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Meeting Agenda
A. Call to Order/Declaration of Quorum
B. Public Forum
B.1. Audience Participation
B.2. Recognition of Guests
B.2.a. Recognition of Teacher Incentive Allotment recipients. 
C. Administrative Reports:
C.1. Superintendent's Report
C.1.a. Enrollment and Attendance Update
D. Consent Agenda:
D.1. Minutes of Previous Meetings
D.2. Expenditures
D.3. Tax Reports
D.4. Comparison of Revenue and Expenditures to Budget
D.5. Activity Accounts Report
D.6. Budget Amendments
D.7. Investment Report
E. Closed Session:
E.1. Pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code, deliberations concerning personnel issues.
E.2. Pursuant to Section 551.076 of the Texas Government Code, deliberations regarding security devices or security audits.  
F. Action Items:
F.1. Consider and take possible action on the approval of the football field scoreboard sponsors recommended by the Athletic Booster Club.  
F.2. Consider and take possible action on the adjustment of adult meal prices in the cafeteria for both breakfast and lunch.  
F.3. Consider and take possible action to approve low attendance waivers for the High School, Middle School and Elementary Campuses. 
F.4. Consider and take possible action to approve the Resolution regarding the continuance of staff pay during the inclement weather closure, January 21, 2025.
F.5. Consider and take possible action to approve the Resolution to be a part of Region VII Purchasing Cooperative.  
F.6. Consider and take possible action on the Interlocal Agreement: CPISD to use HCYEC as the evacuation center.  
F.7. Consider and take possible action on the approval of the District Calendar for the 2025-2026 school year.  
F.8. Consider and take possible action to approve Center Point ISD's Police Department 2025 racial profiling data.  
F.9. Personnel:  Consider and take possible action to approve employee non-certified contracts.  
F.10. Personnel:  Consider and take possible action to extend or renew certified administrator contracts.  
F.11. Consider and take possible action on any items pulled from the Consent Agenda
G. Adjournment.
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: February 26, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
A. Call to Order/Declaration of Quorum
B. Public Forum
B.1. Audience Participation
B.2. Recognition of Guests
B.2.a. Recognition of Teacher Incentive Allotment recipients. 
C. Administrative Reports:
C.1. Superintendent's Report
C.1.a. Enrollment and Attendance Update
D. Consent Agenda:
D.1. Minutes of Previous Meetings
D.2. Expenditures
D.3. Tax Reports
D.4. Comparison of Revenue and Expenditures to Budget
D.5. Activity Accounts Report
D.6. Budget Amendments
D.7. Investment Report
E. Closed Session:
E.1. Pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code, deliberations concerning personnel issues.
E.2. Pursuant to Section 551.076 of the Texas Government Code, deliberations regarding security devices or security audits.  
F. Action Items:
F.1. Consider and take possible action on the approval of the football field scoreboard sponsors recommended by the Athletic Booster Club.  
F.2. Consider and take possible action on the adjustment of adult meal prices in the cafeteria for both breakfast and lunch.  
F.3. Consider and take possible action to approve low attendance waivers for the High School, Middle School and Elementary Campuses. 
F.4. Consider and take possible action to approve the Resolution regarding the continuance of staff pay during the inclement weather closure, January 21, 2025.
F.5. Consider and take possible action to approve the Resolution to be a part of Region VII Purchasing Cooperative.  
F.6. Consider and take possible action on the Interlocal Agreement: CPISD to use HCYEC as the evacuation center.  
F.7. Consider and take possible action on the approval of the District Calendar for the 2025-2026 school year.  
F.8. Consider and take possible action to approve Center Point ISD's Police Department 2025 racial profiling data.  
F.9. Personnel:  Consider and take possible action to approve employee non-certified contracts.  
F.10. Personnel:  Consider and take possible action to extend or renew certified administrator contracts.  
F.11. Consider and take possible action on any items pulled from the Consent Agenda
G. Adjournment.

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