Meeting Agenda
I.A. Call to Order
I.A.1. New Board members Oath of Office, Gila County School Superintendent Roy Sandoval.
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Governing Board Comments**
II.A. Election of Governing Board President:
II.B. Election of Governing Board Vice - President:
IV. OPENING (Continued)
IV.A. Review, revision and ratification of Agenda
V.A. Superintendent's Report:
V.B. Assistant Superintendent of Academic Excellence Report:
V.C. Chief Financial Officer's Report:
VI.A. * Personnel Items: Discussion and possible approval on the following personnel Items:
VI.A.1. Requesting approval to hire the following based on the recommendations received by the San Carlos Unified School District's Human Resource Department: Patten, A., Meade, L., Nez, J.
VI.A.2. Requesting approval of staff retirement notice received by the Human Resource Department and would like to return under the Educational Services, Inc. (ESI) as a part-time employee and requesting sick and vacation leave payout with final pay: Goseyun, L.
VI.A.3. Approval for termination of the following staff for job abandonment: Redbird, K.
VI.A.4. Approval of retirement and request to receive payment of unused sick leave and vacation time for the following employee: Davidson, R.
VI.B. Requesting approval of staff resignation notices received by the San Carlos Unified School District's Human Resource Department: Chico, C., Chapman, M., Thompson, B., Jr.
VI.C. Requesting approval for an hourly rate increase per transfer notice: Allen, J.
VI.D. Approval of a critical stipend of $2,000.00 for Exceptional Student Services (ESS) for the following certified teachers (half to be received at Christmas break and the remaining at the end of the school year): Tohtsoni, A., Perez, M., Mallari, A., Lajara, R., Magnoang, P., Escarla, R., Nua, V., Stevens, T., Rivera, M., Dela Cruz, S., Farnadore, K., Paralini, J., Phillips, S.
VI.E. Requesting approval to hire the following individuals as athletic coaches for SY24-25: Kenton, K., Chee, J., Stevens, H., Ferreira, A.
VI.F. Request to approve a stipend of $700.00 for the following individual to serve as the Spelling Bee Advisor at Rice Elementary School for SY 24-25: Punzalan, L.
VI.G. Requesting approval for the following individual for a stipend of $1,500.00 as the Apache Culture Advisor for SY24-25 at Rice Elementary School: Shorten, J.
VI.H. Requesting approval to pay a stipend for additional duties for SY24-25: Hernandez, J., May, T.
VI.I. Requesting approval to hire the following based on recommendations received from the San Carlos Unified School District Human Resource Department for a custodian position: Banabana, J.
VI.J. Recommendation to approve the disposal of district assets as being broken or damaged and no longer useful:
VI.K. Approval of the San Carlos Unified School District's Governing Board meeting minutes of November 19, 2024.
VI.L. Recommendation for approval/acceptance of Freeport McMoran STEM Grant awarded to San Carlos Middle School teacher Ms. Maydafe Clark in the amount of $1,600.00 for STEM activities outlined in the grant proposal.
VI.M. Recommendation for acceptance of a $1,000.00 donation to the San Carlos Middle School Apache Club from Page Unified School District for use to further extend performance capability and purchase supplies to increase the longevity of the group.
VI.N. Ratification of the following Payroll Vouchers: 509, 510
VI.O. Ratification of the following Expense Vouchers: 2512, 2513, 2514, 2515, 2516
VI.P. Requesting approval of the donation to Rice Intermediate School from Exploration Generation Grant by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and Estes in the amount of $1,500.00.
VI.Q. Requesting acceptance of a donation check to the San Carlos Unified School District's Parent Educator Program in the amount of $400.00.
VI.R. Requesting acceptance of a donation check to San Carlos Middle School's Apache Club in the amount of $500.00.
VI.S. Requesting approval of the San Carlos Apache Tribe Education Library Grant fund in the amount of $15,000.00 to support the San Carlos High School Library.
VII.A. Curriculum and Instruction - Action and or discussion as indicated.
