Meeting Agenda
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Governing Board Comments**
II.A. Election of Governing Board President:
II.B. Election of Governing Board Vice - President:
IV. OPENING (Continued)
IV.A. Review, revision and ratification of Agenda
V.A. Superintendent's Report
V.A.1. Reports on the following:
V.B. Assistant Superintendent of Academic Excellence Report
V.B.1. Board report on the following:
VI.A. * Personnel Items: Discussion and possible approval on the following personnel Items:
VI.A.1. Requesting approval of staff retirement/resignation/termination notices received by the San Carlos Unified School District Human Resource Department: Gooday, J., Burnette, L., Bendle, A., Bernabe, A., Brown, E., Curtis, R., Garibay, M., Bordy, H., Clarkson, T., Redbird, K., Kitcheyan, B., Chae, K., Hays, P., Belvado, D., Cosen, R. III
VI.A.2. Requesting approval to hire the following based on recommendations received by the San Carlos Unified School District Human Resource Department: Harris, K., Harvey, K., Benally, A., Sr., Baylish, R., Bernabe, J.
VI.A.3. Requesting approval for rate increase per transfer to new position: Steele, M.
VI.A.4. Requesting approval of a stipend for the following staff as the San Carlos High School English Language Learner (ELL) Test Coordinator SY 24-25: Elthie, R.
VI.A.5. Requesting approval for the following staff to become the sponsor for San Carlos High School's Apache Club for the rest of SY 2025 and receive a stipend of $750.00: Allen, N.
VI.B. Request for disposal of the following items:
VI.C. Requesting approval of the San Carlos Governing Board Meeting Minutes of January 14, 2025.
VI.D. Requesting to accept an awarded grant to Rice Primary School from San Carlos Apache Regional Partnership Council in the amount of $11,000.00 for the Lil' Braves Kinder Camp.
VI.E. Ratification of the following expense vouchers for January 2025: 2517 & 2518
VI.F. Requesting approval for the following payroll voucher ratifications: 511, 512, 513, 514, 515
VI.G. Requesting approval for overnight travel by San Carlos High School Athletic teams, Coaches and Athletic Director or February 2025.
VI.H. Requesting approval for possible overnight travel for San Carlos High School Athletic teams, Cheerleaders and Athletic Director Mrs. Donna Antonio at Copper Division 1st Round, State Tournament 1st Round, Copper Division Semi-Finals, State Tournament semi-finals and State Tournament Championship beginning on February 11, 2025.
VII.A. Curriculum and Instruction - Action and or discussion as indicated.
VII.A.1. Approval of the 2025 - 2026 SY Academic School Calendar option B that the San Carlos Unified School District Staff voted for.
VII.A.2. Presentation by Christopher Key with Hesperus on the success, achievement and global recognition of the students of San Carlos Unified School District with the Girls Who Game (GWG) Program.
VII.B. Business and Operations - Action:
VII.B.1. Approval FY25 January Monthly Budget Reports for General Ledger and Student Funds.
VII.B.2. Approval of the Government Agreement GRA-RC029-25-1326-01 Between First Things First and San Carlos Unified School District - Rice Primary School.
VII.C. EXECUTIVE SESSION ~ Pursuant per A.R.S. § 38 - 431.03 (A)(1) Personnel, (A)(3) the board may vote to move into Executive Session for advice from the District's Attorney (either in person or via telephonic conferences call) for any item listed on the agenda. The Executive Session will not be open to the public. All persons present at an Executive Session are hereby reminded that A.R.S. § 38-431.03 imposes strict confidentiality requirements on discussions that occur in an Executive Session. Generally, such discussions cannot be revealed to non-board members. However, all board decisions will be made at an Open Public Meeting.
VII.C.1. San Carlos Unified School District Board Self-Evaluation
VII.C.2. 2025-2026 SY Superintendent and Chief Finance Officer Leadership transition plan
VII.C.3. Request for Extended Leave without pay.
VII.D. Board Action Items:
VII.D.1. Discussion and approval of the San Carlos Unified School District's Governing Board Self-Evaluation.
VII.D.2. Approval of the 2025-2026 District Leadership Transition Plan.
VII.D.3. Possible action of approval / denial of the extended leave request.
