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Meeting Agenda
1) Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
2) Invocation
3) Open Forum
4) Consent Agenda
4)a. Check Register
4)b. Financials
4)c. Minutes from May 13, 2014
5) Discuss/Take Action on District Auditor
6) Review and Reaffirm the Ethics Statement
7) Review of Operating Procedures for Board and Superintendent
8) High School Graduation Review
9) Discuss/Approve the purchase of technology for High School Campus to go 1 to 1.  Enabling  the campus to begin purchasing e-textbooks.
10) Personnel
10)a. Hiring Professional and Auxiliary Personnel positions for JH, HS, Elementary, UCSSA and District.
10)b. Administrators Salaries
10)c. Salary Schedules for Transportation and Para-Professionals
11) Superintendent's Report
11)a. TASB/TASA Convention in Dallas, September 26-28, 2014
11)b. Conflict of Interest Statements
11)c. Student Enrollment
11)d. Other information
11)d.1. TASB Board Nomination Information
11)e. Board Activity Calendar
12) Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: June 9, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Regular
1) Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
2) Invocation
3) Open Forum
All persons who address the Board at this time must complete a registration form before the meeting begins. Each Speaker is limited to 5 minutes. No action may be taken regarding the information received by the board. The topic must be placed on the agenda at a future meeting to receive deliberate action.
4) Consent Agenda
Items appearing on the Consent Agenda are routine in nature and may be dealt with using a single motion, second and affirmative vote. At the request of any Board Member(s) any item can be pulled from the Consent Agenda and moved to the regular agenda for the Board’s consideration as a single item. If you have any questions concerning bills please call in advance for more detailed information. Recommendation: Approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
4)a. Check Register
4)b. Financials
4)c. Minutes from May 13, 2014
5) Discuss/Take Action on District Auditor
Once again we have sent requests to a few different Auditors to see if they would be interested in adding us to their workload and once again they stated they are full but if something changed they would notify us.  With that said we would like to stay with Moore,Caver Inc.  Possible motion:  I move the board approve to use Moore, Caver as district auditors."  A second is required.
6) Review and Reaffirm the Ethics Statement
This is an annual procedure to review and reaffirm.  No Action.
7) Review of Operating Procedures for Board and Superintendent
Once again this is a review of the procedures, if there are not changes nor areas of needed clarification there is no action to be taken.
8) High School Graduation Review
I was wondering if there were specific items you would like to see improved or other things to discuss regarding graduation.  Not an action item.  Recommendation or review only.
9) Discuss/Approve the purchase of technology for High School Campus to go 1 to 1.  Enabling  the campus to begin purchasing e-textbooks.
I had mentioned this in our May meeting and feel it will be a good investment for the future of our kids.  E-Textbooks are cheaper than paper books and I believe this would be a great move at this time.  Just estimating (we are hoping to have a good quote by Monday night) I believe we can purchase every high school kid as well as every teacher a chromebook , insurance and a case for less than $60,000.  We estimate we can save close to $20,000 on textbooks alone over the course of 3 years for this campus.  That is conservative. When you consider on AVERAGE a new textbook costs $80/student each year there is an adoption.  For example, 2014-15 HS adoption is science, then 15-16 is math and social studies.  There is not enough funding available to buy all paper textbooks with the state allotment.  This will be a fund balance expenditure at this time.  We are still projecting final expenditures/revenues for this year.  Possible motion:  "I move the board approve an allotment not to exceed $60,000 to purchase technology devices for a 1 to 1 ratio at the high school campus using funds from fund balance."  A second is required.
10) Personnel
10)a. Hiring Professional and Auxiliary Personnel positions for JH, HS, Elementary, UCSSA and District.
I have attached a list of hires and resignations since the May Board Meeting.  We are working on interviewing and offering other open positions as well.
Current openings:
HS - ELA, I should receive her recommendation today because she has already interviewed and is finalizing references
AG- Beginning to interview next week.
Math - Original person offered declined the position, interviewing additional today
Science Interviewing today

As seen on attachment, Kay Bachert (HS ELA)&  Andrew Watson (HS CHEM) have passed all tests and have signed contracts for next year.
10)b. Administrators Salaries
I have allocated a 2% raise across the board for administrtors for the 2014-15 school year. I believe this is an appropriate amount.  Possible motion is, "I move the board approve a 2% pay increase for administration as presented."  A second is required.
10)c. Salary Schedules for Transportation and Para-Professionals
Attached are the proposed salary scale changes I discussed in May.  We have built these in our preliminary budget as of date.  These new scales get para-professional salaries in level 1 to a more respectable level and bus monitors as well.  Possible motion:  "I move the board approve the salary scale changes as proposed."  A second is required.
11) Superintendent's Report
Superintendents report for board information.
11)a. TASB/TASA Convention in Dallas, September 26-28, 2014
We need to know who may be attending to begin room reservations on June 16
11)b. Conflict of Interest Statements
Karen will have these forms to sign.
11)c. Student Enrollment
11)d. Other information
11)d.1. TASB Board Nomination Information
11)e. Board Activity Calendar
Attached are possible events or actions to take each month during the year.  This is a guideline we use.
12) Adjourn

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