VII.A.1. Requesting approval for early graduation for the following students who have successfully completed their graduation requirements: Irving, G., Smith, E.
VII.B. Business and Operations - Action:
VII.B.1. Requesting approval to pay prior year Arizona Department of Education (ADE) purchase orders:
VII.B.2. Approval of FY25 November monthly budget reports for general ledger and student funds.
VII.B.3. Approval of Impact Aid Student Source Check Form for 2026 Application.
VII.B.4. Approval of FY24 Annual Audits issued on December 30, 2024, for Fiscal Year
VII.C.1. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Pursuant per A.R.S. 38–431.03 (A)(1) Personnel, (A)(3) the Board may vote to move into Executive Session for advice from the District's Attorney (either in person or via telephonic conference call) for any item listed on the agenda. The Executive Session will not be open to the public. All persons present at an Executive Session are hereby reminded that A.R.S. 38-431.03 imposes strict confidentiality requirements on discussions that occur in an Executive Session. Generally, such discussions cannot be revealed to non-board members. However, all board decisions will be made at an open public meeting.
1. Governing Board Self - Evaluation |
VII.D.1. Approval of the San Carlos Unified School District's Board Self - Evaluation.
VIII.A. San Carlos Middle School Board Reports (2)
VIII.B. Human Resource/Federal Programs Board Reports for November and December 2024.
VIII.C. San Carlos High School Board Report
VIII.D. Exceptional Student Services Director's Reports (2)
VIII.E. Rice Intermediate School Board Reports (2)
VIII.F. Rice Primary School Board Report
IX.A. Upcoming events:
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 14, 2025 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
I.A. Call to Order
Subject: |
I.A.1. New Board members Oath of Office, Gila County School Superintendent Roy Sandoval.
Subject: |
I.B. Roll Call
Subject: |
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
I.D. Governing Board Comments**
Subject: |
Subject: |
II.A. Election of Governing Board President:
Subject: |
II.B. Election of Governing Board Vice - President:
Subject: |
Subject: |
IV. OPENING (Continued)
Subject: |
IV.A. Review, revision and ratification of Agenda
Subject: |
Subject: |
V.A. Superintendent's Report:
Subject: |
V.B. Assistant Superintendent of Academic Excellence Report:
Subject: |
V.C. Chief Financial Officer's Report:
Subject: |
Subject: |
VI.A. * Personnel Items: Discussion and possible approval on the following personnel Items:
Subject: |
VI.A.1. Requesting approval to hire the following based on the recommendations received by the San Carlos Unified School District's Human Resource Department: Patten, A., Meade, L., Nez, J.
Subject: |
VI.A.2. Requesting approval of staff retirement notice received by the Human Resource Department and would like to return under the Educational Services, Inc. (ESI) as a part-time employee and requesting sick and vacation leave payout with final pay: Goseyun, L.
Subject: |
VI.A.3. Approval for termination of the following staff for job abandonment: Redbird, K.
Subject: |
VI.A.4. Approval of retirement and request to receive payment of unused sick leave and vacation time for the following employee: Davidson, R.
Subject: |
VI.B. Requesting approval of staff resignation notices received by the San Carlos Unified School District's Human Resource Department: Chico, C., Chapman, M., Thompson, B., Jr.
Subject: |
VI.C. Requesting approval for an hourly rate increase per transfer notice: Allen, J.
Subject: |
VI.D. Approval of a critical stipend of $2,000.00 for Exceptional Student Services (ESS) for the following certified teachers (half to be received at Christmas break and the remaining at the end of the school year): Tohtsoni, A., Perez, M., Mallari, A., Lajara, R., Magnoang, P., Escarla, R., Nua, V., Stevens, T., Rivera, M., Dela Cruz, S., Farnadore, K., Paralini, J., Phillips, S.
Subject: |
VI.E. Requesting approval to hire the following individuals as athletic coaches for SY24-25: Kenton, K., Chee, J., Stevens, H., Ferreira, A.
Subject: |
VI.F. Request to approve a stipend of $700.00 for the following individual to serve as the Spelling Bee Advisor at Rice Elementary School for SY 24-25: Punzalan, L.
