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Meeting Agenda
1) Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
2) Invocation
3) Open Forum
4) Curriculum and Instruction
4)a. Senior Field Trip
5) Consent Agenda
5)a. Check Register
5)b. Financials
5)c. Minutes from April 14, 2009
6) Business and Financials
6)a. Canvass Votes from May 9, 2009 Election
6)b. Consider and Take Action With Respect to Adopting an Order Canvassing the May 9, 2009 Election
6)c. Seat New Board Members and Reorganize the Board
6)d. Mid Year SOF Comparison
6)e. Bank Depository Contract
6)f. Policy Update 85
6)g. Consider/Approve Authorization for Superintendent to Employ Professional Personnel May 13, 2009 - September 14, 2009
6)h. Struck Off Property
7) Facilities
8) Personnel
8)a. Professional and Auxiliary Personnel positions for JH, HS, Elementary, UCSSA and District.
9) Superintendent's Report
9)a. Student Enrollment
9)b. District Events
9)b.1. Sign up for Employee Banquet
9)c. 5th Six Weeks Incentive Winners
9)d. Other information
10) Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: May 12, 2009 at 6:30 PM - Regular
1) Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
2) Invocation
3) Open Forum
All persons who address the Board at this time must complete a registration form before the meeting begins. Each Speaker is limited to 5 minutes. No action may be taken regarding the information received by the board. The topic must be placed on the agenda at a future meeting to receive deliberate action.
4) Curriculum and Instruction
4)a. Senior Field Trip
5) Consent Agenda
Items appearing on the Consent Agenda are routine in nature and may be dealt with using a single motion, second and affirmative vote. At the request of any Board Member(s) any item can be pulled from the Consent Agenda and moved to the regular agenda for the Board’s consideration as a single item. If you have any questions concerning bills please call in advance for more detailed information. Recommendation: Approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
5)a. Check Register
5)b. Financials
5)c. Minutes from April 14, 2009
6) Business and Financials
6)a. Canvass Votes from May 9, 2009 Election
At this time we will canvass the votes on the trustee election and the bond election.
6)b. Consider and Take Action With Respect to Adopting an Order Canvassing the May 9, 2009 Election
This is the paperwork that must be done on Bond Order.
6)c. Seat New Board Members and Reorganize the Board
At this time the new trustees will take the Oath of Office and the Board will Reorganize. President, Vice-President, Secretary. Recommendation: None
6)d. Mid Year SOF Comparison
This is a report that Margaret did last year. Mary and I have tried to determine where all the numbers came from but were not completely successful. Mary revamped the report. In my opinion what we are attempting to show is a comparison of the amount of revenue the state is currently paying us compared to what we are actually earning and what we budgeted. If it does not make sense we will be able to explain it better in person. Recommendation: No action is needed, for information only.
6)e. Bank Depository Contract
At this time Mary and I are still looking at the depository contracts. We received bids from 3 banks, First National Gilmer, Austin Bank and City National (Hawkins). We will create a spreadsheet of the bids and email to you, at the latest on Monday. Recommendation: None at this time. Will provide a recommendation at board meeting. Motion: "I move the board accept the depository contract with ______________________."
6)f. Policy Update 85
I have attached the vantage points and a local policy comparison for you to review. I believe all of the local policy recommendations are good for our district. I do not recommend any changes. Certain language must be used in making the motion. Administrative Recommendation: Approve Policy Update 85. Motion: "I move that the board add, revise, or delete (LOCAL) policies as recommended by TASB Policy Service and according to the Instruction Sheet for TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 85."
6)g. Consider/Approve Authorization for Superintendent to Employ Professional Personnel May 13, 2009 - September 14, 2009
As the board approved last year, I would like to be able to offer contracts to professional personnel as needed through the summer. At this time we only have a HS science position actually open. Recommendation: Authorize the Superintendent to hire professional personnel from May 13 to September 14, 2009. Motion: "I move the board authorize the Superintendent to hire professional personnel from May 13 to September 14, 2009."
6)h. Struck Off Property
Property #1 is the same as we rejected in April at $1000 now the bid is at $2000, iI called the appraisal district and received clarification on this property after last months discussion. this bid is only on the 1.24 acres. That leaves 4 acres of the tract. I believe this is closer in line and would accept the bid. Property #2 is a very small track and probably not worth much more than the bid. Recommendation: Accept Struck off Property #1 and Accept Struck off Property #2. Motion: "I move the board accept the resolution for struck off property bid #1 at $2000 for 1.24 acres." "I move the board accept the resolution for struck off property bid #2 at $1000 for 0.253 acres."
7) Facilities
I placed this on the agenda if the bond passes. If it does pass, I have a meeting planned at 10am on Tuesday morning with the Construction Manager, Architect, Wayne and myself. We want to begin the construction phase plan. I want to be able to present some of this to the board if possible. Recommendation: None for information only.
8) Personnel
8)a. Professional and Auxiliary Personnel positions for JH, HS, Elementary, UCSSA and District.
We have 2 persons to hire at the COOP. They are Kristy Ward and Andrea Nykamp. At this time these are the only new hires. Mrs. Beall and Ms.McCarty both did pass their ExCET tests but have not provided me documentation of adding it to their certificate. If they do prior to the meeting I will recommend them to be hired, if not it will be done at a later date. No resignations as of this time. Recommendation: Hire personnel as presented. Motion: "I move the board hire professional personnel as presented."
9) Superintendent's Report
Superintendents report if for board information.
9)a. Student Enrollment
9)b. District Events
I have asked Karen to provide this for each of you each month. It is a list of events we are aware of at the time of the meeting for the next 30 days.
9)b.1. Sign up for Employee Banquet
9)c. 5th Six Weeks Incentive Winners
9)d. Other information
10) Adjourn

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