Meeting Agenda
I. Mission Statement
II. Opening Exercises
III. Adoption of Agenda
IV. Recognition
IV.A. Britt Cooper - Athletic Director of the Year
V. Inquiries and Comments
V.A. Participants in the public comment portion of the meeting will be limited to three minutes and are asked to sign in with the Executive Assistant of the Superintendent. The Board reserves the right to shorten the time allotted for all speakers. The Board will outline the expectations for public comment prior to the beginning of the session, and all speakers are expected to comply with those rules. |
VI. Minutes
VII. Consent Agenda
VII.A. Approve August Bills
VII.B. Authorize September Bills - (no attachment - no
bill payments have been made for Sept. as we await restoration of the district network) |
VII.C. Approve September BAR's
Carl D Perkins Special Projects - Current 004-000-1920-0018-D Carl D Perkins Special Projects - PY Unliq. Obligations 004-000-1920-0019-IB Title I - ESEA 004-000-1920-0020-M Title I - ESEA 004-000-1920-0021-M Entitlement IDEA-B 004-000-1920-0022-M Entitlement IDEA-B 004-000-1920-0023-M Preschool IDEA-B 004-000-1920-0024-M Preschool IDEA-B 004-000-1920-0025-M Title I - Striving Readers 004-000-1920-0026-M Title I - Striving Readers 004-000-1920-0027-M English Language Acquisition 004-000-1920-0028-M Teacher/Principal Training & Recruiting 004-000-1920-0029-M Teacher/Principal Training & Recruiting 004-000-1920-0030-M Carl D Perkins Secondary - Current 004-000-1920-0031-M Carl D Perkins Secondary - Current 004-000-1920-0032-M Carl D Perkins Secondary - Current 004-000-1920-0033-T Carl D Perkins Secondary - Redistribution 004-000-1920-0034-M Carl D Perkins Secondary - Redistribution 004-000-1920-0035-T Student Supp Academic Achievment Title IV 004-000-1920-0036-M Title I - Direct Student Services 004-000-1920-0037-D Title I - Direct Student Services 004-000-1920-0038-M Title I - Direct Student Services 004-000-1920-0039-M PreK Initiative 004-000-1920-0040-M PreK Initiative 004-000-1920-0041-M GRADS - Child Care 004-000-1920-0042-IB GRADS - Instruction 004-000-1920-0043-IB Private Dir Grants (Categorical) 004-000-1920-0044-I GRADS Plus 004-000-1920-0045-IB Feminine Hygiene 004-000-1920-0046-IB |
VIII. Action Items
VIII.A. RHS Choir Field Trip Request to Corpus Christi
VIII.B. GHS Band Field Trip Request to San Antonio
VIII.C. 2019-2020 District Calendar Revision
VIII.D. Fixed Asset Donation - Wool Bowl Turf to NMMI
IX. Reports
IX.A. Superintendent
IX.A.I. Report on 90-Day Plan
IX.A.II. Personnel Report
IX.A.III. Technology Attack Report
IX.A.IV. Update on Emergency Drills
IX.B. Board Members - New and Unfinished Business
IX.B.I. Discussion to encourage district transparency
IX.B.II. Discussion regarding status of artificial turf investigation
X. Adjourn
XI. Mission Statement
XII. Opening Exercises
XIII. Adoption of Agenda
XIV. Recognition
XV. Inquiries and Comments
XV.A. Participants in the public comment portion of the meeting will be limited to three minutes and are asked to sign in with the Executive Assistant of the Superintendent. The Board reserves the right to shorten the time allotted for all speakers. The Board will outline the expectations for public comment prior to the beginning of the session, and all speakers are expected to comply with those rules. |
XVI. Minutes
XVII. Consent Agenda
XVIII. Action Items
XIX. Reports
XIX.A. Superintendent
XIX.B. Board Members - New and Unfinished Business
XX. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 10, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Mission Statement
Subject: |
II. Opening Exercises
Subject: |
III. Adoption of Agenda
Subject: |
IV. Recognition
Subject: |
IV.A. Britt Cooper - Athletic Director of the Year
Subject: |
