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Meeting Agenda
1) Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
2) Invocation
3) Open Forum
4) Recognitions
4)a. January Student of the Month
5) Consent Agenda
5)a. Check Register
5)b. Financials
5)c. Minutes from January 14, 2013
6) Curriculum and Instruction
6)a. Consider/Approve Resolution Option to Defer the 15% Provision
7) Business and Financials
7)a. Southwest Foods Excellence Review
7)b. Discuss/Approve Superintendent to submit RFP for food service
7)c. Interlocal Agreement with Upshur County Regarding Road Maintenance
7)d. Consider/Take Action on Security Cameras
7)e. Discussion/Take Action of other possible security measures for the district.
7)f. Consider/Take Action on Moving March Board Meeting Date
7)g. Consider/Take Action on the sale of:
The surface only of 1.966 acres, more or less, consisting of two tracts lying and being situated in the MARIA HONORIA POLVADOR SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 5, UPSHUR COUNTY, TEXAS, and being that tract conveyed to R.A. Mayfield, J.C. Williams and B.W. Meek, Trustees of the Shady Grove Common County Line School District No. 26 of Upshur and Wood County, by Warranty Deed,  recorded in Vol. 33, Page 523 (“First Tract”); and that tract conveyed to H.L. McWhorter, J.D. Davis, the duly elected, qualified and acting Trustees of the Shady Grove Common School District No. 26 of Upshur County, Texas recorded in Vol. 72, Page 134 (“Second Tract”).

7)h. Discuss/Approve to file an appeal of the state comptrollers assigned CPTD value
8) Personnel
8)a. Professional and Auxiliary Personnel Positions for JH, HS, Elementary, UCSSA and District
8)a.1. Evaluation and Contract Recommendations for District Administrators
8)a.2. Resignations, Terminations, New Hires, Contracts of Professional Personnel.
9) Superintendent's Report
9)a. Student Enrollment
9)b. District Events
9)c. District Incentive Winners
9)d. Important 2013 Election Dates
9)d.1. Friday, March 1, 2013 at 5:00 PM deadline for filing for place on ballot
9)d.2. Tuesday, March 5, 2013 at 8:00 AM ballot position drawing
9)e. Other Information
9)e.1. Financial Workshop on Monday, February 25 at 6:00 PM
10) Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: February 11, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Regular
1) Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
2) Invocation
3) Open Forum
All persons who address the Board at this time must complete a registration form before the meeting begins. Each Speaker is limited to 5 minutes. No action may be taken regarding the information received by the board. The topic must be placed on the agenda at a future meeting to receive deliberate action.
4) Recognitions
4)a. January Student of the Month
High School - Terry Caldwell
Junior High - Jon Ferguson
Elementary - Daphnie Blavier and Kaitlyn Henderson
5) Consent Agenda
Items appearing on the Consent Agenda are routine in nature and may be dealt with using a single motion, second and affirmative vote. At the request of any Board Member(s) any item can be pulled from the Consent Agenda and moved to the regular agenda for the Board’s consideration as a single item. If you have any questions concerning bills please call in advance for more detailed information. Recommendation: Approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
5)a. Check Register
5)b. Financials
5)c. Minutes from January 14, 2013
6) Curriculum and Instruction
6)a. Consider/Approve Resolution Option to Defer the 15% Provision
Once again the Governor has asked the Commissioner to allow district to defer the 15% rule on EOC testing and GPA.  We did this last year as well.  We need to pass the attached resolution.
7) Business and Financials
7)a. Southwest Foods Excellence Review
Last year at this time we wanted SFE to provide the district with a review to date.  We have included that again this year.  Dan Matello and Ashley with SFE will be here to visit with the board.
7)b. Discuss/Approve Superintendent to submit RFP for food service
I added this item to the agenda for a one primary reason.  I am very interested in moving our current employees over to SFE.  We only have 2 employees with 3 years in the school system currently.  We did not do this originally because, we had multiple staff members with multiple years in TRS.  It will require us to totally resubmit and go out for bids.  On another note, Union Grove and Ore City are planning on submitting RFP's for food service, we are working together and are very interested in creating a partnership in this process to save each of our districts a little money.  Approve the district to submit RFP for food service.
7)c. Interlocal Agreement with Upshur County Regarding Road Maintenance
We approve this agreement each year. Recommendation is to approve as presented.
7)d. Consider/Take Action on Security Cameras
We have received bids from 2 other sources as well as update the total # of cameras to include the office areas.  Moriah will be present to present this information.  KLC is the company we currently use for our school bus cameras. KLC is the bid we will recommend to the board for approval.
7)e. Discussion/Take Action of other possible security measures for the district.
I have had a company from Gladewater come to visit concerning a security officer on campus.  It is an alternative route to investigate.  They will actually train and license our current staff members to be security officers for the district.  Once this door is open, i am sure there will be numerous other companies that can provide the same.  Another item i would like the board to consider is the purchasing of radios for communication between all administration and offices.  We are working on a bid for this item.
7)f. Consider/Take Action on Moving March Board Meeting Date
March board meeting is scheduled for March 11 during Spring Break, we would like looking at moving it to March 18.
7)g. Consider/Take Action on the sale of:
The surface only of 1.966 acres, more or less, consisting of two tracts lying and being situated in the MARIA HONORIA POLVADOR SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 5, UPSHUR COUNTY, TEXAS, and being that tract conveyed to R.A. Mayfield, J.C. Williams and B.W. Meek, Trustees of the Shady Grove Common County Line School District No. 26 of Upshur and Wood County, by Warranty Deed,  recorded in Vol. 33, Page 523 (“First Tract”); and that tract conveyed to H.L. McWhorter, J.D. Davis, the duly elected, qualified and acting Trustees of the Shady Grove Common School District No. 26 of Upshur County, Texas recorded in Vol. 72, Page 134 (“Second Tract”).

