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Meeting Agenda
1) Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
2) Invocation
3) Open Forum
4) Facilities and Operations
5) Consent Agenda
5)a. Check register
5)b. Financials
5)c. Minutes from June 13, 2011
6) Business and Financials
6)a. District Employee Handbook
6)b. Review Estimated Revenues for 2011-2012 School Year
6)c. Student Code of Conduct
6)d. Region VII Contracts
6)e. Elementary Playground Restroom Facility
6)f. Special Meeting to discuss 2011-2012 Budget
6)g. Review of student dress code
6)h. Review/adopt employee professional dress code
6)i. Struck Off Property
6)j. Financial Auditor for 2011
7) Personnel
7)a. Professional and Auxiliary Personnel Positions for JH, HS, Elementary, UCSSA and District
7)b. High School Principal position
8) Superintendent's Report
8)a. Other Information
9) Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: July 11, 2011 at 6:30 PM - Regular
1) Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
2) Invocation
3) Open Forum
All persons who address the Board at this time must complete a registration form before the meeting begins. Each Speaker is limited to 5 minutes. No action may be taken regarding the information received by the board. The topic must be placed on the agenda at a future meeting to receive deliberate action.
4) Facilities and Operations
5) Consent Agenda
Items appearing on the Consent Agenda are routine in nature and may be dealt with using a single motion, second and affirmative vote. At the request of any Board Member(s) any item can be pulled from the Consent Agenda and moved to the regular agenda for the Board’s consideration as a single item. Recommendation: Approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
5)a. Check register
5)b. Financials
5)c. Minutes from June 13, 2011
6) Business and Financials
6)a. District Employee Handbook
This document does not need board action. It is for information only and for your review. I will have a hard copy of this as well at the meeting.  Updated information is in the handbook. 
6)b. Review Estimated Revenues for 2011-2012 School Year
I ran a template on Thursday June 30.  We will have a worksheet available at the meeting.  A new template just came out on Tuesday.  Mary and I are comparing numbers.  As of right now it looks like $335,000 less in 11-12 sy and $145,000 less in 12-13 sy.  However we will receive approx. $145,000 in EduJobs federal funds.  In all this is close to figures provided by the state.  We will show local  estimated revenues as well.
6)c. Student Code of Conduct
Attached is the SCoC for 2011-2012 SY.  The board must adopt this document.  We will need to make one final decision on graduation and DAEP placement for seniors prior to final approval.  We will discuss this during the meeting.  Recommendation is to approve as presented with board decision on graduation participation.
6)d. Region VII Contracts
The spreadsheet attached outlines contracts from 2010-11 and requested contracts for 2011-12 school year.  Cost have declined slightly.  Approximately a 5% reduction in costs.
6)e. Elementary Playground Restroom Facility
We have received a price from Bruhn Builders for $32,608 smooth block (exterior) and $34,708 split face block.  Difference is exterior block will not have to be painted.  This price is approximately $96 per sq ft.  Recommendation is to approve construction.
6)f. Special Meeting to discuss 2011-2012 Budget
Earlier in the year it was suggested to have a budget workshop to work on the 2011-2012 school year budget, we need to set a date for this workshop in early August.
6)g. Review of student dress code
At this time I would like for the Board to review current code and possible revisions requested.  This is not an action item.  I wanted the board to review and provide input.
6)h. Review/adopt employee professional dress code
The District Administrative Team has discussed this numerous times over the past 2 years.  We would like board input on dress regulations for staff members.  I found this example from another district and just modified it slightly.  I would like the board to review guidelines and approve.
6)i. Struck Off Property
This property just came in today, I have not had time to discuss this with Wayne prior to sending it out.  Will have a recommendation at the meeting.
6)j. Financial Auditor for 2011
As of this time we are contacting area auditors to determine interest in our district.  Mary and I will provide more informaiton during the meeting.
7) Personnel
7)a. Professional and Auxiliary Personnel Positions for JH, HS, Elementary, UCSSA and District
Resignations as of posting are: Mr. Winters, Cathy Whitaker (HS Sec) and 2 from SPED COOP.  I have heard rumor of 1 more coming.  (Dugger)
7)b. High School Principal position
Mr. Winters resigned effective July 30.  We need to discuss options available.  Position has been posted since June 28.  As of today i have received approximately 9 applications.
8) Superintendent's Report
8)a. Other Information
9) Adjourn

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