Subject: |
VI.G. Requesting approval for the following individual for a stipend of $1,500.00 as the Apache Culture Advisor for SY24-25 at Rice Elementary School: Shorten, J.
Subject: |
VI.H. Requesting approval to pay a stipend for additional duties for SY24-25: Hernandez, J., May, T.
Subject: |
VI.I. Requesting approval to hire the following based on recommendations received from the San Carlos Unified School District Human Resource Department for a custodian position: Banabana, J.
Subject: |
VI.J. Recommendation to approve the disposal of district assets as being broken or damaged and no longer useful:
Subject: |
VI.K. Approval of the San Carlos Unified School District's Governing Board meeting minutes of November 19, 2024.
Subject: |
VI.L. Recommendation for approval/acceptance of Freeport McMoran STEM Grant awarded to San Carlos Middle School teacher Ms. Maydafe Clark in the amount of $1,600.00 for STEM activities outlined in the grant proposal.
Subject: |
VI.M. Recommendation for acceptance of a $1,000.00 donation to the San Carlos Middle School Apache Club from Page Unified School District for use to further extend performance capability and purchase supplies to increase the longevity of the group.
Subject: |
VI.N. Ratification of the following Payroll Vouchers: 509, 510
Subject: |
VI.O. Ratification of the following Expense Vouchers: 2512, 2513, 2514, 2515, 2516
Subject: |
VI.P. Requesting approval of the donation to Rice Intermediate School from Exploration Generation Grant by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and Estes in the amount of $1,500.00.
Subject: |
VI.Q. Requesting acceptance of a donation check to the San Carlos Unified School District's Parent Educator Program in the amount of $400.00.
Subject: |
VI.R. Requesting acceptance of a donation check to San Carlos Middle School's Apache Club in the amount of $500.00.
Subject: |
VI.S. Requesting approval of the San Carlos Apache Tribe Education Library Grant fund in the amount of $15,000.00 to support the San Carlos High School Library.
Subject: |
Subject: |
VII.A. Curriculum and Instruction - Action and or discussion as indicated.
Subject: |
VII.A.1. Requesting approval for early graduation for the following students who have successfully completed their graduation requirements: Irving, G., Smith, E.
Subject: |
VII.B. Business and Operations - Action:
Subject: |
VII.B.1. Requesting approval to pay prior year Arizona Department of Education (ADE) purchase orders:
Subject: |
VII.B.2. Approval of FY25 November monthly budget reports for general ledger and student funds.
Subject: |
VII.B.3. Approval of Impact Aid Student Source Check Form for 2026 Application.
Subject: |
VII.B.4. Approval of FY24 Annual Audits issued on December 30, 2024, for Fiscal Year
Subject: |
Subject: |
VII.C.1. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Pursuant per A.R.S. 38–431.03 (A)(1) Personnel, (A)(3) the Board may vote to move into Executive Session for advice from the District's Attorney (either in person or via telephonic conference call) for any item listed on the agenda. The Executive Session will not be open to the public. All persons present at an Executive Session are hereby reminded that A.R.S. 38-431.03 imposes strict confidentiality requirements on discussions that occur in an Executive Session. Generally, such discussions cannot be revealed to non-board members. However, all board decisions will be made at an open public meeting.
1. Governing Board Self - Evaluation |
Subject: |
Subject: |
VII.D.1. Approval of the San Carlos Unified School District's Board Self - Evaluation.
Subject: |
Subject: |
VIII.A. San Carlos Middle School Board Reports (2)
Subject: |
VIII.B. Human Resource/Federal Programs Board Reports for November and December 2024.
Subject: |
VIII.C. San Carlos High School Board Report
Subject: |
VIII.D. Exceptional Student Services Director's Reports (2)
Subject: |
VIII.E. Rice Intermediate School Board Reports (2)
Subject: |
VIII.F. Rice Primary School Board Report
Subject: |
Subject: |
IX.A. Upcoming events:
Subject: |