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Meeting Agenda
1) Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
2) Invocation
3) Open Forum
4) Reports
4)a. Public Hearing on District AEIS
5) Curriculum and Instruction
5)a. Review Benchmark Results
5)b. Big Sandy ISD District and Campus Improvement Plans
6) Consent Agenda
6)a. Check Register
6)b. Financials
6)c. Minutes from November 9, 17, 30 2009
7) Business and Financials
7)a. Purchase New Tractor
7)b. Review Activity Accounting Procedure Handbook
7)c. Consider/Approve Purchasing and Travel Guidelines
7)d. EIC (LOCAL)
7)e. Technology Equipment
7)f. Report of Board Member Training Received to Date
8) Personnel
8)a. Professional and Auxiliary Personnel Positions for JH, HS Elementary, UCSSA and District
9) Superintendent's Report
9)a. Student Enrollment
9)b. District Events
9)c. Teacher Incentive Winners for 2nd Six Weeks
9)d. Information
9)d.1. Board Appreciation Dinner for January
10) Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: December 14, 2009 at 6:30 PM - Regular
1) Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
2) Invocation
3) Open Forum
All persons who address the Board at this time must complete a registration form before the meeting begins. Each Speaker is limited to 5 minutes. No action may be taken regarding the information received by the board. The topic must be placed on the agenda at a future meeting to receive deliberate action.
4) Reports
4)a. Public Hearing on District AEIS
Mr. Pritchett will present the AEIS report to the Board. All 3 campuses and the district were Academically Acceptable. No action needed.
5) Curriculum and Instruction
5)a. Review Benchmark Results
Since adopting CSCOPE as the guide to curriculum in Math and Science we wanted to show differences in benchmarks this year. We have had 2 benchmarks and have 2 more planned prior to students taking TAKS. Results are mixed. Graphs are for all subject areas ELA, Writing, Social Studies, Math, and Science.
5)b. Big Sandy ISD District and Campus Improvement Plans
This month we will approve the Campus and District Improvement Plans. These are driven by our district goals. We will have these available at the meeting because the files are too large for each of you to download with boardbook. If you would like a copy in advance please contact Karen. Recommendation: Approve Plans as presented.
6) Consent Agenda
Items appearing on the Consent Agenda are routine in nature and may be dealt with using a single motion, second and affirmative vote. At the request of any Board Member(s) any item can be pulled from the Consent Agenda and moved to the regular agenda for the Board’s consideration as a single item. If you have any questions concerning bills please call in advance for more detailed information. Recommendation: Approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
6)a. Check Register
6)b. Financials
6)c. Minutes from November 9, 17, 30 2009
7) Business and Financials
7)a. Purchase New Tractor
Wayne has been working on receiving bids for a new 40 horse 4X4 tractor, frontend loader. We decided depending on which tractor we purchase to buy the implements from that dealer. This takes the implement price out of the bid. Attached are the bids. I budgeted $20,000 for this purchase. We will have to move other funds to cover all of the equipment. Recommendation: Approve purchase of new tractor. Possible motion: I move the board approve the purchase of a new tractor as described in the specs from the Company and not to exceed $ 22,000.
7)b. Review Activity Accounting Procedure Handbook
This is a new handbook we have developed. No action is needed. For information only. This will go into effect immediately. I had a meeting on Wednesday December 9 with all staff responsible for activity accounting.
7)c. Consider/Approve Purchasing and Travel Guidelines
This is a guideline to policy and administrative procedures for staff to follow. In the guidelines we need to set meal per diem rates, lodging rate, and mileage reimbursement rates. I believe this should go into effect Jan. 1, 2010. Recommendation: Possible motion: "I move the board approve the Purchasing and travel guidelines. With rates of..."
7)d. EIC (LOCAL)
We are still on working with this policy. I hope to have it available at the meeting. If not we will postpone this until Jan. This will not go into effect until the 2010-2011 SY. We are not changing the wording much just trying to get it closer inline with TASB sample policy.
7)e. Technology Equipment
We are working on bids for some new technology equipment for the district. I am hoping we can have some rough numbers at the board meeting. If not I would like for us to discuss purchasing ENO interactive boards and ceiling mounted projectors in every classroom district wide.
7)f. Report of Board Member Training Received to Date
According to laws implemented in 2007 the Board President must read if each member has received minimum hours of training or is delinquent in training for the calendar year. New members are to have 10 in first year and others are to have 5 per year.
8) Personnel
8)a. Professional and Auxiliary Personnel Positions for JH, HS Elementary, UCSSA and District
9) Superintendent's Report
9)a. Student Enrollment
9)b. District Events
I have asked Karen to provide this for each of you each month. It is a list of events we are aware of at the time of the meeting for the next 30 days.
9)c. Teacher Incentive Winners for 2nd Six Weeks
High School - Kathy Elliff and Elizabeth Landry Junior High - Whitney Griggs Elementary - Charlene Johnson, Brenda Dotson, and Pat Lavender Support Staff - Ronnie Fischer Co-Op - Meredith Mobley Alternative School - Sonya Fluellen
9)d. Information
9)d.1. Board Appreciation Dinner for January
Set date, time and place.
10) Adjourn

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