V. Inquiries and Comments
Subject: |
V.A. Participants in the public comment portion of the meeting will be limited to three minutes and are asked to sign in with the Executive Assistant of the Superintendent. The Board reserves the right to shorten the time allotted for all speakers. The Board will outline the expectations for public comment prior to the beginning of the session, and all speakers are expected to comply with those rules. |
Subject: |
VI. Minutes
Subject: |
VII. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
VII.A. Approve August Bills
Subject: |
VII.B. Authorize September Bills - (no attachment - no
bill payments have been made for Sept. as we await restoration of the district network) |
Subject: |
VII.C. Approve September BAR's
Carl D Perkins Special Projects - Current 004-000-1920-0018-D Carl D Perkins Special Projects - PY Unliq. Obligations 004-000-1920-0019-IB Title I - ESEA 004-000-1920-0020-M Title I - ESEA 004-000-1920-0021-M Entitlement IDEA-B 004-000-1920-0022-M Entitlement IDEA-B 004-000-1920-0023-M Preschool IDEA-B 004-000-1920-0024-M Preschool IDEA-B 004-000-1920-0025-M Title I - Striving Readers 004-000-1920-0026-M Title I - Striving Readers 004-000-1920-0027-M English Language Acquisition 004-000-1920-0028-M Teacher/Principal Training & Recruiting 004-000-1920-0029-M Teacher/Principal Training & Recruiting 004-000-1920-0030-M Carl D Perkins Secondary - Current 004-000-1920-0031-M Carl D Perkins Secondary - Current 004-000-1920-0032-M Carl D Perkins Secondary - Current 004-000-1920-0033-T Carl D Perkins Secondary - Redistribution 004-000-1920-0034-M Carl D Perkins Secondary - Redistribution 004-000-1920-0035-T Student Supp Academic Achievment Title IV 004-000-1920-0036-M Title I - Direct Student Services 004-000-1920-0037-D Title I - Direct Student Services 004-000-1920-0038-M Title I - Direct Student Services 004-000-1920-0039-M PreK Initiative 004-000-1920-0040-M PreK Initiative 004-000-1920-0041-M GRADS - Child Care 004-000-1920-0042-IB GRADS - Instruction 004-000-1920-0043-IB Private Dir Grants (Categorical) 004-000-1920-0044-I GRADS Plus 004-000-1920-0045-IB Feminine Hygiene 004-000-1920-0046-IB |
Subject: |
VIII. Action Items
Subject: |
VIII.A. RHS Choir Field Trip Request to Corpus Christi
Subject: |
VIII.B. GHS Band Field Trip Request to San Antonio
Subject: |
VIII.C. 2019-2020 District Calendar Revision
Subject: |
VIII.D. Fixed Asset Donation - Wool Bowl Turf to NMMI
Subject: |
IX. Reports
Subject: |
IX.A. Superintendent
Subject: |
IX.A.I. Report on 90-Day Plan
Subject: |
IX.A.II. Personnel Report
Subject: |
IX.A.III. Technology Attack Report
Subject: |
IX.A.IV. Update on Emergency Drills
Subject: |
IX.B. Board Members - New and Unfinished Business
Subject: |
IX.B.I. Discussion to encourage district transparency
Subject: |
IX.B.II. Discussion regarding status of artificial turf investigation
Subject: |
X. Adjourn
Subject: |
XI. Mission Statement
Subject: |
XII. Opening Exercises
Subject: |
XIII. Adoption of Agenda
Subject: |
XIV. Recognition
Subject: |
XV. Inquiries and Comments
Subject: |
XV.A. Participants in the public comment portion of the meeting will be limited to three minutes and are asked to sign in with the Executive Assistant of the Superintendent. The Board reserves the right to shorten the time allotted for all speakers. The Board will outline the expectations for public comment prior to the beginning of the session, and all speakers are expected to comply with those rules. |
Subject: |
XVI. Minutes
Subject: |
XVII. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
XVIII. Action Items
Subject: |
XIX. Reports
Subject: |
XIX.A. Superintendent
Subject: |
XIX.B. Board Members - New and Unfinished Business
Subject: |
XX. Adjourn