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Meeting Agenda
1) Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
2) Invocation
3) Open Forum
4) Reports
4)a. Campus Reports
5) Facilities and Operations
6) Curriculum and Instruction
6)a. Textbook Update
6)b. PDAS Appraisers for the 2008-2009 school year
7) Consent Agenda
7)a. Check register
7)b. Financials
7)c. Minutes from August 11, 2008 and August 28, 2008
8) Business and Financials
8)a. Review Qualifications and Hire Construction Manager At Risk
8)b. Consider/Approve Selling of Old District Vehicles and Miscellaneous items.
8)c. Purchase of new school bus
8)d. Purchase of Cargo Trailer for District Use
8)e. Board Operating Procedures Handbook
8)f. Set Date for Public Hearing on the District FIRST Rating
8)g. Payscale for Bus Drivers
9) Executive Session
9)a. Personnel
9)a.1. Elementary, JH and HS Professional Positions (Hiring, Resignations, Re-Assignments)
10) Action from Executive Session
10)a. Personnel
10)b. Elementary, JH and HS Professional Positions (Hiring, Resignations, Re-Assignments)
11) Superintendent's Report
11)a. Consider Superintendent Goals and Review Evaluation Document
11)b. TASB/TASA Convention
11)c. Student Enrollment
11)d. District Events
11)e. Board Pictures
11)f. Other Information
12) Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: September 8, 2008 at 6:30 PM - Regular
1) Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
2) Invocation
3) Open Forum
All persons who address the Board at this time must complete a registration form before the meeting begins. Each Speaker is limited to 5 minutes. No action may be taken regarding the information received by the board. The topic must be placed on the agenda at a future meeting to receive deliberate action.
4) Reports
4)a. Campus Reports
The campus Principals will give a short report on their individual campuses. I have expressed to them 3 - 5 minutes in length.
5) Facilities and Operations
6) Curriculum and Instruction
6)a. Textbook Update
I just wanted to give a brief update on the textbook issue. After Mrs. Wilson addressed the board I checked with Mrs. Robbins, I was wrong on which class I thought we were short on textbooks. I thought it was Biology: however, it was History. Machelle was unaware of the shortfall of textbooks in both class as well. Neither teacher had contacted her. We have now oreded more textbooks to ensure every child will have access to a book during class and at home.
6)b. PDAS Appraisers for the 2008-2009 school year
PDAS Appraiser for the school year will be Daniel Pritchett, Donna Varnado, Byron Jordan, Machelle Robbins, and Scott Beene.
7) Consent Agenda
Items appearing on the Consent Agenda are routine in nature and may be dealt with using a single motion, second and affirmative vote. At the request of any Board Member(s) any item can be pulled from the Consent Agenda and moved to the regular agenda for the Board’s consideration as a single item. If you have any questions concerning bills please call in advance for more detailed information. Recommendation: Approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
7)a. Check register
7)b. Financials
7)c. Minutes from August 11, 2008 and August 28, 2008
8) Business and Financials
8)a. Review Qualifications and Hire Construction Manager At Risk
After we advertised for qualifications for construction manager at risk we did not hire a manager for our project. Jackson Construction was the only company that submitted qualifications. Tim has come by and visited with me and is planning on being at this meeting. I will get each of you a qualifications booklet prior to the meeting. Attached is the proposal for Fee, Bonds, Insurance, Indirect Costs and Savings. Recommendation: Hire Tim Jackson Construction Co. Inc. as Construction Manager at Risk.
8)b. Consider/Approve Selling of Old District Vehicles and Miscellaneous items.
We need to sell some old buses, a truck and other items. I recommend we advertise sealed bids for each item individually or as one unit.
8)c. Purchase of new school bus
Wayne has recieved a price on a new school bus. It is an International like the other new ones purchased in previous years. 77 passenger without AC is $76,373 with AC it is $83,573.
8)d. Purchase of Cargo Trailer for District Use
Currently we send a small old school bus on each out of town varsity football trip. The bus has over 200K mile on the hubometer. Wayne could use this to haul furniture, lawnmowers and other items around. I am currently pricing new ones, if you know of a used one I would definately look at it as well. Best price found so far is from Big Tex trailers for $3845 for a 6'8" X 12" with 6'6" inside clearance, 1 side door and 1 back door. Recommendation: Purchase a cargo trailer for district use.
8)e. Board Operating Procedures Handbook
As I mentioned last month at the regular meeting I have developed a set of Operating Procedures for the Board of Trustees. I would like for us to review these and add or delete anything you see fit. I believe this document would be very beneficial to each of us. Recommendation: Adopt the Board Operating Procedures.
8)f. Set Date for Public Hearing on the District FIRST Rating
Once again it is time to set a date for the FIRST Rating. We must post this as a public meeting. I recommend we have the public meeting during the regular board meeting date of October 13, 2008.
8)g. Payscale for Bus Drivers
Since we have dropped one bus route it has added time to just about everyones route. Wayne and I are currently working on a new scale to pay drivers. I will have it ready at Mondays meeting. Recommendation will be to approve a new pay scale for bus drivers.
9) Executive Session
We will enter closed session during this portion of the meeting. At this time I have no business to discuss unless the board does.
9)a. Personnel
I will give you an update on resignations and hires.
9)a.1. Elementary, JH and HS Professional Positions (Hiring, Resignations, Re-Assignments)
10) Action from Executive Session
10)a. Personnel
10)b. Elementary, JH and HS Professional Positions (Hiring, Resignations, Re-Assignments)
11) Superintendent's Report
11)a. Consider Superintendent Goals and Review Evaluation Document
We have spoken previously about Superintendent Goals. I would like for each of you to bring 1 to 3 goals you have for me and the district. Ultimately we need to discuss these goals and decide on 5 for me to be evaluated on in the future months. One way I have done this before is to set up a committee to meet with me and determine goals and make a recommendation to the board. This can also be done with the evaluation instrument as well. I would recommend this be the approach we take. I will also have goals written for your review.
11)b. TASB/TASA Convention
Ok we need to set some definate plans for the convention. I will work on a tennative schedule before Monday night.
11)c. Student Enrollment
11)d. District Events
I have asked Karen to provide this for each of you each month. It is a list of events we are aware of at the time of the meeting for the next 30 days.
11)e. Board Pictures
Please come prepared to take a new board picture for the district website.
11)f. Other Information
12) Adjourn

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