamentals of Mindfulness, Lodi, NJ, $139 Registration & Mileage •Danielle Buzby: 2/28/17, Mindful Awareness Practice, Lodi, NJ, $139 Registration & Mileage •Carol Cole: 11/30/16, ACA Reporting Workshop, Lambertville, NJ, $13.21 Mileage •Marissa Rebimbas: 1/11/17, Wilson Training Level 2, Clinton Township School, $125 Registration •Sarah Ortman: 1/11/17, Wilson Training Level 2, Clinton Township School, $125 Registration •Ryan Pfenning: 1/11/17, Wilson Training Level 2, Clinton Township School, $125 Registration •Jason Kries: 1-26-17, Techspo 2017, Atlantic City, $225 Registration, $99 Hotel, $76.88 Mileage •David Bailey: 1-26-17, Techspo 2017, Atlantic City $425 Registration, $99 Hotel and $68.20 Mileage •Stephanie Bacskai: 1-20-17, ANJEE Conference, Princeton, NJ , $140 Registration, $7.94 Mileage |
L.2. Approve STEM/Gifted and Talented Teacher
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the employment, of Alantha Carter as STEM/Gifted and Talented Teacher for the 2016-2017 school year beginning December 21, 2016; FURTHER RESOLVED, Mrs. Carter will be placed on Step 7MA of the 2016-2017 HTEA salary guide, $57,401 prorated. |
L.3. Approve Long Term Elementary Support Substitute Teacher
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves Ms. Kristina Brophy as the Long Term Elementary Academic Support Substitute Teacher to begin December 19, 2016 and ending on or about June 30, 2017. Ms. Brophy will be paid as follows: Regular per diem substitute rate of $90.00 per day for the first ten consecutive school days and effective on the eleventh consecutive day in the position, the rate shall be 1.3 times the regular per diem substitute rate ($117.00), and shall be retro-active to the first day. On the 31st consecutive day in the position the per diem amount will be 1/200th of Step 1 of the 2016-2017 HTEA salary guide ($253.26). |
L.4. Approve Substitutes
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following substitutes for the 2016-2017 school year: •Hope Dell: Aide & Library Clerk •April Walker: Teacher, Secretary, Aide, Library Clerk and Custodian •Joan Sampson: Teacher and Aide |
L.5. Approve
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves Cindi Butler's request (pending document completion) for unpaid FMLA/NJFLA/NJFLIA leave beginning on or about December 12, 2016 not to exceed 12 weeks on an intermittent basis. |
M.1. Approve Second Readings of Policies and Regulations
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the second reading and adoption of the following Policy: •5514 (Student Use of Vehicles on School Grounds) |
M.2. Approve First Reading of Policies and Regulations
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the first reading of the following Policies and Regulations: •2415.30 (Title I - Educational Stability for Children in Foster Care) •3125 (Employment of Teaching Staff Members) |
N.1. Approve Transfer of Funds
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the transfers for the month ending October 31, 2016 and November 30, 2016 as submitted by the Superintendent, as authorized by N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.1. |
N.2. Accept Monthly Financial Report
RESOLVED that the Holland Township Board of Education's certification that the Superintendent, David Bailey, recommends that the Board of Education accept the monthly financial reports of the Board Secretary and the Treasurer of School Moneys for the months ending October 31, 2016, and November 30, 2016 and he recommends in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (c)3 that the Board of Education certify that no major account or fund has been overexpended and that as of this report sufficient funds are available to meet the District's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. |
N.3. Bill List
WHEREAS the Board Secretary has presented a check register for November 30, 2016 in the amount of $328,150.79. With the recommendation that it be paid; Now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the following bills be paid and an itemized list be filed with the minutes of this meeting. WHEREAS the Board Secretary has presented a check register for December 20, 2016 in the amount of $344,747.81. With the recommendation that it be paid; Now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the following bills be paid and an itemized list be filed with the minutes of this meeting. |
N.4. Disposal of Non-Functioning Items
WHEREAS, the Holland Township School District is the owner of certain non-functioning electronic equipment which is no longer needed for public use; and WHEREAS, the Holland Township Board of Education is desirous of selling said non-functioning electronic equipment in an “as is” condition without expenses or implied warranties. NOW THEREFROE, Be It Resolved by the Holland Township Board of Education, in the Township of Holland, County of Hunterdon, State of New Jersey, as follows: (1) The sale of the non-functioning items shall be conducted through GovDeals pursuant to State contract A-83453/T2581 in accordance with the terms and conditions of the State Contract. The terms and conditions of the agreement entered into with GovDeals is available online at and also available from the Holland Township Board of Education. (2) The sale will be conducted online and the address of the auction site is (3) The sale is being conducted pursuant to Local Finance Notice 2008-9. (4) A list of the non-functioning items to be sold is as follows: Cub Cadet Tractor Toro walk behind mower Ford tractor 1985 Ford Dump Truck 150 Student Desks File Cabinets Student Chairs Lunch Tables Science Tables Musical Instruments (5) The non-functioning items as identified shall be sold in an “as is” condition without express or implied warranties with the successful bidder required to execute a Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreement concerning use of said surplus. (6) The Holland Township Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reject any bid submitted. |
P.1. Motion made by _______, seconded by _______. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Holland Township Board of Education rescind the September motion approving the Superintendent goals.