VIII.A. Rice Intermediate School Principal's board report
VIII.B. Rice Primary School Board Report
VIII.C. San Carlos Middle School Board Report
VIII.D. Human Resources/Federal Program Director Board Report
VIII.E. Exceptional Student Services Director's Board Report
IX.A. IX.A. Upcoming events:
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 12, 2025 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
I.A. Call to Order
Subject: |
I.B. Roll Call
Subject: |
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
I.D. Governing Board Comments**
Subject: |
Subject: |
II.A. Election of Governing Board President:
Subject: |
II.B. Election of Governing Board Vice - President:
Subject: |
Subject: |
IV. OPENING (Continued)
Subject: |
IV.A. Review, revision and ratification of Agenda
Subject: |
Subject: |
V.A. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
V.A.1. Reports on the following:
Subject: |
V.B. Assistant Superintendent of Academic Excellence Report
Subject: |
V.B.1. Board report on the following:
Subject: |
Subject: |
VI.A. * Personnel Items: Discussion and possible approval on the following personnel Items:
Subject: |
VI.A.1. Requesting approval of staff retirement/resignation/termination notices received by the San Carlos Unified School District Human Resource Department: Gooday, J., Burnette, L., Bendle, A., Bernabe, A., Brown, E., Curtis, R., Garibay, M., Bordy, H., Clarkson, T., Redbird, K., Kitcheyan, B., Chae, K., Hays, P., Belvado, D., Cosen, R. III
Subject: |
VI.A.2. Requesting approval to hire the following based on recommendations received by the San Carlos Unified School District Human Resource Department: Harris, K., Harvey, K., Benally, A., Sr., Baylish, R., Bernabe, J.
Subject: |
VI.A.3. Requesting approval for rate increase per transfer to new position: Steele, M.
Subject: |
VI.A.4. Requesting approval of a stipend for the following staff as the San Carlos High School English Language Learner (ELL) Test Coordinator SY 24-25: Elthie, R.
Subject: |
VI.A.5. Requesting approval for the following staff to become the sponsor for San Carlos High School's Apache Club for the rest of SY 2025 and receive a stipend of $750.00: Allen, N.
Subject: |
VI.B. Request for disposal of the following items:
Subject: |
VI.C. Requesting approval of the San Carlos Governing Board Meeting Minutes of January 14, 2025.
Subject: |
VI.D. Requesting to accept an awarded grant to Rice Primary School from San Carlos Apache Regional Partnership Council in the amount of $11,000.00 for the Lil' Braves Kinder Camp.
Subject: |
VI.E. Ratification of the following expense vouchers for January 2025: 2517 & 2518
Subject: |
VI.F. Requesting approval for the following payroll voucher ratifications: 511, 512, 513, 514, 515
Subject: |
VI.G. Requesting approval for overnight travel by San Carlos High School Athletic teams, Coaches and Athletic Director or February 2025.
Subject: |
VI.H. Requesting approval for possible overnight travel for San Carlos High School Athletic teams, Cheerleaders and Athletic Director Mrs. Donna Antonio at Copper Division 1st Round, State Tournament 1st Round, Copper Division Semi-Finals, State Tournament semi-finals and State Tournament Championship beginning on February 11, 2025.
Subject: |
Subject: |
VII.A. Curriculum and Instruction - Action and or discussion as indicated.
Subject: |
VII.A.1. Approval of the 2025 - 2026 SY Academic School Calendar option B that the San Carlos Unified School District Staff voted for.
Subject: |
VII.A.2. Presentation by Christopher Key with Hesperus on the success, achievement and global recognition of the students of San Carlos Unified School District with the Girls Who Game (GWG) Program.
Subject: |
VII.B. Business and Operations - Action:
Subject: |
VII.B.1. Approval FY25 January Monthly Budget Reports for General Ledger and Student Funds.
Subject: |
VII.B.2. Approval of the Government Agreement GRA-RC029-25-1326-01 Between First Things First and San Carlos Unified School District - Rice Primary School.
Subject: |
VII.C. EXECUTIVE SESSION ~ Pursuant per A.R.S. § 38 - 431.03 (A)(1) Personnel, (A)(3) the board may vote to move into Executive Session for advice from the District's Attorney (either in person or via telephonic conferences call) for any item listed on the agenda. The Executive Session will not be open to the public. All persons present at an Executive Session are hereby reminded that A.R.S. § 38-431.03 imposes strict confidentiality requirements on discussions that occur in an Executive Session. Generally, such discussions cannot be revealed to non-board members. However, all board decisions will be made at an Open Public Meeting.
Subject: |
VII.C.1. San Carlos Unified School District Board Self-Evaluation
Subject: |
VII.C.2. 2025-2026 SY Superintendent and Chief Finance Officer Leadership transition plan
Subject: |
VII.C.3. Request for Extended Leave without pay.
Subject: |
VII.D. Board Action Items:
Subject: |
VII.D.1. Discussion and approval of the San Carlos Unified School District's Governing Board Self-Evaluation.
Subject: |
VII.D.2. Approval of the 2025-2026 District Leadership Transition Plan.
Subject: |
VII.D.3. Possible action of approval / denial of the extended leave request.
Subject: |
Subject: |
VIII.A. Rice Intermediate School Principal's board report
Subject: |
VIII.B. Rice Primary School Board Report
Subject: |
VIII.C. San Carlos Middle School Board Report
Subject: |
VIII.D. Human Resources/Federal Program Director Board Report
Subject: |
VIII.E. Exceptional Student Services Director's Board Report
Subject: |
Subject: |
IX.A. IX.A. Upcoming events:
Subject: |