We only received 1 bid on the property.  It was Ricky Shipp for the amount of $6,500.  Currently we have invested $??? in the attorney, survey and other items to sell the property.  Recommendation is to approve bid.
7)h. Discuss/Approve to file an appeal of the state comptrollers assigned CPTD value
Mary and I will attempt to clarify any and all issues with this item.  What is happening??  The State Comptroller does a appraisal of property values every other year.  They then determine if they believe the local appraiser is "on target" with the state's values.  Big Sandy ISD's CPTD (the value the state looks at to assign state aid to public schools) is at $155M versus the state "believed" value of $163M.  What this means ultimately is if the local assigned value does not increase, the state will penalize the ISD for the appraisal district not assigning a "reasonable" value.  We do have a couple options, 1, let it ride during the "grace" period, 2, appeal the states "assigned" values.  If we do this we must engage attorneys to file the appropriate documents and represent the district at the appeal.  I will cover this in more detail during the meeting.  We will even be able to have a conference call if needed with the attorney.  We have been in contact with the Chief Appraiser and she feels that the County might be able to help us to offset costs.  We will be able to discuss this in more detail during the meeting.
8) Personnel
We will enter closed session during this portion of the meeting.
8)a. Professional and Auxiliary Personnel Positions for JH, HS, Elementary, UCSSA and District
8)a.1. Evaluation and Contract Recommendations for District Administrators
I am finalizing the evaluations of  district administrators and directors and will present the recommendation at this time.
8)a.2. Resignations, Terminations, New Hires, Contracts of Professional Personnel.
Ms. Varnado has informed me that up to 4 teachers at the Elementary may be retiring at the end of the year.  Mrs. Potter, Mrs. Lavender, Mrs. Avey, and Mrs. Stokes.  Mrs. Potter confirmed this with me on Wednesday afternoon.
9) Superintendent's Report
9)a. Student Enrollment
9)b. District Events
I have asked Karen to provide this for each of you each month. It is a list of events we are aware of at the time of the meeting for the next 30 days.
9)c. District Incentive Winners
High school: Dianne Salton and Teri Jackson
Junior high: Jamie Edwards
Elementary: Melani Bradshaw, Kim Johnson and Carla Baker
Support staff: Jonita Fountain    
UCSSA: Brandy Camp and Bill Hensley
9)d. Important 2013 Election Dates
March 1, 2013 at 5 PM deadline to file an application for place on ballot
9)d.1. Friday, March 1, 2013 at 5:00 PM deadline for filing for place on ballot
9)d.2. Tuesday, March 5, 2013 at 8:00 AM ballot position drawing
9)e. Other Information
9)e.1. Financial Workshop on Monday, February 25 at 6:00 PM
10) Adjourn

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