R.1. Motion to Enter Executive Session
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Board of Education enter Executive Session at ______ to discuss _________. |
R.2. Motion to Enter Public Session
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Board return to Open Session at __________. |
S.1. Motion to Adjourn
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Holland Board of Education adjourn the meeting at ________. |
BB. File
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | December 20, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Welcome to a meeting of the Board of Education of the Township of Holland. Please be advised that this and all meetings of the Board are open to the public and media, consistent with the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 231 Laws of 1975); and that advance notice as required therein has been provided. This is a regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Township of Holland at which formal action may be taken. The public will have an opportunity to be heard as indicated on the Agenda, at points in the meeting provided for the public to address the Board.
Subject: |
Brennan___ Hance___ Johnson___ McGuire___ Somers___ Soucie___ Davis___ Scheibener___ |
Subject: |
•Resolution Honoring Barbara Doll •Resolution Honoring Lorraine Scheibener |
Subject: |
Role Call Vote: Bickhardt___Brennan___Hance___Johnson___McGuire____Somers___ Soucie___Davis___Scheibener___
Subject: |
F.1. Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the Minutes of the following meetings:
•November 22, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes •November 22, 2016 Executive Session Meeting Minutes |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
•Holiday Concert •Kindergarten Coin Drive •Hour of Code •Geodesic Dome Assembly |
Subject: |
The Holland Township Board of Education welcomes input from public
entities and/or private persons as described in Policy #0167. At the
discretion of the presiding officer, comments may be limited to three
minutes in length.
Subject: |
Role Call Vote: Bickhardt___Brennan___Hance___Johnson___McGuire____Somers___ Soucie___Davis___Scheibener___
Subject: |
K.1. Accept Superintendent's Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying Report
RESOLVED that the Holland Township Board of Education accepts the Superintendent's Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying report for November 17, 2016 - December 15, 2016. |
Subject: |
K.2. Approve QSAC Equivalency Application
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the New Jersey Department of Education Equivalency Application N.J.A.C. 6A:5. for the Quality Single Accountability Continuum (QSAC) District Performance Review (DPR). |
Subject: |
K.3. Approve Field Trips
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following field trips: •Science Club: May 22, 2017, Island Beach State Park (Seaside Park, NJ) •Selected 4-8 Grade Students: February 21, 2016 (Snow Date February 22, 2016), Exxon Mobil Clinton Facility •Jazz Band: May 2017, Jazz House Kids (Montclair, NJ) |
Subject: |
K.4. Approve Donation
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education accepts a donation of sound equipment to the music department valued at $750. The Board recognizes and thanks Mr. Bradford Sicotte for his generous support of our school district. |
Subject: |
K.5. Approve Donation
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education accepts a donation in the amount of $100 from Frenchtown-Milford VFW to go towards the Library. The Board recognizes and thanks the Frenchtown-Milford VFW for their generous support of our school district. |
Subject: |
Role Call Vote: Bickhardt___Brennan___Hance___Johnson___McGuire____Somers___ Soucie___Davis___Scheibener___
Subject: |
L.1. Approve Staff Travel
