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Meeting Agenda
I. Approve agenda
II. Public input on agenda items.
III. State Accountability Report Cards
IV. Music Program Evaluation Self-Study
V. Gateway to College Program
VI. Items for upcoming meetings
VII. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: September 17, 2014 at 3:00 PM - Curriculum Committee Meeting
I. Approve agenda
II. Public input on agenda items.
III. State Accountability Report Cards
This is an information item.  State accountability report cards were publicly released on Tuesday, September 16.  I have attached the brief summary report cards for each school and the district and also the longer detailed report cards.  The DPI guide is also attached if you want to explore more deeply.  I will walk you through them, highlight some themes, and share how we compare with some of our comparable districts.  Although much information has been attached if you want to dive deeply, a review of the summaries will show that all of our schools and the district are either exceeding or significantly exceeding expectations.
IV. Music Program Evaluation Self-Study
This is an information item.  Kathy Bartling will join us to review the Music self-study as part of their program evaluation, including key questions and survey results.  The audit team will be in district on October 6 and 7, including a meeting with you on October 6.  Seeing the local self-study information in advance provides you with background in advance of the audit team's visit.
V. Gateway to College Program
This is an information item.  For information on Madison College's Gateway to College Program, please visit  This is a niche alternative program for students who are severely at risk of not graduating and are likely to benefit from a change of learning environment.  It is a concurrent enrollment program with Madison College where the student is enrolls at Madison College and as they earn credits at Madison College they also obtain dual high school credits that accrue to their high school requirements.  I have also attached DPI's guide to program flexibility, but that is more for in depth background on alternative programs in general.  We currently have one student participating in Gateway to College.
VI. Items for upcoming meetings
VII. Adjourn

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