Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
1.A. Declaration of Quorum
2. Public Hearing: A public hearing to discuss the overview of Mabank ISD's FIRST Report (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas) will be held at 310 E. Market St., Mabank, TX on Monday, November 17, 2014 at 6:30 pm.
3. Closed Meeting as authorized by Texas Government Code Chapter 551.001 through 551.146, shall be declared by the Board of Trustees when necessary, during the course of the meeting at the time, date and place of this notice.
4. Opening Activities
4.A. Invocation
4.B. Pledge of Allegiance: Southside Elementary students - William McCarley, Kara Mohler, Spencer Chance, Serena Cassidy, Landry Gammon, Kyle Mohler, Savannah Wagoner
4.C. Public Comment
5. Spotlight
5.A. Cross Country
5.B. Varsity Volleyball
5.C. High School Band
6. Consent Items
6.A. Minutes of October 27, 2014
6.B. October Disbursements
6.C. Budget Amendment(s)
6.D. Approval of Donation(s)
6.E. Property Tax Resales
6.F. Grants
7. Discussion / Action Items
7.A. Property Insurance
7.B. Change the date of the January board meeting to January 20, 2015
7.C. Continuing Education Requirements for Board Members
7.D. TASB Local Policy Update 100 - Second Reading
7.E. Interlocal Agreement with City of Mabank regarding parking lots
7.F. Lakeview Elementary School Year 2014-2015 Targeted Improvement Plan for the Texas Accountability Intervention System
7.G. Appoint Trustee to serve on MISD Education Foundation Committee
7.H. Amendment to Mabank ISD Policy FM (LOCAL) Student Activities - First Reading
8. Information Items
8.A. Superintendent's Report
8.A.1. District's Christmas Tea - Wed. December 3, 2014 MISD Board Room 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
8.A.2. Schedule Special Board Meeting
8.B. Asst. Superintendent of Business Operations Report
8.B.1. Monthly Financial Report
8.B.2. Cash Position
8.B.3. Tax Collection
8.C. Curriculum Director's Report
8.C.1. Curriculum Update
8.C.2. Annual ESL Report (English as Second Language)
9. Personnel
9.A. Employment / Resignations
9.B. Opening of six teacher slots to be filled as needed
10. Closing Activities
10.A. Questions / Announcements
10.B. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 17, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Subject: |
1.A. Declaration of Quorum
Subject: |
2. Public Hearing: A public hearing to discuss the overview of Mabank ISD's FIRST Report (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas) will be held at 310 E. Market St., Mabank, TX on Monday, November 17, 2014 at 6:30 pm.
Subject: |
3. Closed Meeting as authorized by Texas Government Code Chapter 551.001 through 551.146, shall be declared by the Board of Trustees when necessary, during the course of the meeting at the time, date and place of this notice.
Subject: |
4. Opening Activities
Subject: |
4.A. Invocation
Subject: |
4.B. Pledge of Allegiance: Southside Elementary students - William McCarley, Kara Mohler, Spencer Chance, Serena Cassidy, Landry Gammon, Kyle Mohler, Savannah Wagoner
Subject: |
4.C. Public Comment
Subject: |
5. Spotlight
Subject: |
5.A. Cross Country
Subject: |
5.B. Varsity Volleyball
Subject: |
5.C. High School Band
Subject: |
6. Consent Items
Subject: |
6.A. Minutes of October 27, 2014
Subject: |
6.B. October Disbursements
Subject: |
6.C. Budget Amendment(s)
Subject: |
6.D. Approval of Donation(s)
Subject: |
6.E. Property Tax Resales
Subject: |
6.F. Grants
Subject: |
7. Discussion / Action Items
Subject: |
7.A. Property Insurance
Refer to attachment. The policy will renew in January 2015. Recommendation: Renew with TASB.
Subject: |
7.B. Change the date of the January board meeting to January 20, 2015
Due to Mid Winter Conference the regular board meeting in January will be Mon. January 20, 2015. January is board appreciation month - Board dinner will be at 6:00 p.m. Recommendation: Approval
Subject: |
7.C. Continuing Education Requirements for Board Members
Training hours for each board member attached. Motion: Board President needs to state that each board member has met or exceeded the required training hours for the current year and all board members and superintendent received a copy of TASB's "Framework for Governance Leadership". The framework was emailed to you on Oct. 29, 2014.
Subject: |
7.D. TASB Local Policy Update 100 - Second Reading
Refer to attachments. Recommendation: Approval
Subject: |
7.E. Interlocal Agreement with City of Mabank regarding parking lots
Refer to attachment. Recommendation: Approval
Subject: |
7.F. Lakeview Elementary School Year 2014-2015 Targeted Improvement Plan for the Texas Accountability Intervention System
Refer to attachment. Recommendation: Approval
Subject: |
7.G. Appoint Trustee to serve on MISD Education Foundation Committee
The board needs to select a trustee to replace Tyson Johnson to serve on the foundation committee.
Subject: |
7.H. Amendment to Mabank ISD Policy FM (LOCAL) Student Activities - First Reading
Refer to attached summary and draft of policy. Recommendation: Approval
Subject: |
8. Information Items
Subject: |
8.A. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
8.A.1. District's Christmas Tea - Wed. December 3, 2014 MISD Board Room 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Subject: |
8.A.2. Schedule Special Board Meeting
Look at your calendars to see if Jan. 13, 2015 will work for the special board meeting.
Subject: |
8.B. Asst. Superintendent of Business Operations Report
Subject: |
8.B.1. Monthly Financial Report
Subject: |
8.B.2. Cash Position
Subject: |
8.B.3. Tax Collection
Subject: |
8.C. Curriculum Director's Report
Subject: |
8.C.1. Curriculum Update
Subject: |
8.C.2. Annual ESL Report (English as Second Language)
Refer to attachment. Ms. Thompson will be present at the board meeting if you have any questions.
Subject: |
9. Personnel
Subject: |
9.A. Employment / Resignations
Subject: |
9.B. Opening of six teacher slots to be filled as needed
Subject: |
10. Closing Activities
Subject: |
10.A. Questions / Announcements
Subject: |
10.B. Adjournment