Meeting Agenda
1) Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
2) Invocation
3) Open Forum
4) Recognitions
4)a. February Student of the Month
5) Curriculum and Instruction
5)a. 2012-2013 Big Sandy ISD Calendar including OFYP
5)b. Consider/Approve Resolution Option to Defer the 15 Percent Provision
6) Facilities
6)a. Football Scoreboard Update
7) Consent Agenda
7)a. Check Register
7)b. Financials
7)c. Minutes from February 13, 2012
8) Business and Financials
8)a. Wall of Honor
8)b. Drug Dog Service Agreement for 2012-2013
8)c. Wildcat Sign on Hwy 80 & Wildcat Dr.
8)d. April Board Meeting Date
8)e. Property
8)f. Policy Update 93, Affecting Local Polices (see attached list)
8)g. Struck Off Property Wiley Blvd.
8)h. Adoption of Order to Cancel School Board Elections
8)i. Bond Update
8)j. Interlocal Agreement with Region VIII
9) Personnel
9)a. Contract Renewals, Resignations, Reassignments, Terminations and Non-Renewal of Professional Personnel.
9)a.1. Discuss Term and Probationary Contracts
9)a.2. Notifications of Resignations
9)a.3. UCSSA Administrator Contracts
9)a.4. Discuss JH Principal position
10) Superintendent's Report
10)a. Student Enrollment
10)b. District Events
10)c. 4th Six Weeks Incentive Winners
10)d. Board Training Conference
10)e. Other information
11) Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 19, 2012 at 6:30 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1) Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
Subject: |
2) Invocation
Subject: |
3) Open Forum
All persons who address the Board at this time must complete a registration form before the meeting begins. Each Speaker is limited to 5 minutes. No action may be taken regarding the information received by the board. The topic must be placed on the agenda at a future meeting to receive deliberate action.
Subject: |
4) Recognitions
Subject: |
4)a. February Student of the Month
Subject: |
5) Curriculum and Instruction
Subject: |
5)a. 2012-2013 Big Sandy ISD Calendar including OFYP
We will have a final calendar available at the meeting for approval. We are in the process of having staff input and ideas.The DAT will set the remainder of the OFYP days at a later meeting. Recommendation: Approve calendar as presented.
Subject: |
5)b. Consider/Approve Resolution Option to Defer the 15 Percent Provision
Commissioner Scott has granted all school districts the option to defer the 15% rule for graduation requirements of the 2011-2012 school year. I have visited with TASB policy consultants and the action needed to be taken is approving the resolution. This will give the legislature and school districts more time to determine what exactly the new law is requiring.
Subject: |
6) Facilities
We will provide an update on facilities and construction.
Subject: |
6)a. Football Scoreboard Update
Subject: |
7) Consent Agenda
Items appearing on the Consent Agenda are routine in nature and may be dealt with using a single motion, second and affirmative vote. At the request of any Board Member(s) any item can be pulled from the Consent Agenda and moved to the regular agenda for the Board’s consideration as a single item. If you have any questions concerning bills please call in advance for more detailed information.
Recommendation: Approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
Subject: |
7)a. Check Register
Subject: |
7)b. Financials
Subject: |
7)c. Minutes from February 13, 2012
Subject: |
8) Business and Financials
Subject: |
8)a. Wall of Honor
Time to start thinking about who could be possible candidates for Wall of Honor. A list of former Wall of Honor inductees is included in packet.
Subject: |
8)b. Drug Dog Service Agreement for 2012-2013
This is a regularly updated contract of 6 half day visits for the 2012-2013 school year. Costs have not risen and remain at $215 per visit. These are typically random visits. |
Subject: |
8)c. Wildcat Sign on Hwy 80 & Wildcat Dr.
Jana asked for this to be added to the agenda. A question has been raised about restoring to its original look. We have discussed this item a couple of times in previous years. According to Wayne, Glenda Lane (Justin Lane's mother) owns the land the sign is on, he has attempted to contact her with no response.
Subject: |
8)d. April Board Meeting Date
Would it be posilbe to move the April board meeting to the 10th? The 9th is a bad weather day and it looks as if we will not need that day. Professional employee contracts will be handled during that meeting.
Subject: |
8)e. Property
As you can read in the letter, the City of Big Sandy and the CDC are asking if we will convey the property which in now Green Oil gas station. The letter explains the request in more detail. Mayor Weese will be present at the meeting to discuss the item.
Subject: |
8)f. Policy Update 93, Affecting Local Polices (see attached list)
This update is the second from TASB after teh Legislative session. I believe there are only 6 LOCAL policy revisions in this update. However, a couple policies deal with detailed topics. We will adopt according to TASB recommendation which I will explain during the meeting.
Subject: |
8)g. Struck Off Property Wiley Blvd.
This property is on the corner of Wiley and Boulder. We have not see this property prior to today.Bid is for $2,500 and taxes due are $5,080. I beleive this is an acceptable bid to place back on the tax roll.
Subject: |
8)h. Adoption of Order to Cancel School Board Elections
With 3 positions open and only 3 candidates, we can cancel the election.
Subject: |
8)i. Bond Update
I will provide the board information on remaining funds and we need to create a list to expend remaining funds prior to July 1.
Subject: |
8)j. Interlocal Agreement with Region VIII
This agreement with Region 8 is free and will give us a larger purchasing cooperative in which to select vendors.
Subject: |
9) Personnel
Subject: |
9)a. Contract Renewals, Resignations, Reassignments, Terminations and Non-Renewal of Professional Personnel.
Under this item we will discuss a few staffing issues and senarios.
Subject: |
9)a.1. Discuss Term and Probationary Contracts
This will be a conversation of professional staff: teachers, counselor, school nurse.
Subject: |
9)a.2. Notifications of Resignations
As of this date, I have received resignations from Coach McCarty and Mrs. Reyes.
Subject: |
9)a.3. UCSSA Administrator Contracts
The UCSSA Board met on Tuesday March 6th to discuss and make recommendations on the administrative contracts of Dr. Peggy Oden and Ms. Billie Clary. The board recommends a 1 year extension and a 2% raise for Dr. Oden and offer a 1 year contract to Billie Clary with a detailed growth plan and at the same rate of pay as the 2011-2012 school year.
Subject: |
9)a.4. Discuss JH Principal position
Subject: |
10) Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
10)a. Student Enrollment
Subject: |
10)b. District Events
I have asked Karen to provide this for each of you each month. It is a list of events we are aware of at the time of the meeting for the next 30 days.
Subject: |
10)c. 4th Six Weeks Incentive Winners
High School: Not available at this time
Junior High: Tammy Fountain Elementary: Shawn Pilcher, Kim McDonald, and Susan Ledkins Support Staff: Emma Meadows UCSSA: Lauren Sanders and Teameki Webb |
Subject: |
10)d. Board Training Conference
Is anyone interesting in doing the Summer training in San Antonio on June 14-16 or in Ft. Worth on June 28-30? The Fall training is September 28-30.
Subject: |
10)e. Other information
Subject: |
11) Adjourn