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Township Board of Education approves staff travel at conferences listed: •Ryan Pfenning: 1/10/17, Fundamentals of Mindfulness, Lodi, NJ, $139 Registration & Mileage •Ryan Pfenning: 2/28/17, Mindful Awareness Practice, Lodi, NJ, $139 Registration & Mileage •Jennifer Leap: 1/10/17, Fundamentals of Mindfulness, Lodi, NJ, $139 Registration & $44.70 Mileage •Jennifer Leap: 2/28/17, Mindful Awareness Practice, Lodi, NJ, $139 Registration & $44.70 Mileage •Danielle Buzby: 1/10/17, Fundamentals of Mindfulness, Lodi, NJ, $139 Registration & Mileage •Danielle Buzby: 2/28/17, Mindful Awareness Practice, Lodi, NJ, $139 Registration & Mileage •Carol Cole: 11/30/16, ACA Reporting Workshop, Lambertville, NJ, $13.21 Mileage •Marissa Rebimbas: 1/11/17, Wilson Training Level 2, Clinton Township School, $125 Registration •Sarah Ortman: 1/11/17, Wilson Training Level 2, Clinton Township School, $125 Registration •Ryan Pfenning: 1/11/17, Wilson Training Level 2, Clinton Township School, $125 Registration •Jason Kries: 1-26-17, Techspo 2017, Atlantic City, $225 Registration, $99 Hotel, $76.88 Mileage •David Bailey: 1-26-17, Techspo 2017, Atlantic City $425 Registration, $99 Hotel and $68.20 Mileage •Stephanie Bacskai: 1-20-17, ANJEE Conference, Princeton, NJ , $140 Registration, $7.94 Mileage |
Subject: |
L.2. Approve STEM/Gifted and Talented Teacher
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the employment, of Alantha Carter as STEM/Gifted and Talented Teacher for the 2016-2017 school year beginning December 21, 2016; FURTHER RESOLVED, Mrs. Carter will be placed on Step 7MA of the 2016-2017 HTEA salary guide, $57,401 prorated. |
Subject: |
L.3. Approve Long Term Elementary Support Substitute Teacher
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves Ms. Kristina Brophy as the Long Term Elementary Academic Support Substitute Teacher to begin December 19, 2016 and ending on or about June 30, 2017. Ms. Brophy will be paid as follows: Regular per diem substitute rate of $90.00 per day for the first ten consecutive school days and effective on the eleventh consecutive day in the position, the rate shall be 1.3 times the regular per diem substitute rate ($117.00), and shall be retro-active to the first day. On the 31st consecutive day in the position the per diem amount will be 1/200th of Step 1 of the 2016-2017 HTEA salary guide ($253.26). |
Subject: |
L.4. Approve Substitutes
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the following substitutes for the 2016-2017 school year: •Hope Dell: Aide & Library Clerk •April Walker: Teacher, Secretary, Aide, Library Clerk and Custodian •Joan Sampson: Teacher and Aide |
Subject: |
L.5. Approve
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves Cindi Butler's request (pending document completion) for unpaid FMLA/NJFLA/NJFLIA leave beginning on or about December 12, 2016 not to exceed 12 weeks on an intermittent basis. |
Subject: |
Role Call Vote: Bickhardt___Brennan___Hance___Johnson___McGuire____Somers___ Soucie___Davis___Scheibener___
Subject: |
M.1. Approve Second Readings of Policies and Regulations
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the second reading and adoption of the following Policy: •5514 (Student Use of Vehicles on School Grounds) |
Subject: |
M.2. Approve First Reading of Policies and Regulations
RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Holland Township Board of Education approves the first reading of the following Policies and Regulations: •2415.30 (Title I - Educational Stability for Children in Foster Care) •3125 (Employment of Teaching Staff Members) |
Subject: |
Role Call Vote: Bickhardt___Brennan___Hance___Johnson___McGuire____Somers___ Soucie___Davis___Scheibener___
Subject: |
N.1. Approve Transfer of Funds
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board approve the transfers for the month ending October 31, 2016 and November 30, 2016 as submitted by the Superintendent, as authorized by N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.1. |
Subject: |
N.2. Accept Monthly Financial Report
RESOLVED that the Holland Township Board of Education's certification that the Superintendent, David Bailey, recommends that the Board of Education accept the monthly financial reports of the Board Secretary and the Treasurer of School Moneys for the months ending October 31, 2016, and November 30, 2016 and he recommends in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (c)3 that the Board of Education certify that no major account or fund has been overexpended and that as of this report sufficient funds are available to meet the District's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. |
Subject: |
N.3. Bill List
