Meeting Agenda
1) Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
2) Invocation
3) Open Forum
4) Recognitions
5) Curriculum and Instruction
5)a. Consider/Approve Optional Flex Extended Year Program
5)b. Textbook Selection Form
6) Construction
6)a. Entry Element
6)b. Flag Poles
6)c. Bus Drive
6)d. Old Gym Dressing Room Roof
7) Consent Agenda
7)a. Check Register
7)b. Financials
7)c. Minutes from January 11, 2010
8) Business and Financials
8)a. Order School Trustee Election
8)b. Designate Early, Regular, and Temporary Voting Sites for School Elections
8)c. Consider/Approve Superintendent to enter into an Agreement with Upshur County for elections equipment.
8)d. Interlocal Agreement With Wood County
8)e. Interlocal Agreement with Upshur County Regarding Road Maintenance
8)f. Consider/Approve Superintendent Obtaining RFP for Food Service
9) Facilities
9)a. Real Estate
10) Personnel
10)a. Professional and Auxiliary Personnel Positions for JH, HS, Elementary, UCSSA and District
10)a.1. Evaluation and Contract Recommendations for District Administrators
10)a.2. Resignations, Terminations, New Hires, Contarcts of professional personnel.
11) Superintendent's Report
11)a. Student Enrollment
11)b. District Events
11)c. Important 2010 Election Dates
11)d. District Incentive Winners
11)e. Other information
12) Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 11, 2010 at 6:30 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1) Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
Subject: |
2) Invocation
Subject: |
3) Open Forum
All persons who address the Board at this time must complete a registration form before the meeting begins. Each Speaker is limited to 5 minutes. No action may be taken regarding the information received by the board. The topic must be placed on the agenda at a future meeting to receive deliberate action.
Subject: |
4) Recognitions
Flags and Majorettes- Competed in a state competition. We are recognizing them with certificates.
Subject: |
5) Curriculum and Instruction
Subject: |
5)a. Consider/Approve Optional Flex Extended Year Program
This program allows the district to work extra days with At-Risk students. We must adopt a 180 day instructional calendar. We can use 10 of those days to provide intense instruction to only At-Risk students. We would like to work another year to see more results on this program. Recommendation: Approve applying for the OFEYP.
Subject: |
5)b. Textbook Selection Form
This is the annual action the district must take in textbook selection. Recommendation: Approve as presented
Subject: |
6) Construction
Subject: |
6)a. Entry Element
Proposal is attached. Jackson estimated this at $250K. Came in under $200K. Please call if you have questions, I will explain more at the meeting.
Subject: |
6)b. Flag Poles
I asked for a proposal for 2 new flag poles to be placed in between the JH and HS entrance. Attached is the proposal.
Subject: |
6)c. Bus Drive
Attached is the bid for bus drive entrances. I will discuss this in more detail at the meeting as well.
Subject: |
6)d. Old Gym Dressing Room Roof
Attached is the bid. We believe this is high and they are going to send us a new bid. Wayne expresses, this is the last of old roof areas.
Subject: |
7) Consent Agenda
Items appearing on the Consent Agenda are routine in nature and may be dealt with using a single motion, second and affirmative vote. At the request of any Board Member(s) any item can be pulled from the Consent Agenda and moved to the regular agenda for the Board’s consideration as a single item. If you have any questions concerning bills please call in advance for more detailed information.
Recommendation: Approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
Subject: |
7)a. Check Register
Subject: |
7)b. Financials
Subject: |
7)c. Minutes from January 11, 2010
Subject: |
8) Business and Financials
Subject: |
8)a. Order School Trustee Election
Its time for the board to take action in ordering the annual Trustee Election. Recommendation is to order the election.
Subject: |
8)b. Designate Early, Regular, and Temporary Voting Sites for School Elections
Polling sites need to be set. Early site will be the Business office. Regular site will be in the Foyer of the New Gym. No temporary sites are needed. Recommendation is to designate sites as presented.
Subject: |
8)c. Consider/Approve Superintendent to enter into an Agreement with Upshur County for elections equipment.
I will need to sign an agreement with Upshur County to use the equipment. I have not received this agreement as of this date, this will allow me to sign the agreement. Recommendation: Approve as presented.
Subject: |
8)d. Interlocal Agreement With Wood County
This is the agreement for Wood County to collect BSISD taxes. We did this last year as well.Recommendation is to approve agreement as presented.
Subject: |
8)e. Interlocal Agreement with Upshur County Regarding Road Maintenance
We approve this agreement each year. Recommendation is to approve as presented.
Subject: |
8)f. Consider/Approve Superintendent Obtaining RFP for Food Service
This will allow the district to go out and advertise for bids for food service. We must submit the application to TDA by the 15th of the month. I will have a schedule of events and more details at the meeting. We are not obligated to accept any bid. This will allow the district to go through the bid process. Recommendation is to approve superintendent to seek RFP for BSISD.
Subject: |
9) Facilities
Subject: |
9)a. Real Estate
I am still working on gathering and providing you more information on the property. Hope to have all information available at the meeting.
Subject: |
10) Personnel
We will enter closed session during this portion of the meeting.
Subject: |
10)a. Professional and Auxiliary Personnel Positions for JH, HS, Elementary, UCSSA and District
Subject: |
10)a.1. Evaluation and Contract Recommendations for District Administrators
I have completed the evaluations for district administration. I will provide that information as needed during executive session. I will be recommending contract extensions for all administration. I have noted areas of concern on a couple of positions and will cover those with the board. Recommendation is to extend administration contracts as presented and discuss salary in July.
Subject: |
10)a.2. Resignations, Terminations, New Hires, Contarcts of professional personnel.
KItty Watkins and Kayla Bowden have resigned effective the end of the school year.
Subject: |
11) Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
11)a. Student Enrollment
Subject: |
11)b. District Events
I have asked Karen to provide this for each of you each month. It is a list of events we are aware of at the time of the meeting for the next 30 days.
Subject: |
11)c. Important 2010 Election Dates
March 8, 2010 at 5 PM deadline to file an application for place on ballot
Subject: |
11)d. District Incentive Winners
Subject: |
11)e. Other information
Subject: |
12) Adjourn