Meeting Agenda
1) Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
2) Invocation
3) Open Forum
4) Recognitions
5) Curriculum and Instruction
5)a. Summer School Schedule
5)b. ESL Summer Schedule
5)c. Benchmark Results
6) Facilities
6)a. Update on Construction Project
7) Consent Agenda
7)a. Check Register
7)b. Financials
7)c. Minutes from March 8, 2010
7)d. Investment Report
7)e. Bond Financial Report
8) Business and Financials
8)a. Consider/Approve RFP and Contract for Food Service
8)b. Wall of Honor Inductee
8)c. Struck Off Property
8)d. Policy Update 87, Affecting Local Polices DFBB, DFE, DI, FB, and FFH
8)e. Real Estate
9) Personnel
9)a. Professional and Auxiliary Personnel positions for JH, HS, Elementary, UCSSA and District.
9)a.1. Letters of Reasonable Assurance
9)a.2. Resignations
9)a.3. Hire professional personnel.
10) Superintendent's Report
10)a. Student Enrollment
10)b. District Events
10)c. May Board Meeting, Tuesday May 11, 2010
10)d. Other information
11) Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | April 12, 2010 at 6:30 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1) Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
Subject: |
2) Invocation
Subject: |
3) Open Forum
All persons who address the Board at this time must complete a registration form before the meeting begins. Each Speaker is limited to 5 minutes. No action may be taken regarding the information received by the board. The topic must be placed on the agenda at a future meeting to receive deliberate action.
Subject: |
4) Recognitions
JH Solo and Ensemble Winners. Laney Pilcher, Dallas Morning News Spelling Bee. We have created certificates for these students.
Subject: |
5) Curriculum and Instruction
Subject: |
5)a. Summer School Schedule
Once again Big Sandy ISD will offer summer school to many students. Attached are copies of summer school schedules for 2010. Recommendation: No action needed.
Subject: |
5)b. ESL Summer Schedule
Attached is the schedule for ESL summer school. We are required that the schedule be on the board agenda. This schedule is very similar to previous years. BSISD is required to have 120 contact hours for these students. Recommendation: No action needed.
Subject: |
5)c. Benchmark Results
Presenter: |
Daniel Pritchett
Mr. Pritchett will provide a power point concerning benchmarks as of last administration. We decided not to attach the PPP due to size. A copy will be provided at the meeting.
Subject: |
6) Facilities
Subject: |
6)a. Update on Construction Project
Wayne or I will discuss and provide an update
Subject: |
7) Consent Agenda
Items appearing on the Consent Agenda are routine in nature and may be dealt with using a single motion, second and affirmative vote. At the request of any Board Member(s) any item can be pulled from the Consent Agenda and moved to the regular agenda for the Board’s consideration as a single item. If you have any questions concerning bills please call in advance for more detailed information. Recommendation: Approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
Subject: |
7)a. Check Register
Subject: |
7)b. Financials
Subject: |
7)c. Minutes from March 8, 2010
Subject: |
7)d. Investment Report
Subject: |
7)e. Bond Financial Report
Subject: |
8) Business and Financials
Subject: |
8)a. Consider/Approve RFP and Contract for Food Service
At the mandatory pre-bid meeting, concerning food service and contract, Southwest Food Service was the only company to attend. We discussed concerns I have with current food service and what they could in turn offer BSISD. We did a walk-through at the cafeteria and watched the elementary lunch. He was pleased to express to me he believes they can help our district. Southwest Food Services will be in attendance of the Board meeting to present a presentation and answer questions.
Subject: |
8)b. Wall of Honor Inductee
A list of former inductees is included in the packet. If we desire to add someone to the Wall we need to take action tonight. I remember last month the group did state you may not induct someone each year. Recommendation: None
Subject: |
8)c. Struck Off Property
This is property is 1 acre on on Red Maple. We have 2 bids on this property. One for $1250 and the other for $1000. UCAD value is at $12000. I do not know exactly where this property is located on Red Maple.
Subject: |
8)d. Policy Update 87, Affecting Local Polices DFBB, DFE, DI, FB, and FFH
I have read and reviewed the policy update, i see no issues for the district to address concerning the local recommended policy changes by TASB.
Motion language: I move the board add, revise, or delete (LOCAL) policies as recommended by TASB Policy Service and according to the instruction Sheet for TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 87. Recommendation: Approve |
Subject: |
8)e. Real Estate
I have spoken to Mike Baldridge of Coldwell Banker, he is going to attempt to call the owner back and ask a 2nd time on the $30,000 offer. He stated initially they were not interested but would check again and he would contact me sometime Monday. This is why i added the item back on the agenda.
Subject: |
9) Personnel
Subject: |
9)a. Professional and Auxiliary Personnel positions for JH, HS, Elementary, UCSSA and District.
Recommendation: Offer letters of assurance to staff as presented.
Subject: |
9)a.1. Letters of Reasonable Assurance
This is the list of para-professionals which will return to the district next year.
Subject: |
9)a.2. Resignations
Machelle Robbins has submitted a letter of resignation effective June 30, 2010. Board will have to take action on this item.
Subject: |
9)a.3. Hire professional personnel.
As of today, I will recommend Lori Dugger for teacher only contract. She did not agree to go to probationary so she will be hired back on a term contract. I know Coach Minter and Mrs. Robbins interviewed Kelly Cook for the SS/Coach position. I believe Larry is working on stipend to see how close we can get to his current salary. Coach Cooksey and Coach Minter have interviewed a couple of persons for the girls position and as of right now they have not given me a recommendation. I have no recommendations as of today on these 2 postions.
Subject: |
10) Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
10)a. Student Enrollment
Subject: |
10)b. District Events
I have asked Karen to provide this for each of you each month. It is a list of events we are aware of at the time of the meeting for the next 30 days.
Subject: |
10)c. May Board Meeting, Tuesday May 11, 2010
This meeting is on Tuesday so we can canvas the results of the board elections.
Subject: |
10)d. Other information
Subject: |
11) Adjourn