Meeting Agenda
I. Mission Statement
II. Opening Exercises
III. Adoption of Agenda
IV. Inquiries and Comments
IV.A. Participants in the public comment portion of the meeting will be limited to three minutes and are asked to sign in with the Executive Assistant of the Superintendent. The Board reserves the right to shorten the time allotted for all speakers. The Board will outline the expectations for public comment prior to the beginning of the session, and all speakers are expected to comply with those rules. |
V. Information
V.A. Folklorico Dance Program - Abie Smith
V.B. GHS Parent Video Preview Report - Brian Luck and Leslea Tivis
V.C. STEM Expo - Jennifer Cole
VI. Minutes
VI.A. 09.06.19 Training Workshop Minutes
VI.B. 09.10.19 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
VI.C. 09.25.19 Special Board Meeting Minutes
VII. Consent Agenda
VII.A. Approve September Bills
VII.B. Authorize October Bills
VII.C. Approve October BAR's 27107 GOB Library 004-000-1920-0048-I Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 004-000-1920-0049-IB Carl D Perkins Special Projects - PY Unliq. Obligations 004-000-1920-0050-M Carl D Perkins Secondary - Redistribution 004-000-1920-0051-M Private Dir Grants (Categorical) 004-000-1920-0052-I |
VIII. Action Items
VIII.A. RHS Charlie's Angels Dance Team Trip to Florida March 6, 2020 thru March 8, 2020
VIII.B. Policy I-2550 Programs for Pregnant/Parenting Students
VIII.C. Policy I-7250 Make-up Opportunities
VIII.D. Policy J-0500 Student Attendance
VIII.E. Policy J-0550 Compulsory Attendance Ages
VIII.F. Policy J-0600 Entrance Age Requirements
VIII.G. Policy J-0750 Admission of Resident Students
VIII.H. Poilcy J-0800 Tuition/Admission of Nonresident Students
VIII.I. Policy J-1300 Student Withdrawl From School/Dropouts
VIII.J. Policy J-1550 Student Absences and Excuses
VIII.K. Policy J-1650 Truancy/Chronic Absence
VIII.L. Policy J-1900 Released Time for Religious Instruction
VIII.M. Policy J-4550 Extracurricular Activity Eligibility
VIII.N. Policy L-0800 Relations with State Education Agencies
IX. Executive Session
IX.A. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of the Roswell Independent School District will meet in Executive Session pursuant to NMSA 10-15-1(H)(5) regarding collective bargaining negotiations between Roswell Independent School District and Roswell Education Association
X. Action Item
X.A. Additional Action Items relating to Executive Session
X.A.I. Negotiated revisions to Collective Bargaining Agreement with Roswell Education Association, Article 11 Length of Workday for Certified School Employees
XI. Reports
XI.A. Superintendent
XI.A.I. Personnel Report
XI.A.II. Financial Reports
XI.A.II.a. Revenue and Expenditures
XI.A.II.b. Cash Balance
XI.B. Board Members - New and Unfinished Business
XI.B.I. Alan Gedde - Board Self Evaluation Report
XI.B.II. Mona Kirk - NMSBA Legislative Resolutions
XI.B.III. Mona Kirk - NMSBA\CES Leadership Training
XI.B.IV. Mona Kirk - Census 2020
XI.B.V. Kathleen Pittman - School Events Attended
XII. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 8, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Mission Statement
Subject: |
II. Opening Exercises
Subject: |
III. Adoption of Agenda
Subject: |
IV. Inquiries and Comments
Subject: |
IV.A. Participants in the public comment portion of the meeting will be limited to three minutes and are asked to sign in with the Executive Assistant of the Superintendent. The Board reserves the right to shorten the time allotted for all speakers. The Board will outline the expectations for public comment prior to the beginning of the session, and all speakers are expected to comply with those rules. |
Subject: |
V. Information
Subject: |
V.A. Folklorico Dance Program - Abie Smith
Subject: |
V.B. GHS Parent Video Preview Report - Brian Luck and Leslea Tivis
Subject: |
V.C. STEM Expo - Jennifer Cole
Subject: |
VI. Minutes
Subject: |
VI.A. 09.06.19 Training Workshop Minutes
Subject: |
VI.B. 09.10.19 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
VI.C. 09.25.19 Special Board Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
VII. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
VII.A. Approve September Bills
Subject: |
VII.B. Authorize October Bills
Subject: |
VII.C. Approve October BAR's 27107 GOB Library 004-000-1920-0048-I Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 004-000-1920-0049-IB Carl D Perkins Special Projects - PY Unliq. Obligations 004-000-1920-0050-M Carl D Perkins Secondary - Redistribution 004-000-1920-0051-M Private Dir Grants (Categorical) 004-000-1920-0052-I |
Subject: |
VIII. Action Items
Subject: |
VIII.A. RHS Charlie's Angels Dance Team Trip to Florida March 6, 2020 thru March 8, 2020
Subject: |
VIII.B. Policy I-2550 Programs for Pregnant/Parenting Students
Subject: |
VIII.C. Policy I-7250 Make-up Opportunities
Subject: |
VIII.D. Policy J-0500 Student Attendance
Subject: |
VIII.E. Policy J-0550 Compulsory Attendance Ages
Subject: |
VIII.F. Policy J-0600 Entrance Age Requirements
Subject: |
VIII.G. Policy J-0750 Admission of Resident Students
Subject: |
VIII.H. Poilcy J-0800 Tuition/Admission of Nonresident Students
Subject: |
VIII.I. Policy J-1300 Student Withdrawl From School/Dropouts
Subject: |
VIII.J. Policy J-1550 Student Absences and Excuses
Subject: |
VIII.K. Policy J-1650 Truancy/Chronic Absence
Subject: |
VIII.L. Policy J-1900 Released Time for Religious Instruction
Subject: |
VIII.M. Policy J-4550 Extracurricular Activity Eligibility
Subject: |
VIII.N. Policy L-0800 Relations with State Education Agencies
Subject: |
IX. Executive Session
Subject: |
IX.A. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of the Roswell Independent School District will meet in Executive Session pursuant to NMSA 10-15-1(H)(5) regarding collective bargaining negotiations between Roswell Independent School District and Roswell Education Association
Subject: |
X. Action Item
Subject: |
X.A. Additional Action Items relating to Executive Session
Subject: |
X.A.I. Negotiated revisions to Collective Bargaining Agreement with Roswell Education Association, Article 11 Length of Workday for Certified School Employees
Subject: |
XI. Reports
Subject: |
XI.A. Superintendent
Subject: |
XI.A.I. Personnel Report
Subject: |
XI.A.II. Financial Reports
Subject: |
XI.A.II.a. Revenue and Expenditures
Subject: |
XI.A.II.b. Cash Balance
Subject: |
XI.B. Board Members - New and Unfinished Business
Subject: |
XI.B.I. Alan Gedde - Board Self Evaluation Report
Subject: |
XI.B.II. Mona Kirk - NMSBA Legislative Resolutions
Subject: |
XI.B.III. Mona Kirk - NMSBA\CES Leadership Training
Subject: |
XI.B.IV. Mona Kirk - Census 2020
Subject: |
XI.B.V. Kathleen Pittman - School Events Attended
Subject: |
XII. Adjourn