WHEREAS the Board Secretary has presented a check register for November 30, 2016 in the amount of $328,150.79. With the recommendation that it be paid; Now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the following bills be paid and an itemized list be filed with the minutes of this meeting. WHEREAS the Board Secretary has presented a check register for December 20, 2016 in the amount of $344,747.81. With the recommendation that it be paid; Now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the following bills be paid and an itemized list be filed with the minutes of this meeting. |
Subject: |
N.4. Disposal of Non-Functioning Items
WHEREAS, the Holland Township School District is the owner of certain non-functioning electronic equipment which is no longer needed for public use; and WHEREAS, the Holland Township Board of Education is desirous of selling said non-functioning electronic equipment in an “as is” condition without expenses or implied warranties. NOW THEREFROE, Be It Resolved by the Holland Township Board of Education, in the Township of Holland, County of Hunterdon, State of New Jersey, as follows: (1) The sale of the non-functioning items shall be conducted through GovDeals pursuant to State contract A-83453/T2581 in accordance with the terms and conditions of the State Contract. The terms and conditions of the agreement entered into with GovDeals is available online at and also available from the Holland Township Board of Education. (2) The sale will be conducted online and the address of the auction site is (3) The sale is being conducted pursuant to Local Finance Notice 2008-9. (4) A list of the non-functioning items to be sold is as follows: Cub Cadet Tractor Toro walk behind mower Ford tractor 1985 Ford Dump Truck 150 Student Desks File Cabinets Student Chairs Lunch Tables Science Tables Musical Instruments (5) The non-functioning items as identified shall be sold in an “as is” condition without express or implied warranties with the successful bidder required to execute a Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreement concerning use of said surplus. (6) The Holland Township Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reject any bid submitted. |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
P.1. Motion made by _______, seconded by _______. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Holland Township Board of Education rescind the September motion approving the Superintendent goals.
Subject: |
The Holland Township Board of Education welcomes input from public entities and/or private persons as described in Policy #0167. At the discretion of the presiding officer, comments may be limited to three minutes in length.
Subject: |
WHEREAS the “Open Public Meetings Act” (Chapter 231 Laws of 1975) authorizes a public body to exclude the public from that portion of a meeting at which specified topics are to be discussed under circumstances where the public consideration of such topics will clearly endanger the public or where the personal privacy or guaranteed rights of individuals whose activities or affairs are to be discussed would clearly in danger of unwarranted invasion; be it
RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Township of Holland now adjourns its public session to reconvene in Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the following: __Confidential Matters by Law or Court Order __Purchase Property __Personnel Matters __Invasion of Individual Privacy Employee or Student __Investigation into Violations of Law __Suspension, Civil Penalty or Loss of a License or Permit __Disclosure would Impair District’s Right to Receive Funding __School/Public Security __Collective Bargaining __Pending, Ongoing or Anticipated Litigation And be it further RESOLVED that the matters discussed in Executive Session will be made public when confidentiality is longer required. |
Subject: |
R.1. Motion to Enter Executive Session
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Board of Education enter Executive Session at ______ to discuss _________. |
Subject: |
R.2. Motion to Enter Public Session
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Holland Board return to Open Session at __________. |
Subject: |
Subject: |
S.1. Motion to Adjourn
Motion made by ______, seconded by ______, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Holland Board of Education adjourn the meeting at ________. |
Subject: |
Motion made by __________, seconded by __________, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the Board adjourn the meeting at __________ .
Subject: |
BB. File
October 20 thur October 31, 2016 Bill list.pdf