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Meeting Agenda
I. Mission Statement
II. Opening Exercises
III. Adoption of Agenda with Flexibility
IV. Recognition
        Addycen Luck - Recipient of the Golden Apple
          Scholar Award
        Charlie's Angels 16th State Championship
        GHS Powerlifting
          Yaretzi Palma - 132 lb. 2024 State Champion
          Luis Ortiz - 198 lb. 2024 State Champion
        RHS Powerlifting
          Mather Castillo - 123 lb. 2024 State Champion
        Mt. View Middle School
          Judith Carreno - 4th Place State Spanish Spelling Bee
        CWA Representatives
        GHS Skills USA and TSA
        Valley View Elementary - 2023-2024 Capturing
          Kids' Hearts National Showcase School
V. Inquiries and General Comments
VI. Information
        Special Education Update
        PBIS Initiative Review
        Strategic Plan Update
        Construction Update
        School Safety and Security Updates
          Safety Audits
          Metal Detectors
VII. Minutes
        April 4, 2024 Special Meeting
        April 8, 2024 Regular Meeting
        April 15, 2024 Special Meeting
        May 6, 2024 Board Retreat
VIII. Consent Agenda
        Approve April Bills
        Authorize May Bills
        Approve May BAR's
        FY 23-24 Repayment of Interfund Loans
IX. Action Items  
        FY 23-24 Financial Audit Report
        RHS HOSA Students Out-of-State Travel
          to Houston, TX, June 26-20, 2024
        2023-2024 Approval of Fine Arts Education
          Act Application
        Title III - English Language Acquisition
          Renewal Application
        Title III - Immigrant Subgrant Application
        Title I Part C - Migrant Education Program
        Sidney Gutierrez FY 24-25 Fixed Operating
          Budget Authorization
        Mt. View Middle School Site Selection
        RFP Recommendation - Asbestos and
          Environment Abatement Services
        RFP Recommendation - Nancy Lopez ES
          General Contractor
        Bus Contractor Evaluations
        Donation:  NM Rehabilitation Center -
          Hospital Beds      
        Private Donation:  Southwest Region
          Airgas Scholarship
        Private Donation:  Roswell Airgas
        Private Donation:  Propane Education
          and Research Grant
        Private Sponsorship/Donation:  Devon Energy
X. Reports
          Superintendent's Report
            Mr. Luck -
              Superintendent's Update
              Financial Updates and Year-to-Date Expenditure Report
              Human Resources Updates                         
              Curriculum and Instruction Updates
              Research, Assessment & Accountability Updates
          Board Communication/New and Unfinished Business
              Informational Updates and Acknowledgments
XI. Executive Session
        Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education
        of the Roswell Independent School District will meet
        in Executive Session pursuant to NMSA Section
       10-15-(H)(2) regarding limited personnel matters
        where no action will be taken.
XII. Action Items following the Executive Session
XIII. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: May 13, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
I. Mission Statement
II. Opening Exercises
III. Adoption of Agenda with Flexibility
IV. Recognition
        Addycen Luck - Recipient of the Golden Apple
          Scholar Award
        Charlie's Angels 16th State Championship
        GHS Powerlifting
          Yaretzi Palma - 132 lb. 2024 State Champion
          Luis Ortiz - 198 lb. 2024 State Champion
        RHS Powerlifting
          Mather Castillo - 123 lb. 2024 State Champion
        Mt. View Middle School
          Judith Carreno - 4th Place State Spanish Spelling Bee
        CWA Representatives
        GHS Skills USA and TSA
        Valley View Elementary - 2023-2024 Capturing
          Kids' Hearts National Showcase School
V. Inquiries and General Comments
VI. Information
        Special Education Update
        PBIS Initiative Review
        Strategic Plan Update
        Construction Update
        School Safety and Security Updates
          Safety Audits
          Metal Detectors
VII. Minutes
        April 4, 2024 Special Meeting
        April 8, 2024 Regular Meeting
        April 15, 2024 Special Meeting
        May 6, 2024 Board Retreat
VIII. Consent Agenda
        Approve April Bills
        Authorize May Bills
        Approve May BAR's
        FY 23-24 Repayment of Interfund Loans
  Fund Name Bar
  Total Instructional Materials Sub-Fund 004-000-2324-0262-I
  Public School Capital Outlay 004-000-2324-0263-I
  Capital Improvements SB-9 Local 004-000-2324-0264-I
  SB-9 State Match Cash 004-000-2324-0265-D
  REC/District Fiscal Agent 004-000-2324-0266-I
