Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
1.A. Declaration of Quorum
2. Board Workshop - Special Education
3. Canvass results of May 7, 2016 trustee election, declare winners, swearing in of board members and reorganization of school board
4. Closed Meeting as authorized by Texas Government Code Chapter 551.001 through 551.146, shall be declared by the Board of Trustees when necessary, during the course of the meeting at the time, date and place of this notice.
5. Opening Activities
5.A. Invocation
5.B. Pledge of Allegiance - Intermediate Students: Ariel Turner, Savannah Wagner, Nicholas Dunn and Mia Patlan
5.C. Public Comment
6. Spotlight
6.A. Special Recognition
6.B. State Track Meet - Cameron Boren
6.C. Girls / Boys Golf Teams
6.D. Varsity Baseball
6.E. High School UIL Academics
6.F. UIL One Act Play
7. 15 Minute Recess
8. Consent Items
8.A. Minutes of April 25, 2016
8.B. April Disbursements
8.C. Budget Amendment(s)
8.D. Approval of Donation
8.E. Property Tax Resales
8.F. Grants
8.G. Out of State Trips
9. Discussion / Action Items
9.A. Presentation and Purchase of Title I Technology Items
9.B. Custodial Services Contract Renewal with GCA Services Group of Texas, LP
9.C. Child Nutrition Purchasing Cooperative
9.D. Project Lead the Way Program for the 2016-2017 School Year
9.E. 2015-2017 District Improvement Plan
9.F. TASB Local Policy Update 104 - Second Reading
9.G. Employee Compensation Package for 2016-2017 School Year
9.H. Workers' Compensation Contract
9.I. Application for the following grants through TEA for 2016-2017: Title I, Part C Carl D Perkins Grant and Education Job Funds Grant
9.J. Mabank ISD Resolution for Kaufman County Hazard Mitigation Plan
10. Information Items
10.A. Superintendent's Report
10.A.1. Graduation / May 26, 2016 / 7:30 p.m. Curtis Culwell Center
10.A.2. Bond Projects
10.B. Asst. Superintendent of Business Operations Report
10.B.1. Monthly Financial Report
10.B.2. Cash Position
10.B.3. Tax Collection
10.B.4. Budget Process / Timeline
10.B.5. Student Insurance Policy
10.C. Asst. Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction Report
10.C.1. Curriculum Update
11. Personnel
11.A. Employment / Resignations
12. Closing Activities
12.A. Questions / Announcements
12.B. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | May 16, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Subject: |
1.A. Declaration of Quorum
Subject: |
2. Board Workshop - Special Education
Subject: |
3. Canvass results of May 7, 2016 trustee election, declare winners, swearing in of board members and reorganization of school board
Order of Canvass and Unofficial results are attached. I will upload Official Results as soon as we receive documentation from the county. We should receive Friday or Monday. The motion is included in the Order of Canvass to accept election results. Recommendation: Review results and make a motion to accept results.
Subject: |
4. Closed Meeting as authorized by Texas Government Code Chapter 551.001 through 551.146, shall be declared by the Board of Trustees when necessary, during the course of the meeting at the time, date and place of this notice.
Subject: |
5. Opening Activities
Subject: |
5.A. Invocation
Subject: |
5.B. Pledge of Allegiance - Intermediate Students: Ariel Turner, Savannah Wagner, Nicholas Dunn and Mia Patlan
Subject: |
5.C. Public Comment
Subject: |
6. Spotlight
Subject: |
6.A. Special Recognition
Subject: |
6.B. State Track Meet - Cameron Boren
Subject: |
6.C. Girls / Boys Golf Teams
Subject: |
6.D. Varsity Baseball
Subject: |
6.E. High School UIL Academics
Subject: |
6.F. UIL One Act Play
Subject: |
7. 15 Minute Recess
Subject: |
8. Consent Items
Subject: |
8.A. Minutes of April 25, 2016
Subject: |
8.B. April Disbursements
Subject: |
8.C. Budget Amendment(s)
Subject: |
8.D. Approval of Donation
Subject: |
8.E. Property Tax Resales
Subject: |
8.F. Grants
Subject: |
8.G. Out of State Trips
Subject: |
9. Discussion / Action Items
Subject: |
9.A. Presentation and Purchase of Title I Technology Items
James Pate will make a brief presentation. We are requesting approval to purchase technology items from current Title I grant. Recommendation: Approval
Subject: |
9.B. Custodial Services Contract Renewal with GCA Services Group of Texas, LP
Refer to attached information. Recommendation: Approval
Subject: |
9.C. Child Nutrition Purchasing Cooperative
Refer to attached information. Recommendation: Approval
Subject: |
9.D. Project Lead the Way Program for the 2016-2017 School Year
Refer to attachments. A sample agreement attached. Recommendation: Approval
Subject: |
9.E. 2015-2017 District Improvement Plan
The District Improvement Plan will be uploaded later.
Subject: |
9.F. TASB Local Policy Update 104 - Second Reading
Refer to attachments: Recommendation: Approval
Subject: |
9.G. Employee Compensation Package for 2016-2017 School Year
Refer to attached information. Recommendation: Approval
Subject: |
9.H. Workers' Compensation Contract
Refer to attached information. Recommendation: Approval
Subject: |
9.I. Application for the following grants through TEA for 2016-2017: Title I, Part C Carl D Perkins Grant and Education Job Funds Grant
Refer to attached memo. Recommendation: Approval
Subject: |
9.J. Mabank ISD Resolution for Kaufman County Hazard Mitigation Plan
Information and Resolution attached. Recommendation: Approval
Subject: |
10. Information Items
Subject: |
10.A. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
10.A.1. Graduation / May 26, 2016 / 7:30 p.m. Curtis Culwell Center
Subject: |
10.A.2. Bond Projects
Subject: |
10.B. Asst. Superintendent of Business Operations Report
Subject: |
10.B.1. Monthly Financial Report
Subject: |
10.B.2. Cash Position
Subject: |
10.B.3. Tax Collection
Subject: |
10.B.4. Budget Process / Timeline
Subject: |
10.B.5. Student Insurance Policy
Subject: |
10.C. Asst. Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction Report
Subject: |
10.C.1. Curriculum Update
Subject: |
11. Personnel
Subject: |
11.A. Employment / Resignations
Subject: |
12. Closing Activities
Subject: |
12.A. Questions / Announcements
Subject: |
12.B. Adjournment