  Private Dir Grants (Categorical) 004-000-2324-0267-I
  Career technical education innovation zones and work-based learning initiatives and equipment 004-000-2324-0268-IB
  REC/District Fiscal Agent 004-000-2324-0269-I
  Stronger Connections Grant (SCG) Program - CFDA 84.424F 004-000-2324-0270-M
  Stronger Connections Grant (SCG) Program - CFDA 84.424F 004-000-2324-0271-T
  Stay in School (Special Education Initiatives) 004-000-2324-0272-T
  REC/District Fiscal Agent 004-000-2324-0273-I
  Private Dir Grants (Categorical) 004-000-2324-0274-I
  Title I Part A - ESEA  004-000-2324-0275-M
  Title I Part A - ESEA  004-000-2324-0276-M
  Education of Migratory Children, Title I Part C 004-000-2324-0277-M
  Entitlement IDEA-B 004-000-2324-0278-M
  Entitlement IDEA-B 004-000-2324-0279-T
  Preschool IDEA-B 004-000-2324-0280-M
  Preschool IDEA-B 004-000-2324-0281-M
  Education for Homeless Children and Youths Grants for State and Local Activities 004-000-2324-0282-T
  English Language Acquisition 004-000-2324-0283-M
  Teacher/Principal Training & Recruiting 004-000-2324-0284-M
  Teacher/Principal Training & Recruiting 004-000-2324-0285-M
  Rural & Low-Income Schools 004-000-2324-0286-M
  Carl D Perkins Secondary - Current 004-000-2324-0287-M
  Carl D Perkins Secondary - Current 004-000-2324-0288-T
  ARP ESSER III 004-000-2324-0289-M
  ARP ESSER III 004-000-2324-0290-T
  ESSER 3/Near Peer Tutoring 004-000-2324-0291-M
  ESSR III Round 1 004-000-2324-0292-M
  Homeless Emergency Rescue Fund 2 (ARP-HCY 2) 004-000-2324-0293-M
  Homeless Emergency Rescue Fund 2 (ARP-HCY 2) 004-000-2324-0294-T
  Community Schools Planning Grant 004-000-2324-0295-M
  Community Schools Planning Grant 004-000-2324-0296-M
  Community Schools Implementation Grant 004-000-2324-0297-T
  Community Schools Implementation Grant 004-000-2324-0298-T
  PreK Initiative 004-000-2324-0299-M
  PreK Initiative 004-000-2324-0300-M
  PreK Initiative 004-000-2324-0301-T
  Family Income Index 004-000-2324-0302-M
  Family Income Index 004-000-2324-0303-M
  Family Income Index 004-000-2324-0304-T
  Career Technical Education Program (Pilot) 004-000-2324-0305-M
  Career Technical Education Program (Pilot) 004-000-2324-0306-M
  CTE State Wide Innovation Zones - Reg 2022, HB2, P200, Item 108 004-000-2324-0307-M
  CTE State Wide Innovation Zones - Reg 2022, HB2, P200, Item 108 004-000-2324-0308-M
  Food Services 004-000-2324-0309-T
  Bilingual Multiculatural Ed Laws of 2023,Session 1,Chapt 210, Sec4,Item I 004-000-2324-0310-M
  Bilingual Multiculatural Ed Laws of 2023,Session 1,Chapt 210, Sec4,Item I 004-000-2324-0311-T
  Attendance Success Initiative reg2023, HB2, pages 219-222 item 183 004-000-2324-0312-M
  Attendance Success Initiative reg2023, HB2, pages 219-222 item 183 004-000-2324-0313-M
  CDC Healthy Schools 004-000-2324-0314-M
  CDC Healthy Schools 004-000-2324-0315-T
  Student Support and Academic Enrichment Program Title IV 004-000-2324-0316-T
IX. Action Items  
        FY 23-24 Financial Audit Report
        RHS HOSA Students Out-of-State Travel
          to Houston, TX, June 26-20, 2024
        2023-2024 Approval of Fine Arts Education
          Act Application
        Title III - English Language Acquisition
          Renewal Application
        Title III - Immigrant Subgrant Application
        Title I Part C - Migrant Education Program
        Sidney Gutierrez FY 24-25 Fixed Operating
          Budget Authorization
        Mt. View Middle School Site Selection
        RFP Recommendation - Asbestos and
          Environment Abatement Services
        RFP Recommendation - Nancy Lopez ES
          General Contractor
        Bus Contractor Evaluations
        Donation:  NM Rehabilitation Center -
          Hospital Beds      
        Private Donation:  Southwest Region
          Airgas Scholarship
        Private Donation:  Roswell Airgas
        Private Donation:  Propane Education
          and Research Grant
        Private Sponsorship/Donation:  Devon Energy
X. Reports
          Superintendent's Report
            Mr. Luck -
              Superintendent's Update
              Financial Updates and Year-to-Date Expenditure Report
              Human Resources Updates                         
              Curriculum and Instruction Updates
              Research, Assessment & Accountability Updates
          Board Communication/New and Unfinished Business
              Informational Updates and Acknowledgments
XI. Executive Session
        Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education
        of the Roswell Independent School District will meet
        in Executive Session pursuant to NMSA Section
       10-15-(H)(2) regarding limited personnel matters
        where no action will be taken.
XII. Action Items following the Executive Session
XIII